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Everything posted by Jax

  1. "It is not the job of a news network to hide the truth from the American people. Your network continues to interfere in the presidential election by not covering Biden family corruption, including reliable evidence now emerging showing then Vice President Biden accepting bribes from foreign adversaries. But this isn’t the first time. This is a continuation. A poll from the Media Research Center following the 2020 presidential election showed that 45 percent of Biden voters in seven swing states were not aware of the Hunter Biden laptop story and evidence linking Joe Biden to corrupt financial dealings with China through his son Hunter, due in part to the refusal of your network to cover substantial evidence before the election. The impact: 9.4 percent of these voters said that had they been aware of the Hunter Biden laptop story, they would not have voted for Joe Biden. This would have changed the results of the election. Trump would have won - by a landslide. If you expect your network to be taken seriously as a news operation instead of a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, it is high time your network starts covering Joe Biden’s scandals. Your lack of coverage is tantamount to election interference." The trouble with lefties is they gobble up CNN like it's gospel. At least we know certain news media have certain biases. Most like GP make sure you know they are conservative. CNN tries to pretend they are fair and partial all the while promoting lies and cover ups for the left.
  2. I love unions, and yes there is absolutely a place for them today. Unfortunately, just like anywhere else, corruption can take a toll. Not all unions are corrupt, some are good and some are just poorly run. I worked at GM for 7 years, they absolutely need a union. For me the problem lies in management. You have record profits and yet you keep increasing the price of your product. The union wouldn't have much leg to stand on if this wasn't the case and management was fair and honest. But they are greedy so why wouldn't the people who put in some sweat want their share? After the pandemic it was GMs ceo that said they liked keeping dealership inventory low so they could charge a higher price. Fair enough until people start becoming loyal customers somewhere else. I know the rumors of GM workers and while there might be some outliers, they work hard. They give you a minute to do your job and they time out exactly how long it takes when they plan out these jobs so it takes you almost the full minute to get your car done, at least at my old plant, 60 cars/hour. Not all jobs are the same but that's the bulk of it. I think it's in everyone's best interest to be supportive because it was the unions that got us a 40 hr work week and weekends and most of your job perks. If they got 4 days maybe that will extend across the job market to other places that can also support it, not everything can however but that's how it goes. I feel they're asking a lot but these union guys hopefully know why they're asking for. Personally, I'd rather see the cost of a vehicle go down, but make no mistake, you could fire all the workers and hire in new at a third of the rate and prices would still not go down. GM uses the media to put consumers on their side but it's crap. I love GM cars, it's usually easy picking one out.
  3. How many articles you want posted on this very thing happening? You want this post flooded? As an aside, why are you bringing up gay or black teachers? No one said or hinted to as such. As usual, you can't stand on your own arguments so you have to embellish a little.
  4. So you didn't start with the first question, who and what are making what illegal? "I mean, you're a delusional moron the believes loads of stupid shit, as evidenced by this forum, but no one is trying to make your idiocy illegal " Speaking out your ass as usual or what? Are we in 4th grade again? How does it affect me? Argue against me, you can't so you say little grade school comments. You tried stating as fact, a man can get pregnant, and when pressed you doubled down on your stupidity by saying a woman who feels like a man can get pregnant. In all reality, a woman is still a woman no matter what she feels and a man cannot get pregnant. What's your follow up since you are wrong? Being a typical lefty you come up with...shit.
  5. Is having firearms ready to defend yourself against the law? Were those firearms used in any criminal activity? Whole lotta nothin
  6. You seem overly defensive for someone breaking the law on gun charges, isn't that what you gun control whackos want? Those of us that support the 2a are law abiding, tell me you understand the difference here. As you see in hunters case, criminals will possess guns whether it's against the law or not.
  7. He didn't get paid and if he did anything wrong, and I mean anything, your nutjob lefty whackos would have been all over him but they didn't do a damn thing. Maybe your lefty cohorts are ok with corruption. Well not maybe, they are the kings of corruption. I know you're ok with corruption because you don't care about the Biden crime family.
  8. I see Biden pretending he doesn't have a son named Hunter lol, like his grand daughter
  9. First I heard of a firearm at the mostly peaceful protest. However, it wasn't discharged. Show me proof of the firearm. "According to a database compiled by NPR, of the people charged with violent offenses, including assault on police officers, 15 were armed with deadly or dangerous weapons during the riot at the Capitol. Eight others facing civil disorder or property destruction charges also were charged with possessing weapons, according to the database. Those weapons included baseball bats, chemical sprays, a captured police officer’s riot shield, a crowbar, fire extinguishers and a metal flagpole." Just as I figured, all drama over nothing. And your source is biased and fake. Keep listening to your brain washing fake news stories. If you're ok with Abbit being murdered for trespassing, I guess you support the killing or looters and smash and grabs?? Ironic however coming from someone that hates guns. Bet you pissed and moaned about the couple with rifles on their property when that rioting mob was trespassing in their development though huh? Now all of the sudden you don't care about guns or gun deaths since it fits your narrative, just the heinous crime of trespassing lol, but let's just ignore the fact police officers were all standing around her and police officers opened doors and sat by and allowed people t stroll through. What a joke. Let's see your double standard when it's BLM and lefties rioting and trespassing.
  10. Trump pardoned someone already serving, big deal. It doesn't affect me or this country. I already posted about Jared you nutjob. Just another fake story you bought into.
  11. Here we go again...I'm answering in a forum, it's not like I'm out protesting like a goober. You don't know what I believe and most of the stuff I type in here you can't disprove. Now let's focus on who exactly is making what illegal? You referencing trans? Let's start there then we can reason away all your bullshit.
  12. So much misinformation and flawed thinking, all I can say is your dishonest, naive and brainwashed. You believe men can get pregnant = delusional fantasy land. We're only obsessed with people shutting up about their sexuality, again you guys are obsessed with sharing everything. People that get fired are the ones that use free speech while you lefty pinheads come up with every excuse to condemn them. It's you idiots that do the doxxing like the Supreme court and many others. The only books that we try to ban are sexually elicit material, especially that aimed at little kids. You guys ban books that mention slavery and words that make you feel unsafe but it's all made up bullshit by you lefties. And don't act like only one side is worried about stolen elections because Hillary, Gore and many others started it first, not to mention where do you think the Russian collusion lie started?
  13. If you idiots actually understood freedom and patriotism there wouldn't be that difficult a problem to worry about.
  14. Only a woman who 'feels' like she's a man is still a woman, get it yet? Talk about gymnastics rofl.
  15. There's your conspiracy theory brainwashed propaganda shining through again. Our country is all that matters when it comes to our constitution. It's nice to be neighborly but how they choose to live has no bearing on our way of life. Unless you're some liberal lefty that doesn't know shit but pretend we're all in this together to save the planet from nothing. No gymnastics needed, wtf are you talking about, our constitution is what makes this free country great. If you can't understand that go live in some other countries for a bit. Oh and tell the illegal invaders it sucks here they can find better places while you're at it.
  16. How cute, you're going to pretend none of the other criminal acts exist.
  17. There's actual evidence against Hunter and his dad...so are you ok our criminal president is still free to run our country into the ground?
  18. You sure that wasn't from a BLM riot or antifa? Hell, they just burnt down entire police stations along with beating cops and citizens but they're free to go smash and grab all they want, kind of like real terrorists.
  19. I just think you're talking like a typical lefty again. Believing in the constitution is not going right nor is it way right. And why are you always referencing the rest of the world? Especially in the context of our republic.
  20. What Hunter and his father did is worse, much worse.
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