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Everything posted by Chemist

  1. I seriously doubt the NOAA has accurate global temperature data from 1880 onward. Aren’t they the ones that got caught editing past data to lower temperatures?
  2. Where where you in July of 2013? Record lows at night, in the 40’s in Ohio in some instances.
  3. I thought we weren’t supposed to use a few days or months as evidence of greater trends or a lack thereof.
  4. Liberal tactic: deflect, control the narrative. So what about the actual content of the article?
  5. So when they say United States do they mean the United States of America? Or the United States of Mexico? What was the first established sovereign country in the Americas? Which country in the Americas actually has “America” in its title?
  6. Women of color. Muslim is a color? Are colorful people supposed to be immune to criticism?
  7. What do these women claim for their nationality/ ancestry? Are they hyphenated Americans?
  8. I appreciate the correction. I don’t follow Twitter. Still, there’s nothing inherently racist about the tweets.
  9. So in either scenario, are threats and death wishes really necessary?
  10. The problem with your assertion is that you’re only thinking of/ looking at the drugs that don’t make it into the US. This is like guarding the garage door while leaving the back door wide open. Then you wonder how all your shit got stolen.
  11. No, for whatever reason he’s unable to dig deeper beyond the “face value” of the article. Unable to read between the lines. He’s constantly referring the what the article specifically states instead of looking beyond that. But that’s liberalism in a nutshell.
  12. There’s no way to “spread the wealth” from a leaking soviet sub
  13. The problem is that sunscreen is known to block UV-A rays while allowing UV-B rays to pass. There is currently no standard that sunscreen must meet to block UV-B rays (not even for broad spectrum—they claim to block both types, but you can’t be sure). The problem? UV-A is what burns you but UV-B is what causes cancer. So by wearing sunscreen you are inadvertently exposing yourself to much more of the cancer causing rays. My my apologies if I got UV-A and UV-B mixed up. The paradox remains true regardless.
  14. It’s just a game dude. A gay game at that. I guess Rapinoe fits right in. The fact that it’s women playing it makes it even less interesting.
  15. The tail bone is just a small conically shaped bone at the bottom of the spinal column. There are ligaments attached to it. It was never part of a tail. There is research that suggest the appendix is a “storehouse” for beneficial bacteria.
  16. Also, too much sunscreen prevents the body from synthesizing adequate amounts of vitamin D, a powerful cancer-fighting vitamin. The body was made to get at least some sunshine. By all means wear natural sunscreen like cal pointed out when at the beach or on the lake.
  17. Oxybenzone is absorbed readily by the body. The same chemical banned in Hawaii because it damages marine life. Yet experts insist you should wear sunscreen even on cloudy days? nope. https://www.google.com/amp/s/pix11.com/2019/05/06/sunscreen-enters-bloodstream-after-just-one-day-of-use-study-says/amp/
  18. It’s happened before. Think about some ancient societies that allowed gay marriage and celebrated faggotry.
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