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Everything posted by cccjwh

  1. Because you read nothing but right wing nuts job "news" sites and don't bother to check if what they are telling you is true.
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/news/coronavirus-death-rate-us-almost-222400931.html
  3. You guys have a really short memories, just a reminder of how often you were completely wrong. When does Cheetos Jesus going to get his Nobel, sorry I mean his "Noble" prize.
  4. "I am truly sorry if you can not see how HUGE yesterday was."
  5. Hey how much a real world example? Six of CJ staffers tested positive for COVID. If they were not tested, they would have worked the rally and spread it to other people. Those six would have turned into dozens, hundreds or more. Instead they quarantine themselves and don't spread it. So, yes testing is important. Isn't it amazing that something so simple, has to be debated. Just curious how many died people are needed for the deniers to admit this is problem. 500k dead Americans? 1 million? Or does the number not matter as long as it is just old people dying?
  6. Hopefully they take all the profits from the book.
  7. You are kidding right? You think the traitors down south let all their slaves go free after Emancipation proclamation? Slavery wasn't over in the US until everyone in the US was set free. Non Cheetos Jesus, this shit isn't that difficult. Nice that you still see "them" as "them".
  8. "Trump did not inflate the attendance numbers." "The event is Oklahoma is unbelievable, the crowds are unbelievable. They haven't seen anything like it. " - Cheetos Jesus about to fly to event. Don't get mad bro. Not your fault Trump is a moron.
  9. Well you see. If you brag about something being HUGE! Then it turns out being tiny. (See Stormy's tweet) You are going to be mocked for bragging about it. You are crying about them being mocked, not sure why. They do stupid shit daily and are mocked for it. For some reason you need to jump to their defense this time around. "ran down the ramp for the final 10 feet" "Trump was responsible for passing VA choice" - Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (Name kind of gives it anyway) "Biden wants open borders" Sorry, I don't go for your alternate facts. Otherwise know as falsehoods or just blatant lies.
  10. He bragged about the numbers, his campaign bragged, baby cow bragged, Fox News bragged. They all got punk'd by some 12 years old girls. But you keep hold making excuses for your Messish, it's really entertaining.
  11. Sure gork. He just bragged about the number and so did the Trumpers. "OMG looks at how many people got tickets!!" See this thread.
  12. I can't imagine why they kept the camera so low. 😉 Hey, I expected them to at least fill the arena. Sure not if people just gave up because of the teenagers or if they are just smarter than Trump.
  13. Did even 2200 show up? Heard it way short of the million that registered. 😄
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