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Everything posted by FY56

  1. I didn't read past that. A lie from the get go. Maybe the other two will read your shit.
  2. This is why you're the asshole. You know for sure I believe every word he said. Your hatred for him is glaring. Regardless of what you want to call him, equal treatment under the law is irrelevant. Whatever it takes to take the guy down even if in itself is corrupt. I've explained to you once already what the deep state is you fucking moron. The Durham report pretty much exposed that. It is not a collection of groups or entities that meet in some secret undisclosed location planning strategies to destroy Trump. It is made up of individual government bureaucracies, including the media that know what needs to be done. Must get rid of Trump. Taking it upon themselves. Each doing their part. That is why it is "deep". It cannot be destroyed.
  3. Well it looks like Trump no longer will be donating his presidential salary when he becomes president.
  4. Right and assholes like you believe that the fines levied against him for his "crimes" were fair and reasonable. You do realize that if he were worth 4 TRILLION, that also would be gone. Trump grossly underestimated the power of the deep state. His big fat ego appears to be destroying him. He should have walked away when he lost.
  5. So Watson likes Winston you say? For what reason do you suppose that is? Probably because Watson can now enjoy company with another pervert and allow fans someone else to boo. And it doesn't appear Winston wants to come here to sit on the bench. Jameis Winston has already made his intentions clear to new teammate Deshaun Watson (msn.com)
  6. For the second time John Hinckley, the man who shot President Reagan and stalked Jodi Foster, had his sold-out concert postponed. I'd put money down and bet that the majority of his fans are demonrats. Man who shot Reagan performing concert in Connecticut (wbtw.com) Not so fast... Second attempt at CT concert postponed for man who shot Reagan (courant.com)
  7. It’s staring us in the face as to why liberals and those like Vapor take the view that they do, and no one has mentioned it. Palestinians are brown people. Israelis look very white. It is natural for liberals to immediately gravitate toward defending brown people against their so called white “oppressors.” It’s what they do. They are also oblivious to their own bigotry. They expect the Israelis, who are more advanced in every imaginable way, to hold themselves to a higher moral standard than brown people, which is to say brown people are less capable of civility. They are in a sense subhumans.
  8. This is what Hamas believes and has always believed. Do your recall which side initiated this latest conflict? This is what I can't understand about your side. The belief that Israel has no right to even exist is deeply rooted and non-negotiable within Hamas, and other terrorist organizations. In their view, peace is out of the question, so how can you blather on about "blind support"? Blind or not blind becomes irrelevant when an extremist organization exists to exterminate Israel. As long as Hamas maintains their position, none of your arguments hold water.
  9. Should I ever consider owning a gun the first people I'm gonna talk to for advice is either Jax or Cal. They definitely know their guns. Funny thing it was my wife who once considered buying a gun.
  10. Words taken from Gen Douglas MacArthur in his final speech, now have been returned. Sad. My kid a West Point grad saw the signs. Has left the Army.
  11. The best QB we had in decades gone. It's like we've been teased. Found out he's what we've been looking for, but we can't have him. Thanks Joe, you made Cleveland rock.
  12. If two clowns won't convince the American voter to finally say enough is enough with this 2-party system, then I don't believe any change is possible.
  13. But that video was very funny nevertheless. Well done. Wouldn't you agree? Why do you need so many guns???
  14. Negative campaigning has always been at the forefront. But this time it may be extra negative. My choice would have been Haley. I think she would have destroyed Biden. Trump, I don't know, could be a big big mistake
  15. Thats all fine and dandy. Just hoping it wasn't a huge mistake. Donald Trump Stung as New Poll Shows How Unpopular He Is https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-unpopular-polls-2024-election-1877870
  16. Woody needs to read that. Didn't you make clear that the AR15 was not an assault rifle? I think I'd like an AR15. I may not need it but they are cool to have. A citizen can also own a decommissioned tank if he really wants one. I'd be almost certain he doesn't need it.
  17. Read your posts. You're the one exhibiting outrage that is in fact genuine, not fake, because you can't get anyone to agree with you. And as far as us caring about babies, don't worry, I care about you Neo.
  18. Why would you want to do that? I'd bet that the vast majority of the population have no interest in weaponry. The more you engage the more absurd and unrealistic your "takes" are. Give it a rest idiot.
  19. Your take is stupid. What if you're only allowed to have a 22 pistol?.. one to a family. By your warped sense of logic that would not violate your rights either. Answer this you idiot...to what level of gun confiscation would you consider it be government infringement of your right to own weapons?
  20. Close but not quite there. I caught that as well. However, NEO said that he was waiting for someone to remind HIM of what AR meant.. Cal wasn't responding to him. He just threw it out there. Can't say I blame him, a friendly reminder knowing that there are still many stupid lefties that still believe AR stands for Assault Rifle.
  21. FY56


    Thats not as crazy as it sounds.
  22. It's good you chimed in on this. Need someone to step in that knows something about guns.
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