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Everything posted by Gorka

  1. I'm going to ask you....should they ban it? Being the flaming libtard that you are, your answer can only be "yes". Answering "no" would make you the two faced double talking libtard we all know that you are. Well?
  2. You've gotten out of control Bob clearly explained to you in very simple terms what he meant, yet you respond by continuing to pile on with needless rhetoric. He never said you couldn't regulate behavior. Thats what laws do. Thats what rules, regulations, policies, and procedures do. What cannot be regulated are your feelings toward someone or an issue.
  3. Of course, because white people are the oppressors. We must be understanding. The oppressed deserve to get a pass for making racist statements against their oppressors. Little has changed since the 60"s Woody is gonna give me a . Watch.
  4. Surprised Big Mama isn't on his list. A black woman who is also a transgender. He'd have all the bases covered.
  5. Dumb name. Almost right up there with Guardians, but not quite. Commander is an officer rank in the Navy. The Washington Admirals sounds much better to me. Maybe they should have chosen a name like Homesteaders to continue to symbolize the rivalry with the Cowboys.
  6. American exceptionalism has nothing to with healthcare or any other program you feel has been a failure. It is about America's uniqueness. It's founding., the representative form of government, the three branches of government intended to act as a system of checks and balances, the concept of liberty, equality, laissez-faire economics, individual responsibility. Then there's the people that make it exceptional. The freedom and spirit of entrepreneurship. Did you ever hear of Alexis de Tocqueville? In 1831, a French political scientist during his travels in the US was the first to describe America as exceptional. The position of the Americans is therefore quite exceptional, and it may be believed that no democratic people will ever be placed in a similar one. US. 22A Discuss Alexis de Tocqueville's five values crucial to America's success as a constitutional republic: liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, populism, and laissez-faire. US. 22B Describe how the American values identified by Alexis de Tocqueville are different and unique from those of other nations. Too add a little more exceptionalism ...American people are the most charitable people in the world. We also are the first to respond and provide the most aid to any nation experiencing a national disaster. You just provided more proof that schools do not teach American exceptionalism, only how rotten it is.
  7. Aren't there enough books, movies, documentaries, YOUTUBE videos about the Holocaust already? To ban one book because of unnecessary and excessive profanity and nudity shouldn't be that big of a deal. I know, it's rough coming up with something naughty the Republicans are doing.
  8. LOL You must have listened to Rizzo this morning. He went on to say that this kid from Ohio kicked our asses for 18yrs. has finally retired, and now I gotta put up with another kid from Ohio! @#$% ...for how many years??? Although Burrow hasn't kicked the Browns asses...yet.
  9. Rizzo will be hurting tomorrow. lol This was supposed to be us.
  10. But we have 4 NFL Championships, remember!?!?!...plus 4 AAFC Championships! Good old Gipper rest his soul. lol
  11. Rooting for the Bengals. Can't think of a longer suffering fanbase.
  12. Those that can't think for themselves is the very definition of a liberal I'd be more concerned about the Democrat/leftist run MSM who for years have fed lies and misinformation to a greater portion of the population than some right wingers behind a mic. They created Joe Rogan. They created Rush Limbaugh (RIP). Had journalism maintained its integrity by simply reporting the truth these people wouldn't exist.
  13. Nope. Sorry. It's apparent you're chomping at the bit because this debate is one you're pretty sure you can win. LOL
  14. Lol, cccp still crying about a FOX commentators opinion while still believing Trump and Russia colluded to steal an election fed to him by the liberal "news" media. Grow up ya liberal freak.
  15. No, faux is pronounced "fow", rhymes with "row". Or what pimps call their women. Hoe.
  16. Woody does get pissed a lot. And if your aim here is to piss off regardless of who it is then you are what we thought you were, a troll.
  17. .............................................
  18. On the left it's always been about quotas over quality, striving for equal outcomes. The job of government is to assure equal opportunity for all, NOT equal outcomes. I wonder if Biden has looked here... Virginia’s new lieutenant governor is a Black Republican woman. That identity is more common than you may think. - The Washington Post And other Black Republican women — Jenean Hampton, Jennette Bradley and Jennifer Carroll
  19. Racist! Eventually someone will slip up. Bacon was right after all!
  20. Your comments are perfectly in line with those of any other liberal dipshit, so no one's gonna buy your "I was only being sarcastic" bullshit.
  21. I see what you're saying... But the "interpretation" I'm talking about refers to getting rid of any ambiguity and making clear the intentions of the framers of the Constitution.
  22. Point to it. Call the person out who made this racist comment. Don't be a pussy.
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