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Everything posted by nickers

  1. Yup.. you have to soak out the tannens.. Stock up on bacon grease and make candles out of the tallow
  2. Throw enough plastic on them and drink enough alcohol.. Well you know how it goes...
  3. It's like they're trying to kill the Human Race.. The human body needs both plant and meat(protein) in order to maintain a physical and mental balance. It's a medical scientific fact the dems just want to ignore... But cow Farts!!... Give me a fucking break with this BS... The hypocrasy is mind bending with these numbskull jack offs!... The anti-logic they use just astounds me... Mental inertia against a rubber wall I suppose...
  4. Results and policies are what I vote for
  5. And lest we not forget.. JFK and Reagan both were charismatic figures as well.. So Charisma doesn't matter in some regards
  6. He probably soiled himself and had to change..
  7. Ditto.. He's just gonna lie and point fingers at everyone else..
  8. They want to take us back to the days of Caligula... Sick mother fuckers!
  9. He wont say it... He does not have the guts or fortitude... He's a selfish coward prick!
  10. Five Guys is absolute garbage anyhow..
  11. This right here tells you everything you need to know...
  12. Wow!... You are a total idiot.... I'm not one bit surprised...
  13. Fuckin' aye right , brother!
  14. Heaven forbid you cluster fuck his feeble brain with reality... Even when I was a Democrat I was never that fucking stupid... My Stepfather served and fought in Nam... Jumped in and out of fox holes in the middle of crossfire (Boys of Company C) putting his life on the line while rescuing others. My Grandfather was killed at the massacre Blieburg.. And I'm supposed to believe anything this stupid twat spews out his beak as Gospel?... Woody can go take a flying fuck.. People have the right to defend themself... Their family and property... This is about survival.. Not about someones fucked up out of touch feelings... Jesus fucking Christ the stupidity of some...
  15. That was exactly what I was thinking.. No wonder why he cowers and caters to the left..
  16. That senator should be imprisoned for failure to protect the safety and interest of the American people whom which they are supposed to serve...
  17. And the deceased have already had their turn.. Now let them RIP
  18. LOl good luck with that... Birds of the same feather shit together in a tree..
  19. Well , it's like the other excuses.. The "Mother" was raped or... The "Mothers" life was in danger... In my view.. You don't want the child... Give it up for adoption to a loving couple.. Or in the case of imminent death... The child's life gets spared in my view,.. The supposed "Mother" had her shot in life... The Child deserves the opportunity to live... That's how I see it...
  20. What about children's rights?... I guess children don't count as people... Like the unborn ones that are slaughtered , or exploited and trafficked annually by creeps like Ccunt and Peckerwood...
  21. Well let's not put the entire blame on Trump... The Dem-Asses made it nearly impossible to get everything done he wanted... I mean since 16... They have put witch hunt after witch hunt upon him that is on going... If the Dems were smart.. They would ditch this commie platform they have adopted right down to Marx/Hitler playbook.. And really think about bringing people together.. I was a staunch Dem until Killary and Obama went full on commie and tried to under mine everything Trump tried to do.. They have spent the last 8 years selling out America. Backing extortionist , Terrorist groups like Antifa,Bugaloo and BLM and successfully divided this country.. And taking payola from the likes of George Soros,Klause Schwanse and I'm sure a host of other whack job WEF devil worshippers...
  22. I imagine you have had Pemmican... What is it really like?
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