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Everything posted by hx214

  1. Ya.... I wasn’t talking about counting on your finger type math.... was statistical stuff.... but ok.
  2. I’ll quote myself from the first page of posts before the video came out showing he is a lying piece of shit. What I wrote is all any reporter, columnist, blogger, twitter user needs to write about the guy. He had his day in the sun when he played for Seattle. He looks like the worst CB the 49ers have on the roster. Everybody and their mom wants to write and talk shit about Baker. He could go to church before the game and help clean up with the ball boys after and some Troll like Mary Kay or Rex Ryan would take a shot or ask some loaded question and he would say he doesn’t care what other people think about him and it would snowball out if control. When he wins, everybody loves Bake. When he loses he is an assclown. The guy is a baby faced 24 year old kid that had massive success last year, that everybody hyped up and he’s trying to lead the second youngest team in the NFL with a rookie head coach. Flame on now, it’s only going to get hotter until after the Pats game. They rip off 4-5 wins in a row playing a bunch of cupcake teams that will have already booked their tickets to Hawaii or Cuba for the offseason and everything will be Sunshine and Butterfly farts again and everybody will say.... “That’s just Baker being Baker” Winning changes the narrative.
  3. Ya.... I'll take a hard pass on trading Odell. Draws the other teams best CB's and takes all kinds of pressure off everybody else. Landry DESTROYED the Ravens. That didn't happen last year without OBJ. The outcoaching part doesn't bother me. Freddie had them in the right spots against the Rams with that read option pass shotgun formation that worked.... After they got punched in the face on that opening 49ers play they moved the ball decently. Got a few drives together. Wilks has coached pretty damn well, but had a clunker against the 49ers. I don't expect to see that happen again. Giving up is the issue. Your QB was getting planted left and right and the OL sucked. BUT......2nd youngest team in the NFL. They don't know how to do anything right. Take the lumps now, and stick it to the road apple teams you get to play at the end of the season and pull a playoff spot with 9-7 record.
  4. My friend always complains when a team doesn’t take the ball when they win the toss. Claims he has some math that proves you average more possessions when you take the ball at the beginning of the game. He’s kind of a drunk, so I never checked his math, but at one point in his life he was pretty damn smart, so he may be correct.
  5. Nah. That dude was the biggest piece of crap when he played for the Seahawks. He literally has nothing to say about anybody for doing anything the rest of his career that I'd even stop to listen to, click on and read, etc.
  6. Type "Richard Sherman is an" into google and the first thing that pops up from the computer is "asshole" Feel free to click on any of the links presented to you and you'll have reading material for days. He literally has nothing to say about anybody for doing anything the rest of his career that I'd even stop to listen to.
  7. Please stop with the Williams stuff.... That guy is awful. His defenses are a joke.
  8. Ya.... Sherman complaining about the way someone else acts..... I'll move along now.
  9. Meh. Second youngest team in the NFL making mistakes and turning the ball over to many times.... (I still can’t believe that Calloway turn of events...) Get on the plane and start in the film room tomorrow. To many games left to start whining already.
  10. What a horrible game. Nice waiting all weekend to watch some football and see nothing but turnovers.
  11. Not hard to run with a guy at any point in the game if he can hit home runs everytime he touches the ball. You get to 1st and goal you run it 2 maybe 3 times with the beast.
  12. Guess Freddie didn’t learn his lesson last time not running Chubb. Oh well. There is always next week Freddie.
  13. Watching this game and last weeks Steelers Vs Bengals.... if the Browns drop a single game to any of these teams in the AFC North I’m going to be seriously pissed off...
  14. I’d sit them another week, maybe two if their is any question about a hamstring getting pulled again. Hell.... it might make sense to sit them until the bye week. They pull it again coming back to soon and they might be done for the season. I still think Ward was dealing with it the first few games. He wasn’t able to cover or keep up with anybody.
  15. SF has played the Bengals, the Steelers and the Bucs.... After watching that MNF game last night I can’t take any of there numbers seriously...(just like the Ravens numbers...) if the Browns play like they did against the Ravens, get all their players back from last week and pick up a defender or two off the injury list... I’m feeling good about this one too.
  16. After watching that game last night, I take back my previous statement that the Cards had the worst OLine I’ve seen in the NFL. Cincy’s line was worse. Dalton wouldn’t have the ball in his hands for more than a second and was running for it.... it was like a jailbreak on every play
  17. Meh looks like the standard James Harrison tackle to me. Nobody gave a shit when it was happening to the Browns, What’s everybody in the NFL getting so worked up about now?
  18. Cincy leaving guys uncovered on defense. Their offensive line is pretty much doing the “look out Andy!” Block on every play
  19. Man.... Bengals defense looks bad... Even at that Rudolph has to check down to the RB every pass. Hope Wilks lets the blitz run loose on both these teams.
  20. "Experts" and reporters are a complete joke..... On a side note, how does Mary Kay Cabot continue to have a job? Must she always ask the troll questions to try to get a sound bite for the national news.... If I were Baker, anytime she or Tony asked a question I would say "No Comment" and move on.
  21. I’ve watched some of Arizona games. Man their defense might be as bad as their OLine. Ravens beat them by 6. Fins are a complete disaster. KC destroyed the Ravens for a half, then their defense phoned in the 4th quarter. Fins -32nd ranked defense. Cards- 30th KC - 24th If anybody believes that Baltimore’s offense which is ranked 1st in the league is really that good, let me know. I have some great stuff to sell you.
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