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Canton Dawg

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Everything posted by Canton Dawg

  1. Go talk to Robert Mueller about evidence…and your feelings! 🤣😂🤡
  2. You mean a former President that hasn’t been in office for over 3 years has that kind of power? Tell me more!
  3. You’re forgetting, Dementia Joe is a career politician. He made his money in back room deals with Hunter.
  4. You’re correct, TDS IS a thing. There are some posters on here that will blame Trump for their dog being constipated, even though he’s been out of office for over 3 years.
  5. I was thinking the same thing when I heard about the 2 guys butt fucking in the Capital Building.
  6. He doesn’t fit the Liberal profile of a Caucasian male.
  7. I have to say in all my years posting in the Poli board, I’ve never saw a thread pinned! 🤣😂
  8. Well, we could talk about Dementia Joe…after all he is a cartoon.
  9. All that 💩and he’s still beating Dementia Joe in the polls! 🤣
  10. The cult of dumbasses must be apartment dwellers. I’ve explained in another post, I don’t know of anyone who gets to set their property/real estate valuations. Especially the highly subjective realm of commercial property. But when your a Dumbocrat that swills the piss that the Liberals give you, you get a cult…of dumbasses.
  11. Depends upon the percentage of Whitey’s involved.
  12. Just the ones the MSM forgot to blow out of proportion.
  13. Let’s not forget the great Liberal LBJ, and his prophetic words. . .
  14. His handlers probably thought it would be better if it was swept under the rug.
  15. I’m sure it would work better than the wide open southern border the U.S. currently has. But we both know that you don’t give a rats ass about the border…just like most Dumbocrats.
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