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Everything posted by Bob806

  1. For a variety of reasons, Denver has always been a house of horrors for the Browns. Ghost of Rick Upchurch or something.
  2. Did the NFL change the rule on offsides? I always thought the D could get back onside?
  3. Right. The backup QB is always a point of concern & they gambled on it. Hopefully it won't hurt 'em. Nobody saw the Dobbs' success coming. Probably not even Dobbs, but you have to seriously admire his determination. Remember his stint in Tenn last season? It was dismal, that's why he was set free again.
  4. Thanksgiving. A time for family, friends, & reflection. Turkey never tasted better than 1983🥇😁
  5. Here comes a trip to Denver. The trio of angst....Balt, Pitt, & Den. Complete the sweep please.
  6. I can't handle Gus Johnson anymore. Way over the top too many times in a game. Should I change my parental controls on the tv? Blocks out all Ratbirds games😁
  7. He has. I don't dislike him, I'm just saying he's much more camera-polished, if that's a thing lol. All teams, all GMs make mistakes (along with scouting departments). It's magnified more when the lousy team makes a bad choice (as we've witnessed). It's probably a lot harder to be a GM in the salary cap era. Cutting players loose that you really don't want to, luring FAs looking for a payday, drafting has always been iffy to a degree.
  8. Yes & no. I think a guy like Berry is better at press conferences, maybe better with his salary cap skills. Dorsey's a throwback- just get me some tacklers & a bruising RB like Chubb lol.
  9. True on both. The draft is like a Christmas list. You never get what you want for the most part, and many times the shiny new toy loses it's luster quickly. My other issue with the draft was how the Browns seemed to forget the draft was designed to make bad teams better. They constantly traded assets away to move up or down, & went 4-12 or 5-11 forever, & sprinkled in a remarkable 1-31. I was very very happy John Dorsey put an end to that BS, & actually drafted football players.
  10. Oh noooooooooo Sorry, the Browns were so bad for so long, that's all that was discussed from October- August. The dam draft. I don't miss those days. Go Browns
  11. Woof Damn. They have a pretty favorable schedule down the stretch. Delusional Steeler fans will think they'll become the 1999 Rams now.
  12. Yes, but why not shoot for the moon here? I'm hoping 5-2 is the minimum. They just beat the Rats & Steelers back to back, and have another evil empire up next with Denver. A couple road dome games @Rams, @Texans. @Cincy to end the season. It's going to be tough, but it can be done. Nothing's ever easy with the Browns but they have something special going on. 3 home games left, win all of 'em. The division title is still a possibility.
  13. I always thought somebody was going to assasinate Obama. There's simply to much anger in our society, especially regarding politicians. Yes, they've brought it upon themselves. Troubling times
  14. I'm already out of reactions for the day.....you guys all make good points. Who knows how this will end up? I don't know, but wow it's nerve-wrecking and fun. This team is very united.
  15. Crazy. We beat Balt & Pitt back-to-back. This team seems special despite the offensive woes. Go Browns
  16. I feel like Sam Rutigliano lol. I haven't been to a Browns-Steelers game since the Garrett-Helmet-Gate. Split season tickets with my cousin. It's my turn now, proper attire needed😄 Tailgate time, senior selfie PG-14 Oh, Browns 27-17
  17. Probably all 3 damnit😬 They've generally been doing that for the last 50 years on defense.
  18. Agree. Yeah, we can hate the Squealers all we want, but their coaching is very good. I've got family in Pittsburgh. They blame all the offensive woes on Canada. They don't love Tomlin but know he's organized. The last couple of games Pitt has been relying on the running game. Shorten the game, rely on the D, & they don't let Pickett throw a lot. Both teams figure it's a "winnable game," I just hope the Browns attack on D like you said. Can't let Jaylen Warren or Pickens make plays.
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