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Everything posted by Ibleedbrown

  1. I was surprised to see this news too. I figured the team did well enough to keep all the coaches employed, but like Bob said, maybe they all had a heart to heart and figured this was the way to go. I’ll kinda miss Stump Mitchell. He was the longest tenured coach, l believe, and he had one helluva beard. One of the most aesthetically cool looking dudes to ever grace a sideline imo.
  2. Bojo punted well most of the season and should be affordable enough. I like Bryant. I got a soft spot for Taki squared. I get the impression they are willing to throw modest contracts at the LB position, possibly for the sake of continuity? Walker is like 2 or 3 one-year contracts in, and Taki signed for one year last year too. Those 2 may be back if no other team offers anything better. I always thought Phillips coulda been something if he could stay healthy. He’ll probably be our new Kirksey and go to another team and play well for ‘em.
  3. Oof, gut punch game homies. Enjoyable season though, many twists and turns and panty wetting moments. I really appreciate you all, you’re always a significant part of my Browns season enjoyment. BB forever. Let’s do it again next year.
  4. Cool, thank you. I guess l should say they still exist at the GAB but they hang back behind or below the stands, so they’re no longer walking stairs and we no longer hear their colorful sales pitches like “cooooold beeeer heeeyer!” I really miss it. It was kind of a quintessential part of the whole ballpark experience that has gone away down here.
  5. Hot chocolate! They have vendors patrolling the stands selling it. Which reminds me, it was super cool seeing vendors hocking beer and hot cocoa in the stands there. That’s something that has disappeared at Great American Ballpark for you baseball fans who venture to Cincy. Has that disappeared at the Jake too? (or whatever corporate name it goes by now). Or anyone privy to the goings on at any other MLB ballparks these days regarding vendors patrolling the stands? I seriously miss it and consider it an integral part of the ballpark experience. Not to hijack the thread or anything, but l’m totally trying to hijack the thread.
  6. ¿Como se llama? We hit Crown Republic for brunch pre-game. 5 stars, would recommend. Pricey joint, but top notch service and excellent food and bloody mary’s. Bloody mary’s are over the top weird these days. There’s like a cornucopia of pickled and fried items involved. Bacon and olives and pepperoncinis, oh my. Have any of you ever tried to spell pepperoncini before? It was like 20 minutes of my life trying to figure out how to spell that, and l’m still not sure if l got it. I would totally throw that word out at a spelling bee and watch some 6th grader piss their pants. Anyways, no. There was no McDonald’s coffee involved.
  7. Fun game to attend. We were fortunate to land seats just behind the drunkest guy in our section, who l did not photograph because then he would’ve talked and talked and talked to me. Fuck all that. The handful of times l’ve gotten super shitfaced at a Browns/Bengals game l ended up in some circle of Bengals fans talking about how much we hate the Steelers. Again, fuck all that. Not much to cheer for this game. That first first down in the 2nd quarter was far more exciting than it should’ve been. How about David Bell? Shares a name with the Reds’ manager. Coincidence? Probably.
  8. I hear that. It took my kid until early adulthood to actually be her own Browns fan. I’m pretty sure throughout most of her childhood she associated Browns football games with her dad being in a pissy mood on Sundays and wanted nothing to do with it, haha.
  9. https://247sports.com/nfl/cleveland-browns/Article/suggs-leads-browns-charge-over-bengals-104068952/Amp/ This the one!
  10. You ninny! Just kidding… I don’t go to many games but l’d like to catch one this year since it’s been such a damn fun year and l wanna cheer the fellas on. My suspicion is it’ll be like FirstEnergy south down here, so l’ll do my part to show my appreciation. Plus when my young adult kid wants to do anything with me l usually go for it. Gotta make those memories man. I’m kinda stoked about the weather too! Looking for Pierre Strong to go hog wild like Lee Suggs did one game l caught years ago in Cincy.
  11. The weather down Cincy way is looking slushy and cool for the game, and with the Bengals out of it and Browns locked in, ticket prices are dropping like a rock. I’m seeing as low as $27 right now. My kid talked me in to going. Should be fun!
  12. It was super tasty! I failed to mention l added a little blackening powder to them. So good!
  13. Great job on the thread title here. “Yeah you nincompoop, but it’s a major award!”
  14. Made it last night! Got a little heavy handed with the parsley at the end. It was really good, definitely the best batch of scallops l’ve ever made. I probably could’ve seared it a little better to get that good crust on the ends, so that’ll be the goal with the next batch. Made some baked mac & cheese with it too. Farmer’s cheese and white cheddar is a killer cheese combo in that. Certainly not a health food dinner, haha.
  15. There is a Northern KY version of Cincy style chili, a small chain of maybe 3 restaurants called Dixie Chili. It’s quite good, sometimes l think l like it better than Skyline. You’d love it!
  16. Pin that tail on a donkey Myles. I’m apparently out of upvotes so l have to resort to writing shit to show my virtual upvote/thanks/love.
  17. Shh, l’m trying to score tickets to the game here. Cincinnati style chili isn’t overly spicy, but it is amazing! Don’t let anyone here tell you differently…
  18. Yorkie is like our secret good luck charm. We should totally all pitch in and buy him and me and my daughter tickets for the Bengals game next week, and maybe my girlfriend too but she’s a Bengals fan so probably not her. Waddya say fellas? I’ll show him around Cincy and shove Skyline chili down his face, and we’ll virtually guarantee a win in the process! It’ll be great.
  19. This whole “the game is on Amazon Prime” thing threw a monkey wrench into my plans, because l don’t have Amazon Prime. But my tot does! And she’s off work and has no plans so l’m gonna catch the game at her place. Very fun!
  20. I watched this last night, it was really well done and quite enjoyable. Sure, there’s gobs of social commentary involved, but l’d say equal opportunity scathing gets dished out, and humor is at the forefront. You gotta be down with satire, otherwise lotsa shit will go over your head or it will be unfunny to you. I watched with my gf and daughter, both of whom have seen it and dig it. There’s quite a bit of historical accuracy involved for those of you in to that sort of thing.
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