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Posts posted by Vambo

  1. Biden's plan to bring Gaza Palestinians to America draws dire warning from expert

    JERUSALEM — The White House is considering the resettlement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to the United States, sparking warnings from experts about the potential for terrorism and failed assimilation. 

    "We are constantly evaluating policy proposals to further support Palestinians who are family members of American citizens and may want to come to the United States," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced in early May.

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  2. 10 hours ago, hoorta said:

    Well, Uber Moderator, and Board Master.  And pardon my personal attack...  Let me give it to you straight YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT, AND AS DELUSIONAL AS YOUR PALS HERE.  

    So let's talk about blind hatred for a minute Steve. your little CULT of right wing jackoffs sure can't behave with an ounce of civility and adult behavior if ANYONE dares disturb your little right wing echo chamber-  and FWIW, I've pretty much had it with their bullshit.  You listening? Probably not. 

    Blind hatred?  Not by a country mile Steve. Maybe YOU folks should look in a mirror and realize You're the ones in a Cult. My reasons of Trump disgust are well founded in a thing called REALITY. Something that is in EXTREMELY short supply on this forum. Backed up by how the the American Judicial system works- obviously- you believe otherwise.  If you want to believe that 1\6 was "just a peaceful protest" there's no hope for you- and a few million other brainwashed Trump supporters. Aw, the  poor victim of political persecution er- prosecution for committing multiple felonies. 

    Yep- Dave Koresh was an item Steve- and you Magats are most certainly following in his footsteps. Fascism wrapped in a flag, and carrying a cross.  Trump's zero morality is documented beyond a shadow of a doubt. That's of NO consequence to you? Sorry, it is to me. You so sure Donnie didn't sell some of that top secret stuff to his pal Putin? wouldn't have put it past him.  

    So, by all means Steve- let's whataboutism rag on Joe. Senile old guy trying to to do right for 
    America.  As opposed to a philandering serial wife cheat, tax cheat, election cheat- oh I could go on.  Vote for him by all means- you're going to get what you deserve.


    • Haha 3
  3. Costello on Wednesday said Cohen "decided that while he didn’t believe the allegation, he thought the story would be embarrassing for Trump, and especially for Melania, so he decided to take care of it himself." 

    Costello testified that Cohen’s "motivation for this became obvious" amid Cohen’s alleged desire to work in the Trump administration after the 2016 election. 

    Costello testified Cohen thought Trump would make him attorney general "or at least chief of staff to the president." 

    "Cohen then explained that, for that reason, he negotiated the sum of $130,000 in exchange for the NDA. When asked if Trump had any knowledge of this, Cohen told me no. When asked whether Cohen got the $130,000 from Trump or any Trump entity or friend, Cohen again said no," Costello testified. 

    "When asked if this was from Cohen’s own money, Cohen said no. He was asked where, then, did he get the money, and Cohen explained he took out a HELOC Loan because he didn’t want anybody to know where the money came from." 

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