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Everything posted by hammertime

  1. Or of course they could send there kids if they feel so strongly about it
  2. The cost of returning heavy, used, and probably aged equipment has to be high. not worth the risk money wise or our troops time and health.
  3. Trump informed everyone in December of 2018 he was pulling out. How much notice do the Kurds need?
  4. The hypocrisy of criticizing the US for pulling out of Turkey/Syria mess is laughable. Look who protests the most and you’ll see who was profiting the most.
  5. Coumo is angry for all the wrong reaSONS.... He’s a Catholic imposter. He has zero credibility by denying his faith in front of an entire nation and thinks nothing of it. Now that I think of it he’s your typical politician who will say and do anything necessary to get power and money....
  6. She looks like a dingbat....but it is Cali so what choice do they have.
  7. Your in the wrong place for that discussion you started a dumbass snowflake thread about another site? You get the fuck out
  8. You little pussy, I don’t think anyone gives a s hit about your 7 day ban. grow a pair.
  9. JAFBF never let anyone bully you into stopping this thread. not everything you post is a homerun but it is quite entertaining. i know that’s not the purpose but it keeps the public on there toes! and it irritates the hell out of the libtards hahahahaahahaha. Trump is our POTUS and people need to accept that. Just like we did with Obama.
  10. I know one thing, Stan was one pissed MF’er last time his PM system got abused.... yeah, I know. i think it’s funny as hell though that all 5 of you went to a safe place hahahahahahahahahah
  11. Jaf has covered this 😎 looking forward to seeing it happen
  12. What a dic did you miss the part where you don’t need to click on this if you were triggered so easily?
  13. Don’t pay any worry to Tex, he’s blinded by his service compared to the POTUS’s.
  14. I can’t hear what he said in that clip or what she says? any help on this one? Thanks
  15. What’s the saying about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer?
  16. That is awesome. “You work for me!!!#2”
  17. No. But has been pointed out the person who did is Biden donor and complete schill for the Democratic Party. Trump set the trap, in plain daylight I might add, and in the Democrats went......
  18. One of the most clear examples of Fake News is on display right before our very eyes. It cannot get any more twisted. Reading the inter webs this morning is like being in the twilight zone with all the misleading headlines..... I read the transcripts and then read the headlines and shake my head, flat out lying. Drain the swamp should include the crooked media who definitely has an agenda.
  19. New lows reached daily..... how does this ever even reach main stream media? put this right up there with people letting there son wear a dress to school..... evil
  20. Smh. thats not the point, so much life is missed by ignoring our surroundings growing up.
  21. I was speaking of issues like men in women’s dressing rms, kavanaugh treatment, killing children half out of the mother, men competing against women, reparations, letting a 5 year old determine the gender, stuff like that has no defense.
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