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Everything posted by FY56

  1. Women getting the right to vote happened in 1920. Anyone with a set of balls between their legs were opposed to it. Conservatism played no role back then. Conservatives did support Civil Rights, and yes many did not. While neither Democrats nor Republicans, liberals nor conservatives, enjoy a completely spotless record on civil rights, conservatives within the Republican Party served historically as defenders of equal opportunity and civil rights. House Republicans such as conservative Hamilton Fish (R-NY) supported federal anti-lynching legislation in 1922, 1937, and 1940, only to have these bills defeated in the Senate by Southern Democrats. In 1934, Oscar De Priest (R-IL), the first black congressman elected in the 20th century and a staunch anti-New Deal conservative, unsuccessfully tried to integrate the House restaurant. In 1947, the Republican-controlled Senate, headed by Robert Taft, refused to seat notorious racist Theodore Bilbo (D-MS) because of intimidation of black voters in the 1946 election. Conservatism need not be defined by it's support of civil rights. It is implied. That all men are created equal. Conservatives believe in the ability of mankind to build a society that respects rights, defends those rights and is also strong enough to repel the forces that would threaten it. The 14 amendment was written by Conservatives. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws
  2. To borrow from Reagan- "Liberals know so much that isn't so" Fast Facts that are good for you to know: The conservative movement as we know it didn't start until the 1930's It was liberalism in its day that supported slavery. John Locke known as the "father of liberalism" tried to rationalize its legitimacy. The Republican party was formed for the purpose of banning slavery. Although those against the Civil Rights act were Democrat conservatives, you should be aware of the fact the 14th Amendment was written by Republicans and The Civil Rights Act was passed thanks to Republicans. More Dems opposed it. As mentioned, Conservatism didn't exist in 1920. Male chauvinism at the time knew no boundaries or affiliations. Furthermore, it was the Republicans who championed the women's right to vote. Social Security proposed by Roosevelt himself was not a liberal/conservative thing as well. Initially opposed by Republicans but in the end gained overwhelming support. Granted Republicans have opposed Labor Unions, but again has nothing to do with "conservatism losing" simply because blue collar workers are largely conservative. My old man voted Dem and was pro union and a conservative. To suggest conservatives were against the 5-day work week is absurd. Gay marriage who cares. You win. Good for you. Also, you may have been taught that the white man invented slavery. They did not. No doubt the Dems back in the day proposed some great things. The GI Bill for example. But yesterday's Democrat is todays Demonrat, and certainly not a JFK Democrat who spoke like a conservative and would be ripped to shreds by you guys.
  3. Meanwhile, most of the media had Watson as sucking. I will say that three dropped accurate passes, an underthrow and an overthrow is not bad for a QB being out as long as he had.
  4. What Deshaun said: Thank you for the opportunity,” Watson told Haslam "Opportunity"? LOL What Deshaun meant: "Thank you for paying me enough to come to Cleveland".
  5. Torn between reacting with an "upvote" or a "sad".
  6. I'd almost be willing to bet any one of our liberal friends, say $100 that if Trump does get elected that within a week the stock market takes a significant jump, and gas prices drop considerably. Although it would have to be determined at what level would be considered "significant".
  7. I'm not confident he'll even win the nomination but it's nice to listen to a voice of reason and sanity for a change.
  8. That doesn't sound too good. But you obviously recovered from the great drought of 2011. Did that drought come as a result of climate change too, or is it just this one?
  9. So you agree that I'm in always in your head. Well all righty then!
  10. Yes, for you in particular it's hard to forget, no argument there. I expect you to bring it up again very soon.
  11. You came to that conclusion from one post? No, what's interesting here is that Gorka still lives in your head.
  12. While that sounds troubling, lakes have dried up throughout the earth's history. Category:Former lakes - Wikipedia Problem solved. Your state of Texas is full of man-made lakes, why not just make more?
  13. Or moves it. Ouch. When you get right down to it, the ultimate blame for the situation the Browns find themselves in today is on Modell. The team for the most part sucked during the 90's, but geez never did I recall this level ineptitude and dysfunction since the team returned. Looking back at Browns history, there were great times, and not so great times, so you could almost guarantee had the Browns stayed they would have gotten out of their 90's funk became winners again, and maybe even won a Super Bowl. The Ravens are the old Browns after all.
  14. Oh hell no, Goodell is a dictator. what Steve did was to take down a dictator.
  15. Its not surprising the Browns couldn't see the signs. What's to stop this from happening again?
  16. Our friends on the left do have a valid point on this issue. I went through hell and back with IRS. To make a long and complex story short as possible, and through no fault of my own, the IRS discovered a discrepancy in the amount of tax I owed. The deficiency was paid, yet I repeatedly kept receiving threatening notifications. I disputed what I owed SEVERAL TIMES using the forms available which included bank statements indicating the deficiency to the IRS was paid. This went on for months. This is the kicker....I finally received a notice that they are reviewing my claim AFTER I had received a "final notice" threatening to seize my assets/bank accounts. WTF??? Talking to them is impossible, they have no one to take phone calls. I called every day at 8AM sharp, and at 8:05 after being routed through a dozen prompts you receive a message indicating that the lines are full and to call back the next day. I finally got the problem resolved when I called the IRS office in Cleveland rather than their main office. Turned out that my wife submitted the payment (electronically) using her SSN, and not mine. Even though we file jointly, my SSN is the one that counts. Bottom line is that they do need clerical/office people. Aside from the shortage of people taking calls and the processing of tax returns, the departments withing the IRS are inefficient at "talking to each other" due to the lack of personnel. My experience is proof of that. I'm not saying that they won't take advantage of this for activities that are devious. We're still talking about the IRS here.
  17. It's been six years now of conspiring to find some fucking thing Trump is guilty of, and those you're rooting for have come up empty each time, so yeah defending him is proper and justified. Breaking into his home was out of desperation. Your side is scared he'll run again. Your side may not be able to pull off the scam again at the polls so some way, somehow Trump must be made a criminal in order to disqualify him from running. In the meantime, continue defending the Biden crime family So what if they find porn? Damn straight I'd vote for him again even if they did. It has zero to do with his job. We're not looking to elect a holy man. Yours is an immoral ideology that takes the moral high ground only if it supports your agenda. That comment of yours is glaring proof that you belong to a class of touchy-feely liberal faggots who are guided by their emotions rather than reason or logic.
  18. .....against Pittsburgh, in Pittsburgh. Every Browns fan dream, second only to winning a SB!
  19. What happens is you'll get overruled. Why would you want Cal to know that?
  20. FY56


    A happy ending so to speak.
  21. Now it's pickup truck shaming! I remember when it was those SUV's that gave you guys fits I see your wife also shares your views. lol
  22. I didn't say you sucked at math, or even imply it!...I was just trying to stress a point!
  23. I sorta became a space junkie too. Thinking about the universe too long and your mind begins to blow. It's the numbers. It's vastness, and the fact that there are billions of stars separated by millions of light years,..and for our friends on the left who may not understand the concept of a light year: Light travels at 186,000 miles in a second. So in 2 seconds how far do you suppose it will travel? Do the math, seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours, hours to days, days to weeks, weeks/months, months/years. We're talking millions of years here. The distance is unfathomable. Stars themselves are another story. They all die, as will our sun. Depending on its mass, a star will take I believe 3 different forms when it dies...a white dwarf, a neutron star or a black hole. What's mind blowing is the density of a neutron star, so dense that ONE SUGAR CUBE size of its material weighs 100 MILLION TONS. As far as ancient aliens, I with you on that, but If I start ranting about that, I won't know when to quit.lol
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