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Everything posted by FY56

  1. A deflection. No surprise there. I expose your recession hypocrisy, and you come back with this. Cry all you want about whataboutism and memes.
  2. No it was not you douchebag. That was. Maybe.
  3. I hope as hell you're finally right about something. Otherwise, you have zero interest in the truth. Amid glaring evidence of a recession under Biden, your treasonous media assholes have either downplayed or completely ignored it. This "nothing to see here" approach was meant to shield Biden and the demonrats from any scrutiny. Yet throughout the Trump administration, you treasonous assholes took every opportunity to warn the public of an impending recession which really never happened. Where was your panic frog then? 5 Reasons Donald Trump's Presidency Will Include a Recession (yahoo.com) Analysis: Trump’s plans would cause ‘lengthy recession,’ cost jobs | The Hill If Trump Causes a Recession, How Severe Will It Be? - Bloomberg Donald Trump’s economic proposals would isolate the United States, hurt its economic growth, increase the federal deficit and cost millions of American jobs, according to new analysis. Trump Could Trigger The Longest Recession Since The Great Depression, Report Says | HuffPost Impact Fears that a recession could hit the U.S. next year are growing on Wall Street, creating a potential headache for President Trump as he seeks to highlight the economy in his bid for a second term. US recession: Trump's attempt to outrun a recession might make things worse | CNN Politics President Donald Trump is trying to outrun a possible recession as he runs for reelection in 2020, but his efforts to keep the economy going now might make any downturn harder to fix.
  4. It wasn't necessary to read through the thread. You're the first to be brutally honest. Easy to do if you're not a Browns fan. It was right there in the original post for all to see. However, this offer did fall short of the $230 million fully guaranteed contract that the Browns signed Deshaun Watson to after they acquired him in a trade with the Houston Texans. The report notes that fully guaranteed money is at the heart of the issue for Jackson and is looking to come as close to that $230 million guaranteed mark as possible.
  5. You'll be glad you did. You don't even have to watch the entire thing, because it begins to talk about other benefits of slowing down the emissions unrelated to climate change...the environment, health benefits. We all want that..
  6. Thats true, but are you aware the actual amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere by man since the beginning of the industrial revolution? It was 280 ppm prior to the industrial revolution, today it's at 400ppm (parts per million). Although this small 120 ppm increase has some effect on climate, I've heard from those that aren't buying into this urgency refer to this increase as a fart in a hurricane. Also, if all man-made CO2 emissions were on the entire planet would stop tomorrow nothing would change. For centuries the planet would experience some warming. It would take 100,000 years for the earth's CO2 level to return to its pre-industrial level. Your grandkids and their grandkids, and their grandkids. etc etc ........will survive. This video was posted here before. Hot Mess is associated with PBS, so it wasn't created by a climate denier....very informative so take a listen.
  7. Nice try. No one is the least bothered by you making fun of anything because they consider the source. You also believe people have you on ignore because of your superior intelligence, don't you? At your best game you're equivalent to a monkey throwing their own shit hoping it sticks. YOU stated that we don't understand, so obviously you give some sort of shit because apparently you know something we don't. Speak up little guy. The culture war is driven by you lefties so you may as well be laughing at yourself. It's time you heed the words of ultra-lefty Bill Maher whey he says you liberals are embarrassing him. You don't give a shit about anything else because Trump lives in your head. Own your TDS.
  8. That makes a lot of sense. The documents that are returned, if any, probably wont include the ones that implicate the FBI's dealing in corruption.
  9. So when are you going enlighten everyone about those things we don't like or misunderstand about the left? I hate being kept in suspense. I should also mention that you don't give a shit about immigration because there's no room for it. Your obsession with Trump and those that support him occupy all the space in your head.
  10. Volcano's?? You're doing quite a bit of spewing yourself. The theory of abiotic oil is not something that just surfaced recently. Secondly, no one really knows exactly how much oil the planet has remaining. The projected date that the planet will "run out" of oil is 2052?, is based on the oil that is currently recoverable using the current technology. Gee..I could have sworn that a few years ago the estimated date was 2040 . Kinda like the global warming scare, when the east coast was supposed to be under water by 2020.
  11. Equally funny would be the 21 Browns head coaches.
  12. Probably the #1 most frequent grammatical error ..."you're" instead of "your", and vice versa.
  13. I had just explained to exactly what I meant. And you wonder why people pay no attention to you. Have you ever heard a righty when discussing about being energy independent (self sufficient) also advocate windmills, solar, or electric cars.? Hmmmm? If you think advocating for renewable energy was implied, then you must have had the wrong impression about righties after all. Right? Stop digging yourself into a hole. Not thinking things through before replying just so you can generate a response doesn't make you sound inteligent. synonyms for self-sufficient - Thesaurus.com independent
  14. The bitter divisiveness began with Obama. The examples are many. When elected the majority of us stood back and gave him a chance...that perhaps it would take a black man to finally bring about domestic unity and "world peace". Sadly, it turned out he was who we thought he was. Trump didn't bring about divisiveness, the left did, including the media. It's always been between those that hate him versus those that support him. And it continues to this day. TDS. Remember, Trump hadn't even become president yet when the campaign to destroy him began...the civil unrest and violence that occurred during his campaign. Biden is just an extension of his boss Obama. Listen to his last speech.
  15. Who may that be? Being energy self-sufficient...in other words being energy independent... in other words not having to rely on other nations for oil. Get it now? Aren't you going to help me understand how there can be more than 2 genders? How do you identify btw? I'm curious.
  16. My my look who got triggered. Energy self-sufficient I intended to say, not efficient. But by all means please do help me understand. This should be interesting. A very well thought out post as usual cccp.
  17. a. Meme b. Ad hominem attack c. Link to rightwing nutjob "source" d. #whataboutism e. combination of a, b, c, or d
  18. Bashing Trump gives their lives meaning. That or signing up to be a social justice warrior.
  19. Ah yes, then there's the "triggered" copout.
  20. So you never heard the right talk about securing the border and Bidens failure? Or being energy efficient?...Biden screwed that up too. Overturning Roe vs. Wade? Opposition to defunding the police? Opposition to men who think they are women being allowed compete in womens sports. Lower taxes, and opposition to the lefts vision for gun control. If indeed the right is void of policies and ideas, it must be because they are too busy fighting the enemy within.
  21. TDS ^.^^ Sad. Whataboutism is just a convenient cop out. Calling you assholes out for accusing the other side of what you are or do, and you play the whataboutism card. Fucking cultist, party first, corrupt, lawless, coup scheming demonrat.
  22. Hmm...did I ever say I loved Trump, or even like the guy? You'd be surprised. The only reason I have for wanting Trump elected again is the pleasure I will get from watching you TDS peoples heads explode... the sequel.
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