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Everything posted by tinythinker

  1. Two teams hoping to get a jump-start for their season and in need of focus and consistency. Anyone else think this will be an ugly slugfest?
  2. Due to various reasons, I missed a lot of the NBA last season. What would be a quick summary of where the team is/who the players to watch would be? I've looked online in general but maybe it's too early for people to write those kind of pieces yet as the NFL seasons is still warming up.
  3. The Jets feel like they really have to prove something this weekend, but it's still the Brown's game to win or lose. Beating a team desperate for a win in a season meant to show they are turning thing around could be a good early test for Cleveland's consistency of gameplay. (And window into the lessons the HC is receiving about playcalling.)
  4. and the pick to give the ball back to Cincy
  5. They are the real deal and will represent the AFC (North) in the big game. Congratulations to the Bengals.
  6. Bengals in the AFC Championship. One Ohio team made the climb 🤔 What a post-season.
  7. And the Bills have finished dismantling the Patriots.
  8. That "almost safety" may be as close as the Browns come to scoring tonight
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