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Everything posted by hammertime

  1. Trying to converse or debate birdgirl is the first problem. He thinks it legitimizes his position. ignore him. He’s been trolling here for years just looking to antagonize
  2. I believe her… hahahahahaha
  3. Why do you want to murder children in the womb so badly?
  4. At what point will you admit your wrong? 5 years 10 years? what’s your threshold for being duped? Even JABF ducked out after a few years (I’d love to have him back ) you love relying on experts…. have you not learned anything yet?
  5. Today’s homily said to be kind….patience right????
  6. Worst news ever. been a skin puppet forever . imagine how they’ll spin kamaltoee
  7. I thought this sub had been down to the wreckage before? Whens the new knee?
  8. Imagine that…… it has nothing to do with skin color… seems we’ve heard that before.
  9. I got the BR-700 Stihl last summer!! Its a game changer. I love firing it up with some premium petrol 40:1 mix.
  10. It’s unfortunate that only Christian’s put up with it. it’s really disgusting content. how do people accept this trash?
  11. I think you waste a lot of time trying to respond to his trolling. he loves the attention he gets, let him wallow in his shallowness with no one to converse with, normal people are talking to this guy in everyday situations.
  12. I’m hoping you understand life? you really feel like you got ya? life is so awesome that even you should be able to appreciate it. it will be a part of you soon. you will see life like you never have before! don’t fight it birdgirl! God is amazing. As is life.
  13. Absolutely. Your in denial if you convince yourself otherwise.
  14. the entire vaccine was a shit show of epic proportions. the entire response to the wuhan flu should never be forgotten. people should go to jail for a very long time. “A pandemic of the unvaccinated “ At that point people should of really known what a farce the vaccine was.
  15. This statement says it all about what type of person you are. Your missing a lot in your life and it’s really sad that there are more people just like you. lost.
  16. I’m not sure why anyone engages with birdgirl on any topic. clearly the biggest troll on this board. I can’t imagine having such a sad person on a payroll. it’s obvious he has no work ethic or principles.
  17. You really trust the elections in PA? people know the process is corrupt but do nothing. The whole thing stinks.
  18. i agree. So gleefully about thinking Trump will go to jail. OMG hours and hours watching JAN6….getting your news from TV isn’t even close to reality.
  19. I don’t believe any of them axe your guy is convincing way too much we’re just quessing now. common sense and faith will help guide. But still a huge task.
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