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Everything posted by nickers

  1. Cal , She already is a demonrat paid for by the Dems... This is all a setup that obviously isn't working.. Her only recourse is to come out as a dem... Its all a conscious effort just to stonewall and just be an distraction in front of Trump... This fraud isn't fooling anyone...
  2. Rubber Soul is a great album , dude...
  3. I'm shocked he hasn't been whacked yet , honestly
  4. In Fla 75 degrees and humidity is worse then 95 and humidity in Ohio.. I lived in Orlando one summer.. it was suffocating... My Mother resides on the east coast of Fla.. I'm supposed to go down in May and do repairs but I have so much stuff going on I may hold off untill the fall..
  5. It must be draft season... Where the Browns will probably win again...
  6. This is why I engage in things like Hiking, Camping and Survival as well as traveling and creating music and digital art...... I always start the day with a big tumbler of water and a few rounds of Klondike Solitaire to get my brain and my organs running.. I refuse to let today's current events spoil my passion and zest for life..
  7. And you continue to act like an immature asshole... Grow up , Chumlee!
  8. Remember Al Gore claimed that the polar ice caps would've been melted several years ago... We saw how that played out , didn't we?
  9. yeah , I fall all the time do to balance issues... But I still go hiking on rough terrain..
  10. Having said all of that.. One good trait , or thing that comes out of this... When you have factions trying to silence the masses.. You have those few who will ardently seek the truth.. in the end it's the truth were after... Eventually the truth comes out... And this fear is what drives those to suppress the truth... History repeating itself..
  11. You haven't debunked a goddamn thing... You're an idiot...
  12. Jesus fucking Christ! Fuck you Joe Biden and all of your drug cartel constituants!
  13. I feel its already too late... I believe we are in the end time... Whatever is gonna happen .. It's out of our control... It's gonna happen... Just do the best we can..And hope for the best..
  14. And you are the complete opposite of brave... You are a White supremacist racist ass hat who has been brain washed and indoctrinated.. You are the epitome of COWARD... Bravery isn't something you wear on a sleeve you dumb dip shit... It is something you grow in to from adversity.. Which you know absolutely 0 about..
  15. He's just trolling you bro... Ignore the ass.. Let him wallow in his own bubble inflated echo chamber... The best way to piss of Liberals is to simply ignore them,, They are attention whore seeking drama queens ..
  16. She's your typical ghetto mouthed grifter... Anyone that even tries to defend her must have serious mental problems...
  17. I liked Baker Street and that's where it ends for me
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