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Everything posted by Ibleedbrown

  1. Some of this may be exacerbated because our defense has played well this year. More incomplete passes, more 3 and outs, more TFLs than previous years, therefore more cause for celebration. I guess if it keeps the mojo flowing then have at it. I chuckled at the spoon feeding mention and look forward to variations of that weird little celebration. Can we get Dlinemen spoon feeding each other? Complete with airplane noises?
  2. Joe is now selling beef. I’ve never been more excited to mail order a steak. https://sixspringsfarms.com
  3. TV mappin’ time! https://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2023&wk=15 The map is about what you would expect for the Browns v. Bears. All of OH, most of IL, and since IN is IN between (ba dum, tss), we’re taking that too. Which is great for me since l’ll be in the Hoosier state this Sunday. We also got some border areas in KY, WV, PA and WV. And let’s give it up for Ft. Myers, FL this week. A little island of Browns fans in the panhandle state!
  4. I think Stefanski inherited Stump Mitchell, unless he left the team and came back? Wasn’t Mitchell with us during the Hard Knocks days?
  5. No worries, l’m a word nerd. Per the intent of the op, these are good things. People die, people move, it’s good that watch groups keep tabs. Probably the larger concern for conservative minded folk is l think a lot of those people are moving to the midwest. Cheaper living is attractive. The Republican party needs to evolve. I’m anxious for it and l don’t think l’m alone.
  6. My talking points for this game: Martin Emerson. Holy hell dude that overshot pick was one helluva catch. Hats off. Schlong Hopkins. Favorite kicker since Phil “the human battering ram” Dawson. Tasked with knocking down a 55 yarder as his only glory shot in the game, and nails it. Man l miss Nick Chubb. Heal up and keep being awesome man. Stefanski, hell yeah. I AM that asshole standing on the coffee table screaming “GO FOR IT!!!” Kevin Stefanski is my spirit animal. Flacco: l appreciate the irony that a dude l used to curse under my breath l am now cursing over my breath. The concept of cursing with elevation is freaking me out. From the first drive l anticipated a win, which is uncommon and also kinda freaks me out. My old boss (big Browns fan and a good dude) texted me after the game “but why we make it so hard?” That wasn’t hard. I had to body check the guy. We’re Browns fans. Hope for the best, expect the worst. Toughen up buttercups.
  7. To each their own. Christmas season Browns win, playoff hopes alive. This hits a harmony spot for me.
  8. An oxymoron is 2 words that seemingly contradict each other. Organized chaos, friendly fire, alone together, etc. “Honest democrat” is probably a better example of an oxymoron as opposed to “corrupt democrat.” Unless you think democrats aren’t typically corrupt.
  9. I only recently discovered it. It’s a real treat, the guy just manufactures smiles with everything he does. And holy hell is he funny. Right now you can vote on the JT Ironman Steelhead Fishing Contest. May the best fish win! https://www.instagram.com/p/C0mN6JcgxK9/?igshid=ZWI2YzEzYmMxYg==
  10. Got a map link here: https://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2023&wk=14 Big chunks of the US of A get the Brownies on their local tvs this week. Not us suckers in the Bengals infected parts of Ohio, but the rest of you Buckeyes are good. Let’s give it up for Birmingham this week. Giving the finger to Tampa Bay and Atlanta. Birmingham loves the Browns. And Maine. Fuck yeah Maine.
  11. Istanbul, not Constantinople? As a non native Clevelander, I’ll highlight personal plus stops on visits there. Has anyone mentioned Little Italy yet? It’s cool. If you’re a fan of the movie A Christmas Story, the house is there and has morphed into a tourist attraction. It’s actually kinda cool, assuming you’re a fan of the movie. If you’re not a fan, then there’s something wrong with you, and we’ll have words. The Grog Shop is a longstanding place where you can catch a live act that might blow your mind, or might suck. If you’re looking for good cheese, just find a freeway going south and you’re bound to get lucky.
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