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Posts posted by Bob806

  1. 37 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    I believe the players who are making mistakes constantly won't be here next year. Meanwhile,

    not much to do to fix the oline and TE positions. This oline can't compete with the better defenses

    the Browns have been facing. I hope they go on a winning run. It isn't like the patriots beat the Browns 42 to 7.

    I think the o line played well today, and vs Seattle, Baltimore. 

    It's maddening watching the same stupid penalties, same stupid turnovers. Chubb, of all people ouch..I feel bad for him. .

  2. I don't want him fired, but I'm aggravated about all these damn penalties. Yeah, some of them (today) are BS, but we do know when Greg Williams came in, the penalties were few and far between.

    Pre snap penalties all season. I don't get it. 

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  3. 9 minutes ago, tinythinker said:

    Serious or satirical, do you have a panic button suggestion with the Browns dropping to 2-5 in their predicted comeback season?

    For example, do you want to talk about:

    • Should they ditch the HC? If so, who do you see as a realistic replacement? When?
    • Is there a team philosophy/behavior issue that needs addressed? How so?
    • Are there drastic changes needed to the starting lineup or to the configurations/play calling?
    • Should we be looking at who we might want to acquire through trades or the draft in the spring?
    • Some other area not mentioned?

    Share now, and beat the rush!

    Yes, something isn't right. Greg Williams reduced the penalties significantly after Hue got canned. I assume there was some kind of accountability mandate enforced.

    Granted, like today, some of these penalties are pure BS, but the pre-snap penalties are absolutely killing the team. 

    Now, we get to go to a house of horrors, Denver. Yikes.

  4. On 10/21/2019 at 3:45 PM, The Gipper said:

    Here are this weeks Survey Questions:

    1. Going on a theme from Hoorta:   What opposing team player, active in the NFL, do YOU hate the most?

    Justin Tucker

    2. A. Which player on the Browns has been the biggest...positive...suprise so far this year?


    B. Which player on the Browns has been the biggest disappointment  so far this year?


    3. A.Which NFL team has been the biggest....positive....surprise....so far this year?


    B. Which NFL team has been the biggest disappointment so far this year?


    4. What are the 1 or 2 things the Browns need to do going forward this year to get them to where you think they should be?

    Use a FB or TE in the backfield. Baker needs help and confidence in pass protection.

    5. The World Series is set.    Who do you think WILL win?   and who do you WANT to win?     Astros or Nationals?

    Astros on both.



  5. You had to figure the Ratbirds and Steelers wouldn't "go away." 

    I don't like Jackson, but he's a waterbug playing QB. Simply difficult to corral. You've got to get ahead by a couple scores by the 3rd Q to make them throw, and exploit his "weakness." Jackson is only going to get better, so the Browns have to step it up.

    Let's hope the Browns coaching staff did some soul-searching and serious adjusting over the BYE. Otherwise this forum is going to be littered with endless draft talk like in years past.

  6. Hate to say it, but I went with 8-8 and I hope I'm wrong. 

    I have a bad feeling about the next 2 games, both NE & Denver are houses of horror for the Browns, historically speaking. 

    Now if the Browns implement a better protection scheme, like using one of their TEs as a FB, maybe, just maybe they'll be ok. There were signs of hop ein the Seattle game that the offense was clicking, but I still think the one-back set is a bad idea with an average pass blocking O-line. 

  7. 31 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

     I just wonder. What teams make the NFL the most money? Detroit vs Green Bay?

    Maybe those teams that have been to superbowls?

    don't know. Just...something isn't right. There has to be some reason Goodhell does not hold his referees accountable.


    Yeah something isn't right. I see players ripping their helmets off all the time, but only once it was penalized (Browns). 


  8. On 10/14/2019 at 7:06 AM, OldBrownsFan said:

    Although the Browns have gotten more than their fair share of bad calls with terrible officiating I can't believe this is some kind of conspiracy against the Browns. All the teams are getting bad calls. The good teams learn to over come it and the Browns have to do it. It's hard to do. I get as mad as anyone to see the terrible calls the Browns have gotten  but the Browns are going to have overcome it and not use it as an excuse for failure.

    I tried to convince myself with your logic, well-reasoned writings many many times. 

    After last seasons hosings in New Orleans and Oakland, and now on Sunday, I am convinced there's a memo signed by Paul Tagliabue in the league office...." Give Cleveland their name and colors, a franchise back, and nothing else until 2059."

    • Upvote 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Vambo said:


    Yeah, total BS for sure. Maybe the Lions get another apology letter...they got screwed vs the Chiefs by officiating a couple weeks ago.

    Why is it that Green Bay, Denver, New England and Pittsburgh get "opportune calls" while Cle, Detroit, and Oakland get jobbed every season? 

