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Yorkie, going tot dogs

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Everything posted by Yorkie, going tot dogs

  1. I thought we were excellent and that was my first win. Most of the Texan fans disappeared before full time and the game finished in an almost empty stadium with the exception of our support. Went to pre match bash on Saturday night and met lots of Texas based backers and then met them all again at the tailgate on Sunday. Been surprised at how quiet down town Houston has been but the welcome and hospitality I've received has been bang on. I can highly recommend Birra Porretti and the pubs on main street to anyone who passes this way as I'm eating and drinking like a Lord. Was surprised that even the Texans fans that I talked to were good sports even after we'd given them a battering. I fly to Cleveland on Wednesday so I'll be in a pub near you lot soon. Merry Christmas everybody!
  2. Information overload is about right, Cleveland has been quite easy cos everywhere is walkable from my hotel other than the metro from the airport and back. Houston has taken a bit more planning cos several of the pubs I want to visit are a long bus ride out from the centre so I have to plan that I can get back ok after a good slurp. Got a pile of maps with bus routes and times scribbled on but if I take care of it now I don't have to worry about it when I get there. Thanks to everyone on here for the tips and Information. Not long to go now.
  3. I need some tips on tipping please. When I'm buying drinks am I expected to tip every time I buy one and when I eat how much is it usual to leave? Don't want to be walking away from the bar with them muttering 'tight english wanker' under their breath. Last time I was over I tipped on every other drink, is that about fare enough. When I was in LA a lass served me and she had a face like a slapped arse, wasn't sure if it was me not tipping enough or whether she was always so miserable. Many thanks inadvance.
  4. How long a walk is it from Flat Iron to the Stadium and what time will you be tailgating till? Just considering options for my pre game slurps and might pop round to say hello. Also once I've got a few sloshing around inside me I can't hold a piss to save my life so walking time becomes important, I'm even worse when it's freezing cold. Will look at Beer passport this weekend. Cheers.
  5. That'll be excellent if you get chance, I arrive in Cleveland late on 27th but I'm not flying back till the 2nd Jan. Have given it an extra day just in case New Years eve gets messy. There's nothing worse than being on long flights when you feel rough as a bears arse through over doing the beer. My Hotel is down on the Flats so I'm close to centre. Cheers.
  6. Yes I'm already lending some thought to future trips as my ESTA is valid for two years, the rivalry between Browns and Steelers has me intrigued as it's both clubs grudge match and I'll have numerous questions about that when the time comes. I've found you can do loads of internet searches but you can't beat local knowledge so all the recommendations for food and beer will be noted and thoroughly checked out. Even though I'm 56, when a trip is looming I still get giddy about it and now I'm on a single digit count down to my flight on the 21st I'm starting to get proper giddy. Houston for Christmas, Cleveland for New Year. Smashing!!!!!!!
  7. I hope to send Houston Browns an E-mail about the pre match booze up this weekend, it'll be good to meet up with like minded souls. Thanks for the Links.
  8. Can't say I'm familiar with that Christmas film but I'll look it up. Was watching one that was filmed 20 miles down the road from me in Knaresbrough and Pikering called A Yorkshire Christmas which was a good advert for our area. And as for cheese, like Wallace and Gromit I believe you can't beat a cracking piece of Wensleydale and there's no shortage of it in York as Wensleydale is only 50 miles or so from here. Cheers!
  9. Will do, it's all falling nicely into place and that Mables on E4th is definatley getting a visit or two. Cheers.
  10. I only really get to see the highlights on Youtube, I don't have ten million fancy TV channels like some do. I've been working afternoon shift for months so I've been able to watch the Tuesday morning games but I'm back on days now and the games are just finishing as I'm getting up for work at 04.30. I'd check out sports bars online for Texans game , I think Istanbul is 7 hours in front so there is that to bear in mind which would mean Jets game would be live at silly o'clock in Istanbul so your hotel room might be your only possibility. Can't give you any tips for Istanbul as I've only been once for a soccer match and we were taken straight from the plane to the game then stuck back on the plane home straight after the game. We did get a nice boat ride down the Bosphorus river to the stadium though. Enjoy your holiday!
  11. Thanks very much everybody, I'll be writing these ideas down and checking them out and no doubt printing off a map or two to go with the pile that I've already done for both Cities on this tour. All I have to do now is get on the phone and see if I can contact some old friends that I've not seen since 1995, if I can get them out for a drink while I'm in town that will be the iceing on the cake.
