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Everything posted by Jax

  1. I don't think they're underpaid. To be the best teacher it should be a passion not just a paycheck. With that said, I think they get paid fairly. Also, the education system in a lot of communities is a cess pool of political ideals. Who wants to teach things they don't believe in? A teachers job isn't to worry about math being racist, numbers don't lie, 2 + 2 will always equal 4. Everyone could always use a raise, but the problems with teachers lies in the system. If you value education then teach about subjects correctly. Stop trying to indoctrinate students and hire teachers that have standards and know how to separate their personal beliefs and lives from education.
  2. Honestly, there's a lot of animal lovers out there and this will make some kind of impact on her votes for sure. I don't blame them, people in power and influence need to hold themselves to higher standards and think about their actions more carefully.
  3. As far as Noem goes if true, it was a dog she received from another family that had problems with it. She tried to help it but it bit her and attacked a neighbors livestock. Then she decided it needed put down. She's right, that's farm life. I don't know much about it, sounds cruel but what do I know? If she has a history of repeatedly doing this then I'd say everyone has something to be upset about.
  4. It's strange how you like talking about yourself.
  5. I don't know why you pretend the Browns forum is any different. They were talking about someones wife all because they didn't like a trade deal. If you're going to cry over things on the internet go outside.
  6. And all the FBI can do is warn us that a terrorist attack is imminent.
  7. That only proves one thing, you're all dumbasses.
  8. Then they can revert back to the old standard like we're trying to do lol.
  9. Imagine being so dense as to not comprehend a countries conviction to it's culture and traditions. Just like the lefty dumbasses, anyone who doesn't think like them are some form of racist or some type of -phobe. Not everything revolves around financial gains, especially at the expense of losing your countries identity and security. Dumbass cult How embarrassing, dipshit calling Japan names.
  10. Noem should visit Gaza and put them down.
  11. He makes me laugh cause he's gotta be one of the most miserable people I know. I love miserable people like him.
  12. I need perspective, where is all the bloat in defense spending?
  13. Interesting, can you post some numbers in comparison. Not arguing, just curious.
  14. Not everyone plays and pretends from behind a keyboard. Your dumbass cult leader lies about everything so it's no wonder you think the world works that way.
  15. Oh, now you're referncing something that is trying to prove Hamas is correct because of science... "The first shock was the number of people killed in Israel—1,200 in a day, Oct. 7. But in the months since, the world has been taken aback by the number of deaths reported out of Gaza: 30,000 through the end of February. Because the death count is compiled by the local Ministry of Health (MOH), an agency controlled by Hamas, which governs Gaza, the tally has been subject to skepticism. Israel’s U.N. ambassador and online pundits have purported that the numbers are exaggerated or, as a recent article in Tablet alleged, simply faked. Actually, the numbers are likely conservative. The science is extremely clear."
  16. We can say that about all aspects of gov't, especially transparency and justifying.
  17. Here is where woody gets his info, other than college protest signs. https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-01-17-24/h_257bdc236b13560cf82166ffb89b8a22 At least 10,600 children have been killed in Israeli attacks in Gaza since October 7, the Hamas-run Ministry of Health said on Tuesday.
  18. I don't want to debate theories here as I'm waiting for Woody to answer any of my previous questions but just because it's a conspiracy theory doesn't make it false or untrue. I state over and over how politicians are corrupt. However, it's still a theory unless you have proof that's accepted and someone is doing something about it on an official level or has even been prosecuted. For a different topic, would you like to see our military complex disappear? Again, we agree there is corruption but I also believe we need our military might. Maybe the world will settle down when Trump gets back in office but imagine Biden stealing another election. This world is fucked, not just us.
  19. Good grief he's all over the place now, it'll take a bit to decipher this if I have time to waste.
  20. There's nothing but Hamas in gaza, let that sink in. They may not all be fighters but they all support what they're doing. Also, it's not blind support for Israel if that makes you feel better though it changes nothing. No ones calling for genocide and Israel is not committing genocide. As stated, this is war, it ends with complete surrender or when Israel has taken control of gaza. Unless Israel decides to withdrawal for whatever reason. I support Israel in this knowing the history and given recent events. Why don't you grow a set of balls and call gaza for what it really is? No go ahead and complete the playback loop of how it's Israels fault Hamas exists and that all of Gaza hates them. You can't back that statement up, but even if true, then Israel needs to destroy the monster it created or it will keep coming back. It's all moot, and something your entitlement crowd needs to understand is Hamas and those people make their own choices. They choose to be terrorists and commit crimes against humanity. They are responsible for their actions and only them. But you don't get to make that claim, do you know why? The acts they committed wasn't of a poor, impoverished people craving peace and freedom from their oppressors, it was hate fueled terrorist actions looking to merely murder a race of jews. What they did was far worse as they couldn't even control themselves. They represent gaza and when they dragged mutilated bodies through their streets the 'civilians' were all out cheering. Israel could have already obliterated gaza if they wanted, and if they wanted to commit genocide they would have done it quickly while the world was still in shock over what hamas had done. You can't even get the history right and you accuse us for lacking critical thinking skills. Come on man, do better. Educate yourself and come back with some real insights. Just be honest and truthful.
  21. Re-educate because Hamas indoctrinates them into terrorists. FYI, it's not little house on the prairie over there.
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