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Everything posted by Ibleedbrown

  1. Holy shit you’re right. Blake Hance. Doh, my bad. See, this is how misinformation gets started? Darn you Orion….
  2. Dunnnnn…. For a few weeks anyway. On IR with a calf injury. Apparently gutted it out during the game. https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/browns-place-g-michael-dunn-on-injured-reserve Wasn’t he the guy who came in from some other teams’ practice squad to start the playoff game we won a few years back? Meeting teammates in the locker room for the first time hours before the game. Been on the team a few years now. Easy guy to root for. Get well soon man.
  3. Rewatching the highlights and noticed the evil Dawg stare on the jumbotron when the opposing team was kicking a FG. Probably hard to miss that for the kicker, haha. I noticed when we were kicking it’s an image of a Browns helmet up there.
  4. Love me some Bernie. As it happens l was at his last game as a Browns starter, the 90s Belichick years and l’m pretty sure Vinny Testaverde (aka the green nut) finished the game against the dreaded Denver Broncos, whom smiley mcfuckface was still quarterbacking. It didn’t go well. My aunt scored tickets and we up and backed it for the game from Cincy. Bernie was traded/cut shortly thereafter.
  5. There, it has asterisks so it’s ▪︎ 🏈 . The Official 49ers vs BROWNS thread WEEK 6. 🏈 October 15 ( *Now it looks really looks Official.) ● Cleveland BROWNS 19 San Francisco 49ers 17 ...... great WIN ! God love the 49ers for beating the Bengals in Superbowls past, but let’s beat their ass and make love to all their women this weekend. And l mean ALL their women. I’m planning to tap Nancy Pelosi doggie style after this one. https://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2023&wk=6 Here’s the wear to watch link. Looks like we get to see the Browns from sea to shining sea this week, except for some inbred southern and northern states, and my forsaken homies in Van Wert, Oh. But Nancy need not where anything this Sunday…
  6. It’s not a beautiful day for you. But rest assured, the concert will go on with or without you.
  7. https://nowthatsclass.bandcamp.com/album/if-youve-got-nothing I’m wildly enthused by this. Big Clash vibes, and l really really like the Clash.
  8. Welfare babies have been around a long time. I’m a welfare baby. My folks split when l was very young, working class family, resources were tight. It’s not an uncommon story. A lot of good can come from it. I’m eternally grateful to a bunch of people l will never know for lifting us up when we were down, and l’m grateful for the opportunity to repay that debt. It’s a personal motivating factor for me. That’s the America l love. It is my 48th birthday today. Growing up poor is a point of pride. As an adult l’ve never been on welfare or taken a day of unemployment. I don’t fault anyone who has. I want to be part of something that lifts them up like they did for me.
  9. https://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2023&wk=5 Here’s the watchin’ schedule. Looks like most everyone gets the PIT v. BLT game. There’s a weird little spot in CA that opted for NE v. NO. I’m not entirely sure what that’s about.
  10. “65% say they always or often feel exhausted when thinking about politics” On the matter of the article in the OP, there’s an overload of information in political based media. And plenty of outrage porn. I sorta suspect that some of it leads to a sense of helplessness. When you get right down to it, our role in the government, if we choose to participate in it, is to either participate by voting, joining it, or overthrowing it. Overthrowing the government or running for office sounds like a lotta work, and l think it’s safe to say a lot of us aren’t doing that, but we still got voting. Which is cool, but we can only vote for certain people. l’ve been hearing about John Fetterman lately. He’s a senator from Pennsylvania. I don’t live there and cannot vote for him. I have little use for information about John Fetterman. But the media is full of these political figure villain types, most of whom l can’t vote for. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hunter Biden’s laptop, etc. I get the desire to “stay informed”, a reasoning l’ve heard before for keeping up on politics, but for me l have to filter that information based on who or what l can vote for, and l’m happy to have a peripheral awareness of the rest.
  11. I was honestly surprised and really pleased with how Hunt played, like he was arguably in mid-season form, and if he lost a step l couldn’t tell. I’m intrigued by Ford too. He was a UC guy when they had some good teams here. He’s a tough dude. I’m hopeful for good things from Moore. You can tell there’s a real interest in getting him involved in the mix, but l’m pulling for better results.
  12. Is it so much to want both things in a player? Both tenacity and ball-holding-on-to skills?
  13. Did you really do this? That’s a big ass stick man. You could totally pretend you were jousting the tv. Grab a couple coconut halves, bang ‘em together like Monty Python’s Holy Grail, rock the sofa chair, pick up the stick and BAM! Then make your wife throw flowers on you, or whatever they do when you win a joust.
