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Canton Dawg

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Everything posted by Canton Dawg

  1. Good gawd how stupid can you be? You’re accusing a married woman of having relations with someone else. Do you have proof? Or is that your feelings? Remember…your feelings don’t count.
  2. Do you have proof? Your feelings don’t count.
  3. Let’s put things into perspective…it’s Haley’s home turf. She should have home field advantage. I’m not surprised I have to connect the dots for you.
  4. I believe in your case that would be considered brain cells.
  5. At least you admit a pregnant woman is carrying a living thing, and not just a “clump of cells”.
  6. Well, if you happen to be a killer and murder a pregnant woman…you will be charged with a double homocide.
  7. Wake up Woodrow, most MSM reports ARE opinion pieces.
  8. Just more proof that journalism is dead in America.
  9. That’s expected behavior, Libs always bites the hand that feeds.
  10. Well, they don’t have an 80+ year old dementia patient running the show. But I guess our election process is the same.
  11. Russia better be careful Woodrow, if they keep flaunting the good life there they will soon have hordes of Mongols storming through their southern border.
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