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Ghoolie Always Ghoolie

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Everything posted by Ghoolie Always Ghoolie

  1. I saw an article in which he was interviewed about the draft and he said "we are more likely to trade down than we are to trade up. We take a long term approach tonthe draft". WTF does that even mean? I sure as hell am no draft genius as I would have drafted Mitch Trubisky and Paxton Lynch, and I really don't know how to rate this fucker other than on the surface his trades, picks and dick moves make me think he was a step down from Dorsey. Either way, wtf does trading up or down have to do with long term drafting philosophy? I just think this guy is a fucktard.
  2. I saw an article in which he was interviewed about the draft and he said "we are more likely to trade down than we are to trade up. We take a long term approach tonthe draft". WTF does that even mean? I sure as hell am no draft genius as I would have drafted Mitch Trubisky and Paxton Lynch, and I really don't know how to rate this fucker other than on the surface his trades, picks and dick moves make me think he was a step down from Dorsey. Either way, wtf does trading up or down have to do with long term drafting philosophy? I just think this guy is a fucktard.
  3. Interesting for sure. We cruise 6x per yr., in the Yacht Club of MSC. I am somewhat like Thurston Howell.the Third when we cruise. LMAO.
  4. On football, it never bothered me when a boss, "got their guy". What I believe the problem with the Browns is that there is no boss, there is no authority figure. I think we have a bunch of jackoffs who take turns running to Haslam toncry and whine about whet they think needs to be done, and then Jimmy stands in and makes a call, convinced that he has a steady hand on the rudder. This franchise consistently underperforms commensurate with the level or talent.
  5. I am not blaming anyone. All I am saying is, let's get off of it. There is no upside to this kind of thing.
  6. Of all the consternation and shit I have stirred in my life, I always respected the fine line in which one can insult someone's mother, and still remain within the confines of just being one of the fucking guys..... "I fucked your mother" "Your mother blows" "Your mother sucks dead goats" All fine, all fun stuff........that is, as long as the other guy's mother is just the nameless, faceless generic mom, that we all love to make fun of. However, when someone injects the reality of a mother's real identity, such as Nick posting his Mom's photo.....I think that is the time to move to another topic. Nick's Mom was indeed beautiful. Guys, fuck each other in ass with a stick of dynamite all you want, but recognize when the fun becomes a foul.
  7. LMAO. I did, you pretend Irishman. 00, Your Name. I am every Browns fan. I take the homosexual compliment with the love it was sent with.
  8. I so seriously have nob respect for coordinators and assistants. How many fucktards did Lerner and Haslam hire because all the NFL talking heads and "insiders" convinced them that the magnificence of a SB coach just naturally rubs off/osmoses to an assistant? I think absolutely there are assistants who were born great head coaches, but the system of patronage that pressures dimpledicks like Haslam into hiring the favored candidate, keeps a lot of teams in the shitter. Now, I am no Jeff Bezos or Jerry Jones, but I have had my share of success with start ups. I honestly never looked at a candidate's resume in the interview process. There were qualities that I believed in, from my Dad, teachers, friends, whatever it is that builds us. Those are the things that should be mined when hiring a person.
  9. He is the Father of this board, a dear friend, and I think about him often. I think TBB should have a pinned photo of him on the home page.
  10. I haven't had a Browns clothing article for many years. I still have a pristine 1964 throwback jacket circa 1980 that I think this fall will fit me again. My Mom got one for both me and my Dad. My Dad passed away in 2000, and I sent his jacket to Johnny Bassilakis. Man, it is really a nice product. But I felt I wanted a game day jersey so I went shopping online. Brown 32, Kelly44, Sipe 17, and on it goes. The options of what to wear are many. I however have an aversion to idol worship and wearing another man's name seems to me, a Beta thing. I though about Stan Aten #1, but realized he would rather have me do that with a Raider's jersey (long story) So, I see the Jersey ad, it illustrated that you can have whatever you want on the shirt..... Boom.....my dilemma was answered...... My jersey is a white one and on the back it says.....YOUR NAME 00. Yep that's what I ordered; just like the ad showed.
  11. I am very sorry for your losses. It doesn't really matter how long ago we lost our parents. It leaves a hole in us. Jesus, the times we remember, and this football team. It never ceases to amaze me at how similar our stories are. God bless us all. Here is hoping we get to see a Browns SB.
