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Everything posted by OldBrownsFan

  1. I know we need more studies on hydroxychloroquine and zpac to be clinically studied but for now it is one of the most promising things in our tool box for those with covid 19. I want patients and their doctors to decide if they want to take this drug. What the doctor who has successfully treated 700 patients with the drug has said is once lung damage is done and patients are on ventilators these drugs are not so effective. That is why I messaged the woman on facebook who was having severe breathing problems it might be critical for her to start taking hydroxychloroquine and zpac now before her symptoms got worse and then it might be too late to take the drug. As some have already said we are at war with an invisible enemy and you fight with the army you have and not the one you would like to have.
  2. One of the reasons I pray over my food... I think all of us have seen this at times. yeech. We were at a restaurant once and the server's hands smelled so unbelievably bad it was nauseating. I probably should have just been honest and told her but instead I made some kind of excuse we had to leave and paid for the drinks and left.
  3. I watch that now too with public doors and hand rails but it is a habit I am learning. I missed it the other day when I put gas in the car and my wife gave me some hand sanitizer when I got in the car reminding me there are lots of people who handle the gas hose.
  4. There likely were lots of germs with my name on it before this virus hit. I used to tease my "germophobe" friends but now I see they were just ahead of the curve. I have made a lifestyle change that will last after the pandemic such as more hand washing, hand sanitizing and keeping my hands from my face. I was never one of those guys who left the restroom without washing their hands but I never gave much thought when I shook hands with people that perhaps they were ones who didn't? I think about those things more now. Same way with public handrails and door knobs etc...places where a lot of people are likely to have touched them I think about that now where before I didn't.
  5. More good news. I posted yesterday how disappointing it was to hear the FDA turned down DeWine's request about this but looks like they reversed their decision. FDA lifts restrictions on Ohio-based Battelle's mask-sterilizing technology amid coronavirus shortages https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/03/29/coronavirus-fda-eases-restrictions-mask-sterilization-technology/2936670001/
  6. I am very sorry to hear this about your mother Jblu. My sister is in a similar situation now. She told me her knee replacement is currently failing and if it does she will have to have her leg amputated. Also sad. about the timing of this for your mother and your family. My father in law was having some heart problems recently and spent a week in the hospital with no visitors allowed because of the coronavirus. I never understood myself with all the sanitary precautions in a surgery room why there is such a problem with staph infections?
  7. Great point. Some of the sites I post from do that with the headlines and no doubt they do it for the reasons you state. They want attention grabbing headlines to entice you to click to the story.
  8. Good news. We are at war with an invisible enemy and we don't have the luxury of time. Emergency measures are needed right now. FDA Approves Emergency Drugs To Fight Coronavirus https://saraacarter.com/fda-approves-emergency-drugs-to-fight-coronavirus/
  9. I pray your son stays safe and protected. These health care providers are real heroes fighting this invisible war.
  10. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has now treated 699 coronavirus patients with 100% success using Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, Zinc and Z-Pak [UPDATES] https://techstartups.com/2020/03/28/dr-vladimir-zelenko-now-treated-699-coronavirus-patients-100-success-using-hydroxychloroquine-sulfate-zinc-z-pak-update/
  11. Here is another example, Maybe the FDA has good reason to do this but we are in a war right now and time is not on our side. "Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine is blasting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration after, the governor’s office said, the FDA limited the use of an Ohio-born technology to sterilize widely needed surgical masks. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration denied Columbus-based Battelle permission to sterilize a far greater number of face masks a day, capping the company to just 10,000 daily sterilizations of the masks. The ruling also blocks Battelle from sending its technology to other metro areas, a release from DeWine’s office said Sunday morning. “The FDA’s decision to severely limit the use of this life-saving technology is nothing short of reckless,” DeWine in a statement. “Battelle’s innovative technology has the capability to protect health care professionals and first responders in Ohio and across the country, but in this time of crisis, the FDA has decided not to support those who are risking their lives to save others.” Added DeWine: “This is a matter of life and death. I am not only disappointed by this development, but I’m also stunned that the FDA would decline to do all it can to protect this country’s frontline workers in this serious time of need.” For two days running, DeWine has publicly pleaded with the FDA to issue an emergency waiver for the use of the new technology that could sterilize up to 160,000 personal protective face masks every day. The technology was developed by Columbus-based Battelle and could be used elsewhere. In addition to offering this technology in Ohio, Battelle had intended to send one machine to New York City and another to Stony Brook, N.Y, which would have allowed for the sterilization of up to 160,000 surgical masks for New York’s health care workers each day, DeWine’s office said in a release. Machines would have also been dispatched to the state of Washington and Washington D.C., the governor said." https://www.daytondailynews.com/business/dewine-blasts-fda-limit-battelle-face-mask-technology/mN6x4mvVP3CKT9Dk66GlDP/
  12. I never claimed to be a Facebook expert but I do follow the golden rule. I messaged this woman and gave her the link to the doctor who has had good success with these drugs. I advised her what I would do in her situation. I advised her like I would for myself or any of my own family. BTW - I got a message from the woman's family who thanked me for the information
  13. I live in a more rural County and we have had 4 documented cases of covid 19 and then my wife showed me this facebook page of a woman in Sidney who likely has covid 19. I messaged her and told her she needs to get on hydroxycholoroquine and zpac combo right away, According to the doctor who has had a lot of success with these drugs he says if you wait too long and are put on a ventilator there is more chance of lung damage at that point and then these drugs are not nearly so effective. The same doctor said that covid 19 is 3 times more contagious than regular flu and 10 times more deadly.
