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Everything posted by Ibleedbrown

  1. I think it’s sweet that you’re so anxious for Woody’s opinion on this. You big softie.
  2. A couple months ago a mailed a $20 bill to the National Arbor Day Foundation. Just a wadded up bill in the envelope they provided. A couple weeks later they mailed me a tree. Like a sapling, literally in my usps mailbox. Who tf just mails someone a tree? What, because l like trees you think l got this big ass yard just waiting for me to plant trees? No man. I sent you money so that you could plant trees, not me. So that sapling sat around for a couple weeks until l finally ran out of gumption on where l could plant the thing and l threw it away. So sending money to the National Arbor Day Foundation resulted in me killing a tree. Sometimes the unintended consequences of throwing a bone to someone are the damndest things.
  3. I got the paywall on this article but remembered a hack Cysko posted and reached back a couple pages for the trick and it worked! From his original post… Just a little tip that I've found. It doesn't work 100% of the time, for instance it doesn't work on the new York times but it works a lot. When you encounter a paywall copy the address and then type in https://12ft.io/ and then paste the address behind it. It defeats about 80-90% of paywalls in my estimation. Have at it while it lasts
  4. Ibleedbrown


    He and Malik McDowell should meet up sometime.
  5. What l got out of the Burger King story is we are to the point where everyone is basically pro LGBTQ, so now we have to start picking on those who aren’t pro-LGBTQ enough. Kind of like the pre-Tom Brady Patriots fans look down on on the post-Tom Brady bandwagoning Patriots fans because they didn’t earn their stripes like they did. I imagine there was a time, like maybe 10 years ago, where Burger King’s weird attempt to acknowledge the gay community would have been appreciated (and probably still mocked) instead of seen as a low brow cash grab scheme.
  6. Deflections are pretty weak man. What about deaths by radon gas? What about spontaneous human combustion? Both legally driving a car and legally prescribing fentanyl are things that require a license and/or registration. You seem to acknowledge the potential deadliness of both, but are against a similar license/registration for firearms?
  7. Quite the spirited debate. Looks like everyone found the winder on Cal’s back again. Better than a bongo monkey. I actually sorta kinda think Cal’s got the right idea on some of his suggestions. I agree on some of his philosophies to take it back to education and socializing of our kids. If we focus on root causes that could drive someone to do something as heinous as a mass shooting, it typically has something to do with some combination of isolationism and ignorance. Isolationism, feeling like you don’t fit in, there’s no place for you, everybody’s against you, etc. Ignorance of people different than you is the root to xenophobia and bigotry. It’s easy to demonize people you don’t fully understand. With this in mind, take steps to reduce ignorance and promote inclusion. Let’s face it, we’re a nation of many different types of people, many cultures, subcultures, religions, etc. We either have to make the best of it or have a race war. This in between shit of half ass tolerating each other is partially to blame for some of these awful incidents. Start teaching about world cultures and American subcultures in school. Make it mandatory to have a religion 101 type class in school. Require every student to do a certain amount of community service every year. Get them involved in the community and let them see how their actions can make a positive difference in the world, and get them out of their own heads and their own problems. Make every student be involved in some sort of extra curricular activity that involves them working with other students to accomplish a common goal. The baseball team, glee club, debate team, video game consortium, whatever. As long as they are physically together and working towards a common goal. Make Spanish our official second language. That alone will go a long way to breaking down barriers and will likely improve their math skills (the same part of the brain to learn language is the same for math and logic). I know the “speak English or die” crowd won’t like it, but in a generation or 2 you won’t even be able to get a job waiting tables or customer service without being bilingual. These are things that over time will help. I’ll address some of Cal’s points and then give a thought or two on more immediate things that may help. Other than all that, I actually thought the renewing gun registration was a good idea. People have to renew their driver’s license and get their eyes checked every so often, so it seems reasonable to do the same for a firearm. Have eyesight checked and maybe a very basic psych evaluation. I think Cysko had some disparaging words about the internet and social media on young people, and l gotta say l agree with some of that. There again it can lead to isolationism and a myriad of mind fucking depending on what it is they’re digging into. Not sure how you regulate all that but it’s a fantastic idea to find a way.