  12. My right side, and really all of my cardiac vasculature is healthy. I just had a big goober blocking my left side. 6 weeks behind me now. I am trying to decide between a Harley and a Benedetto archtop guitar.
  13. Fuck no, here I am planning on watching a lesbian zombie that night, and Boom, "Ghoolies fucked up", lmao. I had no apprehension at all. Didn't worry me at all. O know God and his kid..If I died I would be with them, I not, I would be with my wife..Either way, I win. Don't mistake my faith for hypocrisy. I think you are more likely to find God in a whorehouse than in some fucktard husky whispering church, and I am the last guy to smash people with the Bible, I have too.much of my own shit. in the end, though, I know God, I know his son, and that's enough. Fear not. I am happy.I got tested, because honestly, I think I am in good hands.
  14. I For 6 years I experienced some shortness of breath. I attribited it to my weight and arterial fibrillation. I would lose 20 pounds, gain stamina and then go back to eating. I had a really bad bout that stopped me from going on a cruise. walking out of the car to the shuttle made me have to sit down, 20 minutes to regain my.breath.Never had that. Doc.did a chest X ray, put me on a diuretic, I felt better, but he sent me tonthe cardio guy for a 2D echo. Cardio guy added a ct scan and stress test. Stress test showed some irregularity but nothing serious. Suggested a heart cath within the next year. Since I was scheduled.for an ablation to fix the afib, we decided to keep the appointment and do a heart cath and look around. Boom, 90%+ of my main aorta. No narrowing anywhere else. Dad had the same thing and he ate 95% garden vegetables and canned goods. Once the heart cath guy saw the blockage, they scheduled me.for an immediate bypass. I look like Frankenstien, but am feeling like a new man. How I didn't have a heart attack truly, only God knows.
  15. We love the Browns, don't we. We keep coming back Cal, we just will always.keep.coming back. Regarding your medical comments, when a routine catheterization turned into, you need emergency surgery, I didn't bat an eye, for the exact reasons you eluded to. I had the best docs, medicine, machines and technology. I am in awe of what was done for me.
  16. For those I didn't share with, I had emergency, single bypass open heart surgery on Feb 10th. I had a hereditary issue that caused a 90+% Blockage of bloodflow to my heart. I had very little symptoms and truly was a dead man walking. Glad to be recovering during this, the Browns first upcoming superbowl off-season. As we all do, I am hopeful about new players, but at the same time I have puzzlement. We have great RBs but we don't have a killer, punishing running attack. We had, will again have two great edge rushers but our pass rush is not disruptive. The team constantly made poor play calls over the past years, and it remains undisciplined and mistake/penalty prone in crucial situations. Finally, the Browns have the worst performance and strategy in the NFL when we have a lead later.in the 4th quarter. Depodesta and ShitMyPantski, whatever the percentage of fault is, are the culprits of all of this shit. New players are not going to change that. New assistants and coordinators? I am jaded. I believe that all assistants and coordinators are coffee fetchers. Talented and knowledgeable? Sure, absolutely, but are they given the autonomy to actually sculpt their allowance of clay, or do they merely execute the plan given to them? With the Browns, I think it is the latter. Without a major change of how ShitMyPantski and Depodesta interact I believe was have another 7-10 type season. I hope I am wrong.
  17. I am a voluminous user of tiktok. it is by far the free thinking, creative and open social media platform in existence. What I laugh at, are the fucktards who whine about it being unsafe, while 95% of Facebook users every hour of every day send out messages saying "Do not accept friend requests from me because someone has hacked my account. I have connected with people all over the world. one of my cigar videos is over 400,000 views, I keep in touch with people we meet on our 6x/yr cruises, and I just placed 4 of compositions with a guy who does jingles, commercials, and movie music. HOWEVER....I didn't post anything here to my knowledge, other than perhaps some of music. Unless I fucked up and copied the wrong link. I am Forest Gump at times with following threads so I am not following what was posted. One of the links is a chick and a drink, the other is of a downed Chinese plane. I saw nothing about Mild Garrett
  18. Zombo, or Zomblow as I like to call him, has never, at least in my rroughly 30 years of seeing his work, has ever predicted that the Browns would have a losing season. When he again nails it he won't be celebrating "I told you they would be shit", but instead, "I told ya we would win it all". Not a bad logic. Ieant wtf fun is there in being right about 7 - 10? No disrespect hurled at the winners. I stopped joining in the fun of predicting just because my contempt for Haslam keeps my head clouded. Like all of us, I want the Browns to joint the 20-0 club.
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