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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Jax


    Who would have guessed that allowing illegal aliens into your country from different cultures would result in something bad? Dumbasses make believe you don't want people here because they look different.
  2. The truth slipped
  3. Jax


    Thanks dumbasses
  4. I agree but Israel can handle gaza and it looks like ukraine if screwed either way. I guess what I meant was, too much attention is taken away from our own problems and they will bite us in the ass more than those places will.
  5. Also, if man made climate change is real, I'd like to see proof not only in charts and evidence, but real action by those that believe in it. I'd like to see open and honest debates where 'experts' aren't afraid of losing grants and ones that speak out against it aren't shamed for the sake of keeping them quiet. When you give India and China a pass on regulations then you're not helping your cause. When you force EVs on everyone in one country, with the making of batteries, charging of batteries and disposal of batteries is worse than the gas using vehicles you're getting rid of, you're not doing the environment any favors. But Al Gore was pretty adamant about polar caps melting and water rising, maybe he just got the dates wrong. Maybe instead of in 20 years he meant 20,000 years. Maybe there was a typo in the emails from his 'experts'.
  6. These aren't college students, these are Jew and American hating muslims. This is all they know and do. They are there because they hate jews. This isn't a game of winning support. They are there to terrorize and cause pain and proudly show their hatred. They aren't sitting at a Panera discussing ways to rally support for their noble cause then make a bungling decision to protest at a death camp where millions of jews and none jews were killed.
  7. The hell with gaza and ukraine, let's clean out our own country
  8. Imagine these nitwits in due time will run for gov't seats.
  9. Nice Cal. I do not have a green thumb though I try at times. There's a difference between utilizing solar energy and destroying a working infrastructure for something we're not ready for by force. Going green; probably started out as a good thought but turned into a big control/money grab by gov't.
  10. Half correct sadly, but there are Palestinians that live here, terrorists, hamas, muslims and they are dedicated to the death of jews. If hey put their flags away it's because they're switching them out for rifles and bomb vests. It's a mix crowd of dumbasses and foreigners that will never assimilate into American culture. Even worse, actively participate to dominate us.
  11. This is inline with their history and beliefs though. This isn't a one off chance encounter with a random stubborn person. Actually a lot of people do have this sentiment these days. When a politician you voted for does something really bad, a lot of people say exactly that, you get what you vote for. To give another example why: It's like the expression that a toddler doesn't know that biting you hurts until you bite him. Same premise, most people won't believe what they see until it bites them in the ass. I'm not entirely sure how this fits in with gaza though. Terrorist don't care, they just go live a heroes life after death. We can't easily comprehend their logic, no pun intended, we have a vastly different mindset. Worse than men trying to figure out women.
  12. I guess that'll be one of the 1st executive orders he signs - dumbass cult
  13. Is that what Al Gore told you?
  14. Where was the proof he forced anything? Stupid comparison as always btw, but I understand, nothing you ever argue can stand on it's own merits.
  15. Out of context, you keep calling him a rapist when he has not been convicted of being a rapist.
  16. Jax


    🤣 Wasn't someone concerned about fearmongering not long ago? Hmmm...who was that?
  17. But I thought all the best teachers were leaving because they didn't make enough.
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