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Everything posted by cccjwh

  1. Right.. It's pretty easy to see those who never leave their Fox News bubbles. Most of the posters on this board.
  2. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/505806-mexico-closes-border-in-arizona-as-coronavirus-cases-in-both-country The Northern Mexican state of Sonora — which borders Arizona and a small portion of New Mexico — is toughening border restrictions this weekend as both regions experience a surge in coronavirus cases. In anticipation of the Fourth of July weekend, the state government announced plans to place filters at Sonora's main border cities to turn back tourists and those traveling for other nonessential purposes. “We are all going to be on alert at this time to prevent them from coming, whether they are Mexicans living in the U.S., Americans or those who want to come to spend the weekend and put a greater burden on us regarding COVID,” Senora Gov. Claudia Pavlovich said in a statement to the Arizona Daily Star.
  3. Funny, you posted as if they were wrong.
  4. Baby cow doesn't like people treating Cheetos Jesus poorly, even if he deserves it. 😂
  5. Overall, we rate Business Insider Left-Center Biased based on story selection that leans left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a reasonable fact check record. Factual Reporting: HIGH Make sure not to read it, you wouldn't want to come out of your bubble. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/business-insider/
  6. It's just a links to news article from businessinsider. He didn't write it. Try again.
  7. Ouch. Sorry Columbus. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/505449-gop-senators-debate-replacing-columbus-day-with-juneteenth-as-a-federal Republican senators are debating whether Juneteenth, a day that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States, should replace Columbus Day on the federal government’s list of official holidays. A bipartisan bill sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) to make Juneteenth a federal holiday is being held up by an internal Senate GOP squabble. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), an outspoken budget hawk, doesn’t want to add another paid holiday to the calendar. Johnson says if Juneteenth is made a federal holiday, another paid federal holiday should come off the schedule. He’s proposing scrapping Columbus Day but is open to eliminating another holiday instead. “I’m just saying let’s replace it with something. I chose Columbus Day just because it’s probably the most lightly celebrated and less disruptive to anybody’s schedule” to cut from the calendar of federal holidays, he said. Johnson on Wednesday said “we have an alternate bill” and that he is “talking to some of my colleagues.”
  8. I was Beavis. But he didn't hold it up to keep traitors names on US military bases. Cause those traitors names are really important to deplorables.
  9. How is him vetoing the military annual funding bill helping the troops?
  10. The names of traitors on the US bases are more important to you than getting funding for our military. Good to know. I'm sure it the same for your king.
  11. And it won't be your king's fault if another bill doesn't get passed. Because nothing is your messiah's fault.
  12. Vetoing a bill the finances the military would not hurt the military? Makes total sense baby cow.🤨
  13. Fake news, derp state, TDS, hoaxes. All great excuses to look the other way. Make sure you stay in that bubble.
  14. So much winning. https://www.axios.com/trump-republican-satisfaction-approval-rating-0da0eaa3-4150-4cbd-80fc-aabda6df9fce.html
  15. He would only be fucking the military. But I'm sure you are OK with that.
  16. I'm curious why you guys are OK with this. Oh never mind I know why. Fake patriots all around.
  17. BLM has been around for a few year now and you still don't know what they stand for. So whenever you figure that out, your opinion on what they do may matter. What you are going here is the same as complaining about the American Lung Association not doing enough to fight diabetes.
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