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Everything posted by Jax

  1. It's not like they kicked them out of a soup line, imagine events having rules.
  2. You know the dumbass cult is in full blown tds mode when they bicker about crowd size 🤣
  3. https://theconversation.com/the-great-amazon-land-grab-how-brazils-government-is-clearing-the-way-for-deforestation-173416 Large deforestation patches indicate the presence of wealthy grabbers, given the cost of clearing land. Land grabbers benefit by selling the on-site timber and by subdividing what they’ve grabbed for sale in small parcels. Arrest records and research by groups such as Transparency International Brasil show that many of them are involved in criminal enterprises that use the land for money laundering, tax evasion and illegal mining and logging. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-55130304 Scientists say it has suffered losses at an accelerated rate since Jair Bolsonaro took office in January 2019. The Brazilian president has encouraged agriculture and mining activities in the world's largest rainforest. In response to what Cal posted, you thought a quote about deforestation for cattle was the issue when in fact it's the gov't and wealthy land grabbers.
  4. My family doctor is Indian and I love the guy. It might be years before I see him and he remembers things I don't. He takes what he does seriously but he also relates to me that I enjoy just brief conversations we have. He's getting ready to retire any day now I imagine but he'll still ask me about jogging and where I go and what shoes I like. I feel he really looks out for my well being the best he can and I trust his intelligence, not just because he remembers things but because I can follow along to what he's saying and I agree with it. I really hate the idea that some day soon I'll have to look for a new doc, and that's my point. I don't care what skin color they have, gender, I will hunt for someone I trust. People don't understand the phrase 'best qualified' isn't silent code for discrimination. It means exactly how it reads and nothing more.
  5. Doesn't mean cattle are tied to climate change, it means they are using the wrong suppliers that are connected to deforestation, but their primary reason for destroying the rain forest isn't for cattle. In any case, I suppose you don't eat any meat then? Gotta earn your carbon credits like a good boy.
  6. Maybe our resident race baiters can explain. DEI and everything associated with it is garbage and I doubt even they can defend it. That is systemic racism, and it has real consequences.
  7. Someone should tell them it'd be easier to press Bidens extension(dumbass) on the free cell phones they were given. He'll get them a green card.
  8. Things change skippy, get over it. Unless you're smarter than his lawyers now. That's not hypocrisy btw genius.
  9. Why does your dumb ass keep blaming Trump when it's your cult leader Joe that not only invited this invasion but assisted in it?? Are you ever going to be honest? This is why no one takes you seriously or cares what you say, you're dishonest at best. That or you're truly stupid.
  10. The problem is our system and corrupt politicians. Just because they're displaced doesn't mean we have to take them but the idiots in charge accept them gleefully for votes. We should stop all immigration for now, legal or not, until we get a handle on things. For the naive ones, most coming to our country don't share our beliefs and have no desire to change, but to change America. I think it's a war of religion and of 3rd world culture. You think climate change is a risk? You haven't been paying attention to all the religious wars throughout history and what's playing out over the globe right now. It's something we can't even fight right now because no one wants to know the truth or sees it. Most think we should accept all and any without any caution without knowing most truly hate us or anyone different than them and don't care. The dumbass cult likes to blame our founders and settlers but don't realize we wouldn't have this great nation if not for them and our constitution.
  11. Jax


    Poor deranged lefties, all they can do is hope for jail from the corrupt weaponization of the legal system. -dumbass cult
  12. I think someone still believes in Russian collusion, should we let him know?
  13. Trump didn't need a bill to prevent a mass invasion. Biden literally invited the invasion, how many times do you have to be told dumbass?
  14. What's this? A judge smacking Smith for using dirty tactics? Can't be...it's all fair.
  15. Jax


    Notice how bad she wants to control the narrative and not only does she set a trap but she won't let him respond to her by quickly trying to move on after she got her digs in. Media doesn't want to let the kool aid drinkers know the truth.
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