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Everything posted by Bob806

  1. I'm not leftwing Cal, in the middle, lean left a tad because they generally support labor (at least they used to). I'm anti R & D. They used to represent various values. They just repre$ent lobby money now. Voting for a party today is nonsense. They've left us average Joe's behind for the last 10 years at a minimum.
  2. This is the guy for you right-wingers. "Trump Lite" lol. He actually makes sense on many issues.
  3. I voted for Trump in 2016 for 2 reasons. 1) he wasn't Hillary 2) "repeal & replace" Obamacare. He had 2 years to "repeal & replace" with a Republican Congress. He did not deliver. You cannot blame the "corrupt Dems" for that. It was campaign rhetoric that certainly sucked me in, I can admit that The American people were seriously let down. Me thinks that his R legislature didn't really have a plan. They tried ONCE, got voted down. I'm with you on "corrupt," but it's not unique to the Dems only. I truly believe you agree, but simply cannot bear to put that adjective in front of the word "Republican." Republicans pushed for Citizens United, got their wish....and here we are, the political scene is more corrupt than ever with big money being hidden from the public eye ( campaign donors protected).
  4. That's all well & good. I still say the nation needs to move on from Trump, Hillary, Obama. Old money, new money in the D & R party will keep Obama & Hillary relevant. Trump's "problem" is two-fold....his ego, and he's an "outsider" in the 'Rs establishment" eyes. Once again, I plead- what recent two term president got stuff done with (even a cooperative) Congress in their last year or two of their term? I think we all know the answer....ZERO. The baggage a potential Trump Presidency would bring will absolutely doom this nation. It seems we are on the cusp of WW3 as it is, we're spread real thin. Yeah, right now I'm going on a tangent here, but this is what needs to happen: repeal Citizens United decision campaign reform- all candidates should be capped at a spending limit, like an NFL salary cap. since the first two I listed are unlikely to happen, vote 3rd party and send these idiots a message. The American public is being buffaloed into thinking a D or R has actual solutions for we average Joes
  5. I'll be in Houston visiting my son & his family, grandkids time....but I'm not going to the game. I'm 0-2 in NRG Stadium, I'm not jinxing the Browns.
  6. I just wish the NFL would just get on with it and tell us their plan is to parcel out games on a "pay-per-view" basis. We may not live long enough to see it, but it's coming.
  7. I'm not going to argue about this here, it's fruitless. There's two particular things that Trump did to himself that stand out in my opinion: 1) attacked Megyn Kelly during a Republican debate in 2016 " I can see you bleeding through your eyes"....not smart to attack the media, especially a right-wing ally. The media will ALWAYS get the last word, fair or not 2) " go find me 11,000 votes" as he ordered the Georgia Secretary of State, via a phone call that was recorded. That wasn't a good idea
  8. Well there was chaos when he was in the 1st time, whether from the Dems or Trump himself. Let Ramaswany put him in a cabinet post.
  9. This is exactly what I've been talking about for quite some time.....CHAOS. Trump, for all the good/bad he did, it's simply a circus folks. Can the USA actually thrive under another Trump administration (assuming he's allowed to actually run)? I think we all know that answer....it cannot. Way too many distractions, way too much scrutiny. Yes, this present administration needs to go. It doesn't mean Trump is the answer. What 2 term president in recent memory was effective the last year or so of his term?
  10. Yeah I agree. I'm not anticipating the Steelers winning anyway, seems like there's too much drama towards the SE now (unusual as hell). I'm not a Tomlin fan, but I do think he's a good coach, probably a bit "old school" for some of these players (Pickens, Diontae Johnson). Plus, I think we already caught our lifetime break in 1985 when the Browns lost their last game of the season and made the playoffs anyway lol.
  11. Yeah, he's a veteran. Browns historically haven't played well in Houston, but this team is different. Yes, a victory here doesn't lock anything up ( unless all that unlikely stuff happens that we've all read), but it would put them in prime position.
  12. Just think back to when you (we) were young. Just a different perspective on life in general. I know my sons & daughters-in-law think differently than I do on issues. I think as we get older, our perspectives change & maybe we get a little more conservative about stuff
  13. Bob806


    True. I do believe that if there's any upsets in the WC round, the lowest seed remaining would travel to Baltimore (or whoever gets the #1 seed).
  14. It's going to be a tough sell. As much as we love our Browns, there's been a ton of money poured into the downtown area while neighborhoods crumble, police, fire, & service departments staffing way down. I'm guessing an increase to the Sin Tax is in order, with Haslam picking up a substantial portion.
  15. I have the XM app & you get a ton of sports channels. I got addicted to it when I bought a new truck in 2014. Comes in handy as we have family in Texas & Arizona. Includes internet streaming on a computer & smart phone. So we always can follow our Browns. Yeah, it seems silly to pay for radio ( about $12 a month ), but we tow our trailer a lot & feel it's worth it just for the sports aspect. If I'm not at the stadium (split season tickets with my cousin), I'll listen to the radio feed. The tv broadcasters are ok, I just prefer the homer angle lol. Browns have been blessed with great play-by-play guys. Gib Shanley remains my favorite, great memories from all of 'em. Go Browns!!
  16. Bob806


    JOK has been great this year. You're correct, Schwartz has all these guys playing to their ability. It's been real fun to see outside of a few lousy games. Not sure how the pro bowl works anymore, I basically lost interest in it awhile ago. I think the fans' vote carries a lot of weight. Delpit being out for the season will hurt whatever accolades he would get. I think he could play in the playoffs if the Browns make it.
  17. Have you considered signing up for one of those streaming services, like Hulu or Fubo for a month or so? Record the games so you can watch them at your leisure down there. If not have a blast!! PS- my wife & I flew to Chengdu, China in 2019. 14 hours from San Fran...watched Browns Youtube highlights for about 7 hours lol
  18. I think Gipper sprayed Mooney's hands with Crisco. Damn, like I said yesterday it was Kramer to Rashad. What an ending, what a resilient team these Browns are.
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