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D Bone

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Everything posted by D Bone

  1. Losing sure causes all sorts of bad things....... win and those things just magically disappear.
  2. We are the best almost win team on the planet.
  3. Says the dude who joined a sports team's fans forum an hour ago to tease those fans because the team they root for is losing...... just can't make this shit up. My advice to you is to just sit and appear stupid rather than opening your mouth and removing all doubt.
  4. Man, I like your optimism Z and there's nothing I'd like more than for you to quote this post at the end of the season with a big ol' I Told U So attached, but this team just isn't good enough to win in the NFL right now. It doesn't have near the talent that all of the kool sports talk dudes said it did during our highly hyped undefeated offseason, but worse than that is that it is also poorly coached.... Mondays to Saturdays, and especially on Sundays.
  5. Starting to wonder in my own mind if Freddie will still be the HC in week 13..... far from saying he won't be, but I'm now to the point where it happening would not surprise me. What a shame.
  6. Wow. This defense is exceeding its hype............... maybe some day we'll be lucky enough to have a coach like Bill Belichick. Too soon?
  7. That Khaleesi melt down was epic though! ...... and all hail Sansa - Queen of the North.
  8. Watching Harbaugh use the clock and play call vs time left and score is like watching a neurosurgeon work...... watching Freddie is like watching a 5yr old play Operation. "Buzzzzz - Buzz - Buzzzzzzzzz"
  9. The Chiefs are very well coached and will survive this stretch with 2-1 record...... if not 3-0.
  10. I originally said 9-7 and will stand on that. The back half of the schedule should help.
  11. Totally agree. If they win I could see it starting a 5-6 game winning streak. If they lose, I won't be the least bit surprised...... If I had to slide everything I own into one square or the other, that square would have a picture of a QB that wears uggs.
  12. Panic is setting in for the Boy Genius.
  13. Wow! What's the average total scores of games? 650 - 590?
  14. ....... I guess he had it coming because everyone knows that you can throw something out of the stands if the other team shows you up when beating you..... stupid security guy.
  15. It simply wasn't the right game day strategy no matter what Freddie's thought process was.
  16. If I were coaching this team, Chubb would have a short career..... but it would be a freakin' spectacular one.
  17. Where's PoG when we need him........... He can make a homeowner think a coat of paint is all that's needed even when the ashes are still smoldering. Losers sit around and complain about the refs. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen 😏
  18. Not throwing in the towel, just disappointed in our 1st year HC who chose to call his own offense on top of being the HC..... Hopefully he's the next Genius, but right now he's having a hard time managing the game, and that will get good teams beat, much less a team that doesn't even know if they're good or bad yet.
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