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Everything posted by hammertime

  1. Stanford will squash the negative press from the fruitloops Stanford is very much about diversity and education. Stanford is no Berkley. There is a very large number of conservative students at Stanford, smart kids.
  2. I hope you showered....you were really stinking up the joint.
  3. I’m a recovering ex-democrat also......
  4. Texy, your unable to much of anything unless it relies on your feelings. You are entitled to your opinions though. You will lose every argument on Trump being anything other than a great president because of the pesky items called facts.
  5. 1. Screwed chicks while married. 2. Did not serve in the military 3. Used available loopholes to avoid paying taxes. 4. Used tactics that avoided paying contractors 5. I’m sure there’s more....... but its its going to be a smaller list than all the good he’s done for the USA.
  6. OMG the avi is priceless you got me a few times I’ll admit it
  7. So the new strategy is to deny this even happened? oh boy....orange man bad....feelings hurt....safe place needed...
  8. Whether its true or not it’s like a god dang novel with all the cliff hangers and storylines so so don’t screw it up DH lol 😝 Final chapter is gonna be awesome!
  9. Lol nice avi what exactly do you call bs on?(yes I realize i’m Biting lol)
  10. Absolutely brilliant stuff ! all your past stuff is starting to come true!! fingers crossed
  11. CYA before it even starts..... I hope they arrest people on a weekend so I can relax and watch it on TV. Cook a nice steak and have a few bevvies while enjoying the NFL on one channel and DOJ on the other, good times.
  12. Trump has won already... biden? Trump is hoping for Biden
  13. Deep enough to probably eliminate 50% of Washington if you were to prosecute. That number is probably way off.....
  14. Yikes shouldnt he be in the wacko debates? please, please, please.
  15. It’s too bad most people will never hear or read this in its entirety.
  16. Why does Tia think that’s funny? is it an actual quote?
  17. I’m very thankful for all who have served, but it can cement a point of view that is not correct. Tex is the perfect example. His hate and background makes it damn near impossible for him to even see the other side. Hence, baby steps.
  18. I feel that Trump knows he can fix the debt once he has control of the house. looking at the history of our debt the last president to erase our debt didn’t fare to well
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