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Everything posted by hammertime

  1. If your pro life The death penalty is a conundrum., as much as i want to instakill …. I’m still convinced, certain people should die from it for their crimes.
  2. I think elections have been tampered with long before this election. I think a lot of elections come down to who can cheat better. it was how badly they cheated this last time. On historic levels. But who knows, we’ve always thought it would never happen in the USA
  3. Good versus evil it’s that simple
  4. Just like Trump lost…. this guy won? what a farce.
  5. Wow. So this is AI? yes or No Birdgirl had the right call. I did the same thing as soon as I read it. iF you are looking for help, I promise this isn’t the place.
  6. A very dark view of all this crap would be to hope for a civil war. A very bloody, deadly civil war. I’m talking A civil war of historical casualties.
  7. If the sky is too blue it’s Trumps fault. it’s not about Trump. Sheesh 🙄
  8. I think they should be put on ventilators…
  9. I hate even responding to you. But how do you even respond to this with any credence? You motherfuckers tried. To force a vaccine on people? you don’t see how fucked up that is?
  10. I think everyone should make make there own decision on vaccines and masks. But don’t tell me what I should do. fuck all you assholes who tried to force me and my family to take some fucked up unproven shot. idiots. Jab away. pandemic of the unvaccinated! remember our president dribbling that out of his piehole? this has zero to do with political parties. Good versus evil.
  11. You win. It really does come down to what is evil and what is good.
  12. There are lots of unions. it’s not a one size fits all. You need to be careful when dealing with members who have sacrificed their bodies and lives to provide for our families. reform would be welcome at quite a few levels of union. trades especially. Fix the pension dilemma created by corrupt unions. union members in the trades HATE Biden and it’s not exactly a love fest for Trump but he did what he said he’d do.
  13. Get in line bitches… lol only if you want. I don’t care or judge. I’ll need a lot more convincing before I trust ANY body after the recent debacles from the past few years.
  14. Always about Trump…. dang….try confession, I bet it won’t help with the way you move goalposts.
  15. I’m having a hard time getting a link . it’s worth the trouble
  16. You have serious mental issues. you seriously think your better than anyone that doesn’t believe what ‘the experts’ spew. you do realize nobody knows everything. We are all wrong once in a while. you are a prime example that a college degree isn’t worth crap without common sense.
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