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Everything posted by Gorka

  1. Looks more like a goofiest uniform contest. The tall kid gets my vote.
  2. Maybe they just refuse to believe America has a record number of stupid people.
  3. Passing legislation against Islamophobia alone would not destroy America, but it's a step. "That's one small step for man Islam, one giant leap for mankind Muslims." Muslims continue to pursue world domination understanding that it would not come to fruition in their lifetimes. Muslims if they had their way would turn our democratic government into a theocratic state governed by Shareeah law.. HOW ISLAM WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD (Quran 9:33, 8:39 & 61:9) (schnellmann.org) Therefore there are three main ways in which a state or country can become Daar ul-Islam (the domain of Islam):1. The majority of its citizens embrace Islam and implement the Sharee’ah on their own accord2. A group of Muslims rise, overthrow the government and implement the Sharee’ah by force (coup)3. The Islamic state carries out Jihaad as its foreign policy and removes the governmentIf the Muslims are unable to convince their people (e.g. through peaceful da’wah) to embrace Islam and implement the Sharee’ah, it then becomes an obligation upon them to make hijrah and unite (build their own community and execute the Sharee’ah over themselves) and then rise against the government by force at a later date, regardless of whether they are the majority or the minority. Allah (swt) says:
  4. Like what..securing our Borders?
  5. Neo was crying about not being able to have a reasonable discussion over here.. I'd like for her to show up and try and reason with this.
  6. Hoorta still riding with sleepy Joe...because he can't afford to pay for the gas. The definition of liberal lunacy.
  7. An example? What has Trump done while serving in public office that leads you you believe that? Hoorta feel free to add your 2 cents...which will be all it amounts to.
  8. Oh I'm sure every QB has left guys wide open. But like I said, it wouldn't surprise me if another HOF QB tore Warners analysis to shreds. Thats the nature of this business. Another head scratcher. At 7:44. How does Warner know for sure this play was designed for Chubb to run the flat route? Some plays are designed for the receiver to be at or near the first down marker, and thats exactly where Chubb was heading. I'd bet a thousand bucks that Chubb ran the play the way it was designed. The most absurd comment by Warner was when he said Baker was jumping up and down because Chubb didn't run the flat route. What?? Baker was jumping up and down in frustration over a near catch that was slightly overthrown, not because Chubb didn't take the flat route. Stupid comment. Had he caught it, it would have set up 2nd and a couple feet, not 3rd and short as Warner indicated.
  9. Santa must have a gig coming up in the inner city. Besides, Christmas is coming up. How long should have Santa waited? Time is of the essence this time of year for him! But seriously, days after a school shooting has no relevance here. What you did was take advantage of a school shooting in order to manufacture outrage. Had the website provided in the Tweet made mention of Santa applying for conceal carry, then yes, you could argue that this was "promoting", otherwise many reading that tweet other than liberals would find it amusing, like I did.
  10. I believe there exist data/ arguments that suggest that it does. It's just that I have not looked into it deep enough to make a decision. My gut feeling is no. Besides, you hijacked your own thread. Are we talking about a gun problem, or do video games cause gun violence?
  11. That sounds so crazy it might just work!
  12. A very, very stupid graph. Only three countries in the world currently have a constitutional right to own a gun: the US, Mexico, and Guatemala. Six other countries used to have a constitutional right to bear arms, but they've since repealed those laws. The US is the only country with a right to keep and bear arms with no constitutional restrictions.
  13. HAHA.. ...A libtard talking about having a "meaningful discussion". When you assholes resort to joking during a debate it's a clear indication that you're losing and in denial of it.
  14. Because "she" is really a dude. What has happened to us? Penn Swimmer Who Competed As A Male For Three Seasons Now Dominating Women's Swimming – OutKick
  15. That's probably how he really feels, but he'll never admit to it. He attributes his absence here to that tired cop-out excuse of not wanting to engage "right wing MAGA lunatics"....like you Steve. lol
  16. First of all sorry to hear about your mom's decline, I know it must be tough. I guess I'll be the one to sort of take the fair and balanced role this time.lol You're right the vax doesn't do much to stop the spread, but the likelihood a vaxed person sees the hospital or has severe symptoms is rare. A recent study in Los Angeles County showed that while breakthrough infections can happen, the unvaccinated are 29 times as likely to end up hospitalized from Covid-19 as a vaccinated person. The statistic below however cannot be accurate. How do they know that only 1 in 5000, or even 1 in 100 vaxxed people experience a breakthrough infection with the possibility of many being asymptomatic? I know a fully vaxxed person who didn't know he had COVID until he went into the hospital for a scheduled knee surgery. Your father is another example. A study in Washington state gathered data from over 4 million fully vaccinated people. The data showed a rate of about 1 in 5,000 experienced a breakthrough infection between January 17 and August 21, 2021. More recently, some populations have shown breakthrough infection rates of approximately 1 in 100 fully vaccinated people. These so-called vaccinations will never be 100% effective. They are only therapeutic.
  17. That could also apply to Hoorta. Funny thing is that Woodly who pretends to distance himself from Biden had slipped up and defended his guy..
  18. If there was a "kidding oneself" ranking, that gem would take the #1 spot. "Let's go Brandon" wasn't created by the right-wing media. Biden is garbage without the right-wing media's help, and you know it. Name one thing that has improved under Biden? Labor participation - nope. Gas prices - nope. Home heating prices - nope. Grocery prices - nope. Supplies - nope. Inflation overall - nope. Real wages - nope. Median income - nope. Deficit - nope. Debt - nope. GDP growth - nope. Afghanistan - nope. China - nope. Russia - nope. Foreign relations overall - nope. Getting America back to work - nope. Covid - fuck no.
  19. It's obvious by that gem of a post that you're the one needing attention.
  20. What about him? I said most actors are demonrats. What part don't you get?
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