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Everything posted by hx214

  1. Man.... Steelers Fins Jets Bills Redskins Giants Jets Outside of the Bills..... have the Pats had to do anything but show up to the game for the W?
  2. Ya. Need to get back to those routes.... instead of the 15+ yard ones we run with 5 wide...
  3. Last week doesn’t seem to be transferring over. Darnold throwing to guys that are double teamed, OL not even blocking DE’s for a sack. How Gase doesn’t doesn’t run Bell 40 times a game is a head scratcher.... dude has 7 carries at half time. But we watch Freddie have Baker do the same thing with Chubb in the backfield... so...
  4. Not like any of it really matters this year. Whoever comes out of the AFCN is just going to be meat for the grinder for the other AFC teams this year. I view it like I viewed the Indians this season. The “super bowl” is to win the division. Don’t have the experience or guns to compete with the other teams (you could say in football you have a better chance, just because it’s the game of football) Even if the Browns get beat out by a game by the Ravens, I’d still rather be in Cleveland’s shoes. 2nd youngest team in the league, with a QB that is actually a QB going forward. At this point, just work on getting better every game and beat the team in front of you.
  5. Did you watch that game? Did you see Wilson lop a pick six to Peters like he was playing slow pitch softball? The Seattle WR drop a ball out of his hands in the open field with nobody around him, Ravens pick it up for 6... Jackson completed 9 passes for 143 yards with no Touchdowns. not sure I’d call that Whooping up on the Seahawks. More like Seattle shitting down their own legs. figured that Seattle would play elite against the browns and do that against Baltimore. I’m not buying a ticket for the Ravens train.
  6. To this day I can’t figure out what is so difficult about being a head coach and understanding clock management? Why is it so freaking hard for some coaches? They have been around football all their lives.... regardless of ever being a head coach or not, why is it hard? (And it’s not just Freddie...)
  7. Ya. That’s been pretty much my face watching any part of Seattle’s game today. I just watch a Seattle WR drop the ball on the ground without anybody around him, Ravens pick it up for 6.
  8. I just watched a Seattle WR in the open field literally drop the ball on the ground with nobody around him, Ravens run it back for 6. That on top of the gimme pick 6... WTF Seattle?
  9. Looks like the Ravens are going to beat the Seahawks. That’s great news for the Browns.
  10. I’m not even talking about his stats. For me it’s just the way he throws the ball, it comes out like a NFL QB should throw the ball. Some of his throws that drop into WR’s hands 20 yards down the field through a 2x2 window. I once watch the fabled Brandon Weeden throw a pass to the WR so poorly he got called for intentional grounding... I’m never going back to those days. Never.
  11. I’m not sure if most of the people complaining about Baker have been fans long enough to remember actually watching some of the QB’s the Browns have trotted out there.... Baker on a three interception day, still looks 100% better than anything the Browns have put out there in about 15 years (and that’s included horseballs Derek Anderson’s year) I’m just glad the team can stop drafting QB’s in the 1st round for a while and keep building a good team. Baker does need to play better, and make much better decisions on when and where to take chances, but I’ve seen enough to let him start for the next 3-5 seasons without putting a significant investment in a replacement.
  12. Haha. Wait till they play the Pats in two weeks.... you think you’ve seen bias calls? You ain’t seen nothing!
  13. Meh. Freddie lost this one long before any bad calls could
  14. Thank god next week is a bye week. In need a break from these losers
  15. Not if it falls off making a tackle. He didn’t pull a Rudd
  16. If they win, I’ll be happy. But Freddie needs to get his head out of his ass
  17. Illegal block. Guess if your a WR you aren’t allowed to block in the NFL.
  18. That screen play hasn’t worked once. Let’s keep calling it.
  19. Freddie might be one and done. A high school kid playing Madden could call a better red zone offense.
  20. Ya it was cool to see Collins actually try while he was on the field, and Shelton stuffing the run....
  21. Man.... either the wind was blowing really hard on the field or Old Tommy boy is starting to show some sign of fatigue. I don’t think I can recall seeing him throw so poorly. He was missing wide open WR’s and a lot of the throws that got caught weren’t jems. Im sure he will be throwing darts against the Browns in two weeks though, so no worries.
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