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Everything posted by FY56

  1. The Browns sign Josh Dobbs, an aerospace engineer with a high IQ, and Josh Rosen, an economics major also having a high IQ. Yet the Browns organization keeps getting dumber and dumber.
  2. Well let's see. Bad time to accuse Cal of being delusional. It appears he would be right most of the time over on the poli forum. Maybe you're the one that's delusional?
  3. I've never watched a car race. Interested only in sports that involve athletes. Race car drivers and golfers are not athletes.
  4. This move tells me they know something we don't. Yet.
  5. A few had concerns over Rosens arrogance and that he would never want to come to Cleveland. Well, he's here now. And he was an arrogant fuckstick. UCLA's Josh Rosen: 'I'm the best QB in the draft' After being drafted: There were nine mistakes ahead of me,” Rosen said, referring to the nine picks made before his name was called.
  6. Actually, Cal was very much anti-Rosen. The post below is from ClevFan4ForLife..lol
  7. Reincarnated Chief Wahoo is back...returns to Cleveland as a football player!
  8. It's one thing to be loud. It's another thing to be dumb. But trying to reason with someone that's both loud and dumb like this bitch and you're pretty much fucked. Can't be done.
  9. Maybe not political, but you can be certain that anyone believing the woman is justified is a liberal. These frivolous lawsuits have been around forever. I remember Reagan on TV talking about how a woman filed a lawsuit against a hospital because she claimed that the X-Ray machine had taken away her psychic powers.
  10. No because it would never come to that. He would be rendered unable to play and out of football the moment he lost his leg.
  11. Thats good to know. Then you would have to agree that trans who choose to play women's sports do it out of pure selfishness having zero concern about fairness let alone the integrity of the game.
  12. Thats all great, but it has little to do with the mental illness debate you started. So would your grandsons circle of friends cheer on their trans friend as "she" competes in a woman's athletic event?
  13. Well what they're saying is that being trans ultimately may lead to mental problems. Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics. While dysphoria isn't a mental health diagnosis on its own, it's a symptom associated with a variety of mental illnesses, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and substance use disorders.
  14. But it once was. It was recently declassified as a mental condition by The World Health Organization. My question is...if not a mental condition, then what is it? Usually the word "symptoms" implies a health issue, mental or physical. What are the symptoms of transgender? Symptoms A difference between gender identity and genitals or secondary sex characteristics, such as breast size, voice and facial hair. ... A strong desire to be rid of these genitals or secondary sex characteristics, or a desire to prevent the development of secondary sex characteristics.
  15. Two men take 1st and 2nd place in womans bike race. https://twitter.com/WomensRightsNet/status/1532804764664225792/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1532804764664225792|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=
  16. Pussy? I dunno about that man, I just can't image that if DH was armed that he would be hiding in a closet while people are being killed...especially if he possessed your awesome skills.
  17. If journalists reported the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth then the democrat party would become extinct.
  18. His injury as an excuse for his lack of effectiveness was overblown. There have been many QB that have played hurt. If he can practice, then he can play. You play the guy who gives you the best chance of winning
  19. Acrisure. What an awful sounding name. The prefix Acri means "sour". Acrid means "pungent". Acrisure- Pungent for sure. How fitting.
  20. You're more worried about the hero possibly shooting a bystander over the certainty of the gunman killing more people. That is your example of this incident "going sideways"? Dear Lord. True, police can't stop the gunman but only because in most cases damage has been done before they can arrive on the scene. So yes, it's up to you. Don't act as though Ulvave is the norm to support your position. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is not the job of the police to protect you or anyone. The US Supreme Court has made it clear that law enforcement agencies are not required to provide protection to the citizens who are forced to pay the police for their "services." You want to talk about lawsuits. Law enforcement agencies cannot be on the hook for every violent act committed by private citizens. The police motto "To Serve and Protect" is a misnomer. They are not constitutionally obligated to do so. So again, it's up to you if you have a gun.
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