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Everything posted by Jax

  1. So far? Well I don't think they're teaching you anything, so stop now and get a refund because they ripped you off.
  2. Please explain what makes you think this hurts the military. I'd be more concerned about CRT, pregnant uniforms, lowering standards to enter the military and the morons that botched the Afghan withdrawal - for starters. Let me explain something further, it's not his actions causing the disturbance, it's the incompetent goofs trying to dance around regulations in technicalities. Sometimes grown ups are forced to react.
  3. Would you be posting this if he was a democrat? Yes, I support him. If it's their policy to not pay for abortions, paying for travel is just the same. I am not fully anti abortion either.
  4. Follow along. Drugs are illegal and banned, yet you can find them on every street corner at any age. Ban guns and the only ones that will have them are criminals as they too will have access to them anywhere at anytime they want them. No kids will be saved. So, you make a difference at the criminal level, not the gun level. Unfortunately, this world is not rainbows and unicorns, there will always be violence for some time to come. The people that want to ban guns are typically the nuts burning down businesses and attacking people that are minding their own business. In other words, you create a hateful, toxic environment all the while pretending you care about peoples lives just because you naively think banning guns will bring about world peace. Liberals with your socialist ideals create violence in this world all the while you mock people trying to live peaceful lives. Democratic party needs to get back to being American, right now it's filled with a bunch of agenda driven idealists that hate this country or a bunch of crooked politicians out to line their own pockets at any cost to this great nation and it's citizens. The Biden family is one of the trashiest families I've ever seen in politics, and he became President...
  5. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/muslim-immigrants-france-view-migration-as-recolonization-response/ Muslim Immigrants in France View Migration as ‘Recolonization’ in Response to Historical French Colonialism: “We Will Colonize Them for Life, Until Death, Until the End of Time”
  6. But Cal, you're just not understanding. It's all propaganda. Hell, I don't even know if Woody is for or against socialism because he never says anything meaningful. He watches his propaganda channels and gets brainwashed, but when it comes time to debate he can't cause even he knows it all sounds silly.
  7. If you were to make a movie about all this it would seem too far fetched even for the big screen.
  8. Trump was far from a loose cannon and has no mental health issue. Sometimes he went overboard but so what. America truly was great under him, he even had the rest of the world in check. You keep mentioning criminal activities but yet he's not locked up for as hard and desperately the left is trying.
  9. Being invaded by hordes of illegals doesn't help. Look at France now. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/france-has-fallen-patriots-raided-internet-censored-police/ "The French police unions Alliance Police Nationale and UNSA issued a statement protesting the government response as well; “In the face of these savage hordes, calling for calm is not enough, we need to impose it, to re-establish order in the republic and put those arrested beyond where they can act up,” the statement read. “Today the police are in combat because we are at war, tomorrow we will be in resistance and the government should realize that.”
  10. This has white supremacy stupidity written all over it. If graduates want a legacy, they can go use the racquetball court still. Admittance should be based on character and academics, not skin color, gender or legacy.
  11. Hoorta could take a lesson here, Cal admitted he didn't know something instead of twisting things just to argue lol. That's pretty cool with the knee. I work with a guy that has bad arthritis in both knees, mind if I ask who the doctor is?
  12. Did ai just give us a hint that we can raise purple watermelons or do other things through gene splicing?
  13. Biden knew all along his debt forgiveness wouldn't pass, even Pelosi stated as such in 2021. This was all a crap show to garner votes, and now you watch all the suckers that thought taxpayers owed them anything cry. But don't worry, they're not giving up and will fight for you as they come out with another plan, all you have to do is vote them in again during the next election cycle.
  14. You mean, not accept you with your 4.0 grade average because they had to make room for someone that barely passed high school all because you didn't fit the description? Thankfully, the SC just put a stop to this discrimination.
  15. You say the dumbest things, anything to make it twist to whatever delusional crap in your propagandist little mind. Inflation is on the idiot you elected, enjoy. Modern? It's always been expensive and it's always been a burden to pay back, the answer lies in the college cost and loan terms, not giving free hand outs from the taxpayers. If people want to pull themselves up, as everyone does, it's on them to do it. I too had to go to college at night while I worked day turns. No one handed me anything and I went to a community college, nothing special, and I didn't cry over a bunch of bullshit excuses. Sure there are those that can afford bigger and better schools, maybe because of generational wealth, but that's ok. I'm not part of that crowd but you don't need a Harvard degree to be a lawyer. Furthermore, many of us have kids that go to college, so explain how the older lot wouldn't understand?? You can't because as you always do, you say things that aren't true and talk out of your ass like it's a fact.
  16. This is what should guide them, our constitution, and that's it.
  17. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/great-clarence-thomas-demolishes-bidens-race-baiting-supreme/
  18. I love how they call them anti-abortionist instead of pro-lifers. Also, extreme anti abortionists, if this is how they report then why not say BLM as extreme anti-whites? ...and ofcourse "all the republicans have come out of the woodwork to pounce"...lol
  19. Jax

    The End

    I don't think it's a bad idea to conserve or protect the environment, but it needs to be done with real planning and understanding. Remove the political corruption and this false belief we have to do it overnight. If you really want to start protecting the environment, I'd start with a densely populated island somewhere and vaccinate everyone, this should reduce consumption and waste. (joking of course)
  20. That was cool. I don't even think they could barely see out of the thing, I just don't get it. I took a sub ride in Aruba but it was only 100' and the water is very clear, that was a cool ride with plenty of windows.
  21. I'm still riding my Trek Y frame I bought in the 90s, but now that you just jinxed it I may have to sell it. A sub with billionaires searching for the titanic is a better story line than migrants in another failed attempt to invade some country. If you were in charge of the media and it's profits, what are you going to air more of? I know Obama told you guys what to think on the subject so it's understandable. Never take your eyes off the race baiting, that's what made Obama so good, he could redirect the herd to focus on division. The point of what Steve posted was about media distraction from other events like the Biden corruption.
  22. Are you referring to gun control nuts here?
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