  8. I’m of the opinion that this is simply the price we pay for being the way we are, and it’s sad as hell but nothing will change until we learn to be less selfish and more invested in reducing the suffering and desperation of those around us. I’ll preface this by saying l am pro second amendment, meaning l like the idea that we have a sort of insurance policy against our government becoming too tyrannical, but has it occurred to anyone that it’s a bit of a sham? Unless you’re the guy who thinks bringing a knife to a gun fight is a swell idea. It’s not exactly a fair fight if we have folks armed with pistols and rifles going up against cruise missiles, apache helicopters and stealth bombers.
  9. https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/johnny-stanton-myles-garrett-wyatt-teller-to-play-dungeons-dragons-game-for-char?fbclid=IwAR3G8U42qJnP0gsyswRi6-6Ro59KvemIR2waXjAjFXBPyS1QotXjtNsz-mI I just saw this story and thought we could have some fun with it. I don’t know about you guys but l definitely had a D & D phase. Late 80s, l didn’t have pubes yet, but it was hella fun. For those of you that know a thing or two about D & D, it might be fun to nerd out and speculate what kind of characters these guys play with. The article didn’t say. I’ll guess that Myles Garrett plays with a chaotic good cleric. Clerics can be pretty bad ass but they can’t use bladed weapons, so they’re stuck with weapons like a mace or flail… or maybe a football helmet.
  10. https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2022-DON383
  11. I actually googled “Magic Jesus Donkey” thinking this was some internet thing l’d never heard about. I’m still not sure if it is or not, but l found this…
  12. Houston, TX today. People get edgy around a full moon. https://abc13.com/amp/shots-fired-fatal-shooting-flea-market-north-harris-county/11853515/
  13. You need better material man. Honestly, not only has that one been used before but it was pretty weak then. That would be like me coming at you with MC Hammer jokes.
  14. If by “destroying the thread” you mean no longer discussing the posted topic, which was banned books, the above post was the point where discussing banned books stopped and discussing other things, most notably homosexuality, started. One of your goofy ass feelings rants, haha. This is why you’re the best Cal. Only you could steer the thread off topic and then complain about it.
  15. You did say that. And now you said it again! But can you say it a third time? Are are we gonna get to the mama so fat jokes?
  16. So you don’t know what the hell you were talking about either, lol. That’s cool.
  17. Don’t be trying to soften me up with this super intelligent asshole talk. You kinda lost me on the “well maybe he agrees with me” bit. I don’t know what that means.
  18. I do what l can. The part about ignorance leading to bigotry, that is true, and that is something l would like us as a nation to address. I think investing in our kids is of the utmost importance, and l think it’s important to raise them to be smart, compassionate, and tough. And diehard’s not so bad. I really appreciate some of his input, especially regarding military matters. Typically when l post here l consider the people who read but don’t post as the intended audience.
  19. You want parents to determine when strangers talk about their sexuality to children? Man, your asking parents to have some really awkward conversations with strangers. Hey man, l know we just met, but l’d like you to discuss butt fucking with my kid here…
  20. Does this mean no yo mama so fat shit?
  21. Is it grade school insult time? Good one dude. Let’s do some yo mama so fat shit next. I figured you’d get a kick outta that.
  22. Says the guy with the most homoerotic photo of Trump as his avatar… Seriously, if you type ‘most homoerotic photo of trump’ (without quotes) into google that’s the top photo. There have been documented instances of homosexuals for literally millennia. It’s more common than people with red hair, or people who are allergic to dairy. People who are gay don’t have a choice to not be gay. The main thing is you want everyone to have a certain standard of acceptance towards each other so we can all work and coexist together. Step one of that process is yes, these folks exist.
  23. I hate to be Captain Obvious here, but one of the major functions of reading books is to make the unknown known. Books help us piece together the world around us. I think when some people think of a gay couple their mind immediately goes to butt fucking. But no one’s writing a book for kindergartners where guys are butt fucking, just like they wouldn’t write a book for kindergartners with a straight couple fucking. What you might reasonably see is a book depicting a kid with 2 dads doing normal dad things. One dad drives the kid to school, the other dad coaches the t-ball team. Shit like that. And to a large degree these are things you want your kindergartner to know, because at some point, if they haven’t already, they are going to meet another kid who has gay parents. That kid can’t help that he has gay parents, and you don’t want your kid being an asshole to that kid for having gay parents. Ignorance can easily lead to misconceptions and bigotry, and it’s our job as parents to prepare our kids for the realities of the world. By not preparing them for things they are likely to encounter, you are just making it more difficult for them when they do encounter it.
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