    Refs gave GB the game. I'm not a Lions fan but it pissed me off so bad I had trouble getting to sleep.

    It's getting old NFL.


  10. 4 hours ago, Raven5220 said:

      I don't mean to kick you all while you're down, but all the build up surrounding the Browns this year drove everyone nuts except your fanbase.  Everyone else was just shaking our heads. 

    Let's see- our team has been absolutely atrocious since 2008, goes 1-31 in a two year span, then goes 7-8-1.

    That's the story, and it's a good NFL story. For the first time in a long long time, there is hope here. The national media spotlighted it, it didn't originate from Cleveland. 

    Quit stirring the pot.




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  11. I've always said that surviving the 1st quarter is the main obstacle for a road game. So far, so good for the Browns this season.

    Keep that up and we can get the W.

    I've been impressed with Wilks' D game plans. Plus, he knows the 9ers fairly well. 

    Nothing is easy for Cle ever. I see a close one, I think we take it and move to 3-0 on the road.

  12. 2 hours ago, The Gipper said:

    Here are this week's Survey Questions.    Give your answers/opinions

    1. My belief, after yesterday, is that the Browns are the team to beat in the AFCN.   Which of the other 3 teams do you think will be the Browns biggest challenge for the division?

    Pittsburgh & the Ratbirds. Nothing is going to be easy, the Browns still need to grow.

    2. While the Browns had a stellar performance yesterday....which areas do you feel they need the most improvement at?

    Pass blocking for sure. 

    3. Should Freddie stick to just being HC, and give up play calling duties.....or not...and why?

    No. Too soon to judge but I'm not a big fan of coaches who do this.

    4. It seems that we are being inundated by "betting threads" on here.    Do you regularly bet on NFL games?

    Not anymore. Gave it up 30 years ago.

    5.  As many as 1/4th or more of the projected starting QBs in this league have gone down for one reason or another:  injury/illness/benched.  Guys like Brees/BR/Trubisky now/inluding Luck/Darnold/Josh Allen/Foles.     Is this trend of  QBs going out going to continue?

    Yes, it's a violent game.

    6. Have you got a trip to go anywhere this Fall?  Where?

    Im actually on one now. Presently  camping on Galveston Island, after pit stops in Tennessee and the Buffalo National River in Arkansas. Coming home via Mississippi/Kentucky.


  13. I'm concerned with the amount of penalties the Browns commit. It's one thing to get beat, but the Browns get in their own way constantly. 

    Regarding the Ratbirds, it's going to be tough but they can steal the game. I don't think the secondary in Baltimore is s strong suit for them. I'd dink & dunk down the field if I was Freddy.

    • Upvote 2
  14. 7 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

    We're gonna need that extra day to fix what's broken and learn how to play through some of the worst adversity this team will ever face. Win Monday and we can look yesterday in the rear view mirror. It CAN be done.

    It needs to be done. 

    Damn what a huge disappointment. Probably the most deflating opener I can remember since the Chargers killed us on a Monday night in 1981.

  15. 3 hours ago, Mudfly said:

    A little pre-game posturing perhaps?......Telling the Titans I cant run full speed, then ripping the top off their defense?

    He does practice everyday -full speed - so Im not really sweating this one.....

    We sure hope so.

    Not much, if any mini camp work, no preseason action. So how does one aggravate a hip without action?

    I hope like hell this is a smokescreen.

  16. On 9/3/2019 at 9:26 AM, The Gipper said:

    Here are today's Survey Questions.  All about Expectations. Give your answers:

    1.  Do you believe that the Browns are a legitimate  Super Bowl contender?

    Yes, it may finally happen. Browns need to survive the first 6 games at 4-2.

    2. Do you believe that Baker Mayfield can be a legitimate MVP contender?


    3. Do you believe that Myles Garrett can be a legitimate defensive POY contender?


    4. How close of  a race to you expect the AFC North to be?  Will all 4 teams be a part of that race?

    Yes, it will be a close race. I think Cincy only wins 4, 5 or 6, but the Browns, Squealers, & Ratbirds will fight it out

    5. Do you expect the New England Patriots to make it back to the Super Bowl?

    No, but it wouldn't be surprising. If they land home field advantage, then they're Super Bowl bound again.


  17. 2 hours ago, mjp28 said:

    Yeah kids back in school everything is wide open, nice prices, even down south and Hawaii in November and December.

    We got married in late November and went to Mexico City and Acapulco in 1981 it was.....nice!

    ........oh nothing like watching football on Waikiki, saw OHIO STATE vs Michigan at breakfast or NFL MNF  in the afternoon at a beach bar.  ;)

    Agree. We watched the Browns beat the Ratbirds last year at our campsite in southern Illinois. People thought we were crazy, they just don't understand...

    We always take our RV south, end up in Texas visiting family in Sept/Oct. Cooler temps, less crowds.

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