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Everything posted by hammertime

  1. After all the outrageous crap coming out don’t you ever realize that Biden might just be a skin puppet? I doubt Biden is even alive… What a complete shitshow…..
  2. Heck no. Easily 90% of all are corrupt. it’s a swamp of lies and corruption.
  3. Damn Axe… laying it down Barney style!!! sweet!
  4. Wars are about power and money there’s $$$ in war. ukraine smells like shit , I hope we don’t repeat history again. look at the big picture, Putin is light years ahead of the shithead we have as a leader.
  5. We’re missing some traffic control hazard lights on the west side….you seen them around?
  6. I think they are trying to wake people up with the most outlandish crap they can think of and its not working. People are that brainwashed and just fing gullible and trusting in a corrupt system that they have been ingrained with that its the best. its gonna get worse. We dont even need JABF here to hindsight . its bad.
  7. Yes and yes. But he was getting bad information for his final years. He was believing the BS the news was putting out.
  8. It’s gonna take awhile. Some nice graphs shown in your video, a nice breakdown.
  9. It’s definitely worth asking questions and not blindly trusting everyone. not everything is a conspiracy theory like birdgirl portrays but asking questions is constructive and responsible
  10. I hope she’s re elected. idiots, they really thought Beatlejuice was a good thing the first time around? or maybe their elections are a bit suspect also…
  11. You do you when it comes to masks. So if you feel really stupid in a few years after all this crap it wont matter. Just don’t impose a baseless mandate telling us its science. Its fucking stupid and everyone knew it was.
  12. One thing is for sure they do not love America. we need to return to the basic principles.
  13. Your assuming bird girl is a man? Im guessing a frail trans. Saw a football once and wanted to mate with it…. I can only imagine what the workplace is like for it?
  14. Common sense. proper n95 mask use was ignored. cloth masks are a joke, mere virtue signaling.
  15. Apparently it was Chitty Chitty bang bang!
  16. What a shame, its been cancelled lol. Due to threatening statements. Business was taking a hit is what was happening.
  17. MSM will have you believing there is strife. Don’t fall for it. What ever they print is usually the exact opposite.
  18. I don’t know who touched you as a little kid but your one screwed up person.
  19. Are you serious? He’s the boss, we’re being played. Again. Documents? has he cured cancer yet?
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