  14. Regarding Moore, l’d like to see a little more gumption from the guy. He might be fast but l’m not seeing any juke moves or a dying desire to drive the ball downfield. A guy like Hunt is kinda like the gold standard for a guy who will fight and scratch for every yard. I’m not feeling that from Moore, like maybe he gives up too early? We’ve all played guns in a back yard, right? Or cowboys and indians? The game has many names. Like a game with toy weapons that shoot zero projectiles, so there’s room for debate on whether you did or did not get somebody. Hunt’s the guy who would fist fight you over his belief that you did not get him. Moore likely would not.
  15. Where to watch in the U S of A? https://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2023&wk=4 Looks like most of Ohio gets this one. Not here in Cincy, but most of the rest of you mofos do. Good for you Dayton. MD of course. DC, VA, about half of SC and DE. What did Delaware? I dunno, why donch’Nebraska? And for some reason Louisville gets the Browns. There are like a half dozen acceptable ways to pronounce “Louisville” but none of them involve a hard “S”. I’m just glad l rarely hear “old Browns vs. the new Browns” in media coverage anymore when we play the Ravens. It was like someone calling me “hoss”. I immediately don’t wanna acknowledge them.
  16. Watched the game late last night. I’m honestly not sure l can recall a 3 game stretch where our defense looked this good. It’s blowing my mind. The combo of tenacious linemen and speedy gap closing LBs/secondary is eating people alive. I’m used to a “good” Browns defense being of the “bend but don’t break” variety. These dudes don’t even wanna bend. Watson looked as good as l can remember him looking. The only noticeable difference l can detect is a calmness in his delivery. The TD passes to Ford and Cooper looked like a flick of the wrist. The Harrison Bryant “QB sneak” plays were interesting. I noticed last year when Watson took over as QB 1, they still used Brissett as the designated “QB sneak” guy. My guess is they needed someone to fill those shoes and probably worked on it in practice and Bryant won the gig. Moore is a guy l’m still waiting to see something from. I gather he’s a speedy shifty dude and they are trying like hell to get him involved on offense, but he largely strikes me as a guy who takes what the defense gives him but won’t fight for much more. And the fumble, ugh. This was a fun one to watch from an offensive play calling perspective. Good game plan from Stef & the gang. The screen pass to Hunt was like magic. By the time Hunt had the ball he had 4 blockers in a line in front of him that he didn’t even need because the TN defense was barely in the vicinity. And speaking of Hunt, l was pleasantly surprised to see his usual scrappy self fighting for real estate. Good to see 27 back there.
  17. I actually really like Stef. He’s the kinda dude l figure we’ll can, and then he’ll go on to be the next Belichick. Kinda like Belichick.
  18. Looks like just the tip o’ the spear NC gets the game, but that’s it. I gotta go to Terre Haute Sunday so l may have to record and watch later.
  19. Where to watch? https://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2023&wk=3 Looks like most of Ohio (except for my forsaken homies in Van Wert), all of TN, half of KY and WV, and M-I-S-S-I-S… get to watch the game locally. A few pockets of surrounding states as well.
  20. I wanted to get some opinions on the topic of standing at rock shows. Is it cool or not cool? I realize sometimes there’s no choice, not all venues have a lot of seating, but at places that do, is it still cool to stand during the show? I saw the Psychedelic Furs last night. My 4th time, l’m a fan. Richard Butler has one of the most iconic singing voices ever. It was at the Brown County Music Center in Nashville, IN, of all places, a fairly new facility with a thin pit area in front and then slowly inclining stadium style seats behind that, and a balcony behind that, so like 95% of the crowd had a seat. The band started and almost no one stood up. I did, a few guy off to my side did, a few others, but the vast majority of the crowd didn’t. I’ve always been under the belief that standing, clapping, cheering, and dancing were perfectly acceptable behaviors at a rock show. It’s part of the arsenal we as the rock fan community use to show our appreciation to the band. There are other ways too. Buying merch and sending groupies to put that cherry on top to make sure they remember the positive experience in your town. But it occurred to me that l probably ticked someone off behind me who just wanted to sit and leisurely watch the show. Once they finally got to the “Pretty in Pink” and “Love My Way” parts of the set, more people stood up, and l opted to sit with people standing in front of me. There really is a noticeable sonic difference when you have bodies between you and the speakers. Bass travels just fine, but the treble hits different. So l dunno. I guess l could see how someone standing in front of you would honk you off when they have a perfectly good seat they could use, but at the same time, it’s a rock show. Not standing is comparable to not cheering at a baseball game, or not golf clapping at a bowling tournament.
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