  12. __ Everything is booked and I've just sorted my tickets for Texans and Jets games on my brand spanking new phone. I arrive in Houston on the 21st and I'm staying right in the middle of town. Is cash still king? I've changed up a fist full of dollars and I'm thinking of getting a few dollars more but having done a bit of research on Browns store and Rock n Roll hall of fame I see that both these places are card only, can I expect to find it's also the case in bars? cos that's where most of my money will be getting spent. No point changing it up if I can't use it. __ When I get to Cleveland I intend to have a stroll out to Forest City Brewery, Great Lakes Brewery, Hooples and Brew Dog from my Hotel down on W10th street at the flats east bank, I'm also going to have a drink in The Flat Iron and Harbour Inn in west flats. Am I likely to encounter any knob heads or is it safe enough when I'm walking round these areas late at night? And lastly, which is Browns fans main pub after the game on game day? You can't beat local knowledge, many thanks in advance.
  13. I would say it's nailed on I'm of Viking stock as our family name is Norse and my ancestors on my dads side were from Wearside were the Vikings also settled. And I hold no grudge with the Germans, I've had many a good trip over there and the vast majority of them are sound and like to get stuck in to the beer just like we do.
  14. Not seen it for donkeys years, right funny film though!
  15. Just pissed myself reading that, no wonder I've never heard of this Simpson Day fellow.
  16. Air museum is brilliant and I think is the most complete WW2 Air base remaining on our shores. York used to have loads and my dad used to stand at the end of the runway as Halifax Bombers used to take off from Clifton and fly over his head. He also used to get bollocked for playing in the local bomb craters, York was bombed on something daft like 16 different raids mainly aiming for the railway yards. Useless Luftwaffe missed the railways and dropped them on my housing estate by mistake, missed my house by about 30 yards and flattened part of the next street and the local school, the bunch of arseholes!
  17. Welcome to the board from a fellow Brit, I've not been on here very long but have had loads of help and ideas off the lads on here as I've been planning my trip over for a couple of Browns matches over Christmas and new year. Everything is booked now and sorted my ESTA yesterday and had it approved within an hour. Just need to get a new phone and sort match tickets. If you ever feel like taking the plunge and going over for Browns games, this is a good place to be for Ticket advice and pub recommendations along with other stuff. Had loads of good days out in Southampton when visiting The Dell and St Mary's. Drank in a fine old boozer called The Juniper Berry last visit and The Fire House (rock pub) and The Cricketers on previous trips. I believe Fire House is now closed sadly.
  18. Go Metro on Game Day - LA Metro This could be a useful option for getting to and from with a match day shuttle bus running from a local metro stop. I went to watch LAFC in 2019 and used the metro and buses to get from my hotel in West Hollywood. Only snag was I found the ticket machines very hard to figure out.
  19. Had a right good natter with CT and can you believe she started out on a Youth opportunities program at Arsenal of all places! She even came up to Leeds and drank with us one season. And yes Spurs away was always a dodgy one for us. You must be right chuffed with your start to the season especially after Kane walked away. If you can stay the course and win it he'll be gutted.
  20. Yes the info is coming thick and fast and is a massive help, hoping to have the trip, all flights, accom and Visa / ESTA whatever it's called these days booked in the next week or so. And then I'll make a phone call and hopefully track down some old friends who got me into The Browns in the first place.
  21. Been to Wycombe a couple of times and I remember a couple of decent boozers with real ale but can't remember the names. I have an extensive knowledge of great London pubs as I've boozed it up round there so many times and organised themed Piss Ups down there, The Krays/ Jack the Ripper pubs as an example. Wycombe is a short train ride from London so if you ever pop down there on an all dayer I can give you tons of ideas. Not bad for a Yorkshire Lad that lives nowhere near London.
  22. Brilliant info! Thank You. If I buy my Tickets on The Browns website for both games will I just need the one Browns App or am I better off getting a Ticketmaster App. I have no clue about this sort of thing as I have only ever used paper tickets before. Definateley interested in the Browns piss up on saturday night. Had a look at the Great Lakes Brewery and it's half hour walk from where I plan on staying and looks well worth a visit. Are you familiar with the Harbour pub down on the flats? I've got my eye on chucking some darts in there. Cheers!
  23. Thanks for the recommendation, I will certainly check it out. I see you are a Spurs fan, I've not done your new place but went to you're old place on many occasions from 90/91 onwards. Had some brilliant piss ups down there. Used to meet up with a good Spurs lad called Tony Parsons and Clair Tomlinson the Sky TV lass who would turn out now and again. Do you know either of em? Tony used to do the lot and go everywhere and drink in The Victoria. Have you ever had the pleasure of a day out in Leeds?
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