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D Bone

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Everything posted by D Bone

  1. Anyone have any info on miktoxic? He last posted and visited on March 3, 2018........... 😟
  2. Where you be brother? 

  3. Hard to argue with that.... add on the fact that Coach Gibbs is such a quality human being, and you've got yourself one of the GOATs for sure.
  4. I have Bill at 41-57 (418%) before Tom Brady took over full time on week 3 2001......... Chicken or the egg? I say the yoke is on Bill. That being said, he's still one of the greatest coaches ever, in any sport. ^ cue the crying................................
  5. I agree, but I'm hoping that Hunt will feel gratitude that the Browns took a chance on him and sign a 2-3yr "club friendly" deal............. I'm not holding my breath however.
  6. While I certainly wouldn't call Freddie the worst HC hire in history - heck, not even in just Browns' history..... looking at you Shurmur and Huey. I do think he lives in the same housing tract as those two. I reserve the right to change my opinion, and if he wears another kool shirt and if the men under his control do more stupid shit, then I'll bump him up to their illustrious levels of ineptitude.
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/baker-mayfield-rips-browns-handling-of-odell-beckham-jrs-injury-then-says-hes-sorry-233339866.html
  8. I was 100% OK with his immediate quote on live TV after the Myles Meltdown, but he has got to learn to not be quite so honest regarding other players and their business........... "I don't know about any of that, and that's between _____________ and the team" will serve him well as a leader in the future.
  9. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2866030-baker-mayfield-odell-beckham-jrs-injury-wasnt-handled-right-by-browns
  10. If Freddie's back, OBJ will want out and he won't be timid about asking for it.
  11. Surprise firing for sure....... one man's trash, is........... (or so they say)
  12. Playoffs? Don't talk about - playoffs? You kidding me? Playoffs? I just hope we can win a game.
  13. Now you know how Sophie felt.
  14. Arguably the most important coach hire in decades, and we hire Gomer Pyle.
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/steelers-glad-coach-never-anything-234640057.html Steelers thought it was “stupid” of Freddie Kitchens to wear T-shirt The bad blood between the Steelers and Browns existed even before their Week 11 extracurricular activities. But after Freddie Kitchens publicly sported a “Pittsburgh Started It” T-shirt last week, there may be no going back on the bitterness of the rivalry. “I know that our coach never would have done anything like that,” Steelers left guard Ramon Foster said, via Brooke Pryor of ESPN. “Why throw gas? When you do something like that, you throw your players in harm’s way. He’s not on the field. You throw your players in harm’s way when you do stuff like that with a vengeance. And I hate that for them.” Foster added he’s “glad coach T doesn’t do anything like that,” referring to Steelers coach Mike Tomlin. Kitchens downplayed wearing a “Pittsburgh Started It” shirt while out to see “It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” for his birthday Friday night. The Steelers, though, saw it something as other than “just a T-shirt,” as Kitchens seemed to imply. “I thought it was pretty stupid,” Steelers offensive lineman David DeCastro said. “That’s a lot of bulletin-board material. I don’t know why you do that as a coach. I just don’t get that. Of course it’s going to motivate us. What are you thinking? It’s just not smart.” On Sunday night, after the Steelers’ 20-13 victory, Pittsburgh Clothing Co. printed a T-shirt that read "and Pittsburgh finished it,” Daryl Ruiter of 92.3 The Fan reports.
  16. I officially change my answer to: None I like all of those dudes far too much to subject them to this team.
  17. Inexcusable. Simply awful.
  18. ....... '3rd string' is being very generous.
  19. They may have started it, but then our best player couldn't keep himself under control causing him to be removed from the team - and league, resulting in hurting his team's chances to win each and every week he's watching from his couch..... that will always remain true. But hey, I guess some Browns' fans think it's cute.................. Maybe they thought today's loss was cute too?? I sure didn't.
  20. My issue with the optics of the whole organization (to me at least), is the lack of discipline from the day Freddie took over which has helped to lead to some embarrassing incidents............... There are many parents out there in the world that would not be visiting their kids in prison had they have used more discipline from the day their baby was brought home from the hospital. I'm not saying everything that these entitled NFL idiots do is on Freddie.... not even close, but the image from outside of North East Ohio is one of the inmates running the asylum. Hopefully this benching will send a message to the next fool that who wants to wear kool polka dotted cleats on game day requiring the NFL (ummm, why not Freddie??) to tell him to change, or don't bother coming out for the 2nd half.
  21. The next thing you know, one of the players will be wearing a shirt that says 'Pittsburgh Started It'...............
  22. Droppin' like the undisciplined flies they are.
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