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Everything posted by Chemist

  1. Are those statistics based off of convictions? Because it’s much easier to catch and convict an actual US citizen than a flighty illegal immigrant.
  2. Then he should understand that bias (climategate) should not be inserted into the scientific process.
  3. Well maybe the retreating ice will expose even more ancient Viking ruins from when they lived and farmed on Greenland.
  4. Funny. Also, when I woke up today Donald Trump was still the President of the United States of America.
  5. D) is reserved for pretty much every scientist who has made predictions regarding MMGW and the effect it would have on the Earth’s climate over the last 30 years.
  6. Correlation does not equal causation. There is no actual evidence that vaccines are responsible for Autism. Anecdotal evidence does not count. The diseases that people are being vaccinated for do not cause autism, and the trace amounts of different chemicals do not cause autism.
  7. Vaccines don’t cause brain or nervous system problems.
  8. So being pregnant is despair. A woman’s body doing what it was designed to do it despair? Crime is heinous. Victims of crime cannot always be made whole. It’s an unfortunate fact of life. The innocent do not need to be killed because of someone else’s crime. Don’t speak for Jesus. It’s clear you know nothing about his life or teachings.
  9. So the solution is to kill someone who is inconvenient. Let’s hope your relatives don’t feel the same way when you’re old and inconvenient.
  10. They’ll lose in the wild card round again. Probably three games to one.
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