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Everything posted by Ibleedbrown

  1. I have absolutely no idea why this happens, but every time l see this guy’s name, Minkah, l get a wild compulsion to do the name game song. Minkah minkah bo binkah, banana fana fo finkah… It’s not as fun as Chuck, but few names are.
  2. Alright gang, l bought some scallops. The big expensive kind. I love them but every time l make them l haven’t been super happy with the results. I’ve tried several recipes. Blackened scallops, bacon wrapped scallops, scalloped potatoes, which really has nothing to do with scallops so it’s no wonder l wasn’t happy with that recipe. My question to you fellow Browns fan cooking enthusiasts is what’s your go-to recipe for killer scallops? Thank you in advance!
  3. Looks like we get the Browns v. Pittsburg game from sea to shining sea, as it should be. https://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2023&wk=11 There are notable omissions in states where people ski a lot, states that grow a lotta citrus, that state where everything is bigger, and Tennessee. Bad pick up line: hey baby, you must be from Memphis, cuz you’re the only ten I see… Most of New Mexico gets to see the Browns game. New Mexicans love the Browns. Some of the old ones do too.
  4. It’s a line from the movie Animal House.
  5. The link that mentions Chip Banks being “unable to be located” is broken, and l didn’t know that story so l researched this… https://nflfootballjournal.blogspot.com/2020/08/another-worthy-career-football-wiseoff.html?m=1 Apparently Banks flat out refused to play for Buffalo, haha. Said he’d rather retire. That’s funny.
  6. Thanks Tia (and Dutch). I’m encouraged that he’s finding a way to push through it and seems to get better as the game goes on, sorta like a starting pitcher who doesn’t have his best stuff when the game starts and has to take a couple innings to find it.
  7. Question about Watson’s throwing mechanics. A number of his throws this last game reminded me of a basketball hook shot, more wrist and elbow than shoulder. I don’t think that’s any kind of astute observation, the guy’s got a bad shoulder and all, but l feel like he’s been working at these types of throws the last few games with mixed results, but l think he’s found a groove and even figuring out how to sling some longer passes like that. Anyone else seeing this or is it in my head?
  8. This was a particularly satisfying win. Spent the day visiting some cousins l haven’t seen in awhile in Bowling Green and Van Wert, and to see our Brownies pull off the upset win in VW was the cherry on top. Go Browns!
  9. Welcome to The Board Catanzar, and thanks for the intro. I’m guessing you got in to American Football later in life? Yeah, Thomas was freaking great man. Loved watching that guy.
  10. Very satisfying game. I’m not used to my dudes dominating all day long. It was kind of anticlimactic. How about our DT production thus far?
  11. Doing some fact checking now. Robiskie was 1-4 as interim HC. Stupid memes… https://pro-football-history.com/coach/339/terry-robiskie-bio
  12. Saw this on social media. Didn’t fact check it, but we haven’t had a HC who got 30 or more games with a winning record since ‘the return’.
  13. TV stuffs: https://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2023&wk=9 We’re a little thin on tv representation this week. Most of Ohio is good, except once again us greater Cincinnatians and my forsaken homies in Van Wert. Most of AZ gets the game, as well as a weird little stretch of CA that borders Mexico. Mexicans totally love the Browns. The greater Youngstown area gets the game. As does a good swath of WV and a sliver of KY mountain land. I spent the better part of the last couple days in Berlin, OH, full on Amish country in Holmes County. It’s gorgeous there! And apparently a dry county? They get the Browns game this week. The Amish totally love the Browns.
  14. So long Donovan. May your days in Detroit be smooth as Mellow Yellow.
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