  14. Trump in 2016 was the only one sounding the alarm about our terrible trade policies particularly with China and he has been proven right. These bad trade deals go back for decades and different administrations.
  15. What has Trump has been doing reminds me of President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy: "speak softly and carry a big stick;
  16. FDA Issues Emergency Authorization on Game-Changing 5-Minute COVID-19 Test https://www.westernjournal.com/fda-issues-emergency-authorization-game-changing-5-minute-covid-19-test/
  17. Now Biden insiders are saying that Biden will not make it to November because of his mental issues. Why would Biden insiders be leaking this to Fox news except they want the story to be reported? Couple that with a new sexual assault charge from almost 30 years ago and I would say the drums are pounding already in democrat circles to get Biden out of the race. One way or another. "While appearing on the Charlie LeDuff podcast, Carlson claimed that Biden insiders told him they don't believe the former vice president has the mental fortitude to last until the 2020 election in November, speculating that the Democratic Party may revoke his potential nomination. "I sincerely and totally believe that Joe Biden will not be the Democratic nominee on Election Day," Carlson began. "How does that math work?" another podcast host pressed. "It's not about math. It's about will," Carlson said, saying the Democratic Party is "intent on taking power." "Two competing imperatives: We've got to win, but we've got a guy who can't win. Therefore, they're going to replace him," Carlson continued. "He's not going to make it, and the people around him know that. Trust me, I know them. And I know they know it, because they've said it to me." Carlson went on to estimate that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is "most likely" to replace Biden for the Democratic nomination" https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/tucker-carlson-biden-insiders-say-he-wont-make-it-to-election-day
  18. Analysis: In Wuhan Virus Crisis, Hillary Clinton Exposes Her True Colors https://www.redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2020/03/28/analysis-in-wuhan-virus-crisis-hillary-clinton-exposes-her-true-colors/
  19. The democrats had a huge field of weak candidates running and the democrat establishment (using their media allies) put their fingers on the scale and decided to go with Biden believing he had the best chance to beat Trump. When Sanders looked to be unbeatable the dem establishment knew this country would not elect an open socialist like Sanders so they went to work at CNN and MSNBC and other media allies to demonize Sanders. I predicted at the time Sanders would fall in the polls with the liberal media turning against him and he fell like a rock. It was not only the media but whatever arm twisting or promises made to other democrat candidates by dem establishment to get them to drop out of the race and stop splitting the votes to help Biden. So now the dem establishment got their wish. Joe Biden is a lock to win the democrat nomination. But as Biden shows terrible performance after terrible performance on the public stage the dem establishment are having some buyers remorse. The dems are stuck with Biden as it is too late in the game to try to parachute Cuomo in. I still would not rule out some kind of attempt to draft Cuomo as they will do just about anything to beat Trump. Actually the timing of the sexual charges against Biden right now are a little suspect. This supposedly happened in 1993 yet only right now this bomb gets dropped.
  20. Y'all????? Using the Y-word??? 😄😄😄😄 The word ‘y’all” is racist and should be banned Southern hate words have no place in our diverse and inclusive society It’s clear that this word is far too hateful to be used in everyday life. The sheer number of traumatized persons from a variety of marginalized groups is staggering. It’s 2019, and this hatred is unacceptable. The only way forward now is to ban this despicable word and simply brand it the Y-word. Anyone caught uttering this monstrosity should be locked up, heavily fined, or re-educated. https://npcdaily.com/4359/the-word-yall-is-racist-and-should-be-banned/
  21. The pharmacies wouldn't. This would fall on doctors prescribing hydroxychloroquine. They would only be able to prescribe the drug for those who tested positive for covid 19. Personally I would not want to be prescribed hydroxychloroquine for mild symptoms of covid 19 but if the symptoms were quickly progressing to severe that is when I would want to take the drug. There may be better drugs coming down the pike but as of right now If I had severe symptoms of covid19 I would go with the hydroxychoroquine and zpac combo.
  22. All the links were driving home the point the WHO has a huge reputation for being both corrupt and political and not enough as a science agency.
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