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Posts posted by medicineman

  1. So over the left and how they claim everything is racist, numbers 88 is racist, the phrase "Learn to code" is called racist, In fact you name it the Left is standing by with a whistle ready to scream racist, The MSM refuses to cover Black on White crimes because they don't want people to hate on all blacks from the actions of a few yet the same people who said that HATE ALL WHITES because the actions of  a few, We just had 2 shootings by registered Democrats and the media reported them as Right wing Nazi's.The MSM IS a Big part of the problem and the media hates Trump. 

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  2. No way in hell would I drive hours away to see a preseason game. Shit some guy stopped by my work with a pocket full of preseason Pisspuke tickets and couldn't give a single pair away, (I live closer to Pisspuke than to the Land) But I believe preseason sucks everywhere, Maybe if I lived 10 min from the stadium and could park right next to a entrance where my tickets were and not have to worry about any traffic and would pay me  by the hour I mite go to a preseason game but I doubt it. 

  3. The "Trusted" News network CNN went from We must "extermination of Trump supporters" to "Death Camps for Trump supporters" to having signs pop up in cities everywhere that read "The WAR is almost here are you ready"? Kind of like the Media went from talking Everything Epstein to the Democrat debates then all went back to "Gun control" So tell me again who is a "Trusted" name in news? None of those cockroaches. They are called tv programs for a reason, program the mind. Keep the mind occupied and let the tv tell you what is going on, rolls eyes. 

  4. 13 hours ago, The Gipper said:

    Will you will get far more disinformation or wrong information from non-mainstream media and then you would on mainstream media. Just think about all the shit that said here that is so pure speculation about things so msm is Is still more reliable than anything else

    How many times was CNN busted in major lies? That entire "Hands up don't shoot" started riots, The time they said they were in desert storm and ducking from bombs? Made in a studio, I can name so many lies they did and I don't have to use 1 from 30 years ago as they do bullshit daily 

  5. Who cares what Collin Cowturd says ever? He is still butt hurt Baker shut him down last year and then Bill Burr came on his show defending Baker and not taking Collins side made him even more hurt, I refused to watch his show since he had Baker on. If you want to watch a funny clip watch Baker with Kevin Hart on "Cold as Balls" made me lol many times 

  6. You watch CNN? Man you have problems bigger than anything on this site, I refuse to watch any msm news outlets, Just like the Shooting that happened in Texas, reports say a Lone gunman killed 16 people wounded 30 others with a single magazine that holds 30 bullets.....Every time I give the msm a chance they fail, I check in with them from time to time and then I do my own research. 

  7. 5 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

    The innate racism just won't be put in a corner will it? You try to subdue it, sublimate it, cajole it to stay the backyard bunker....but it won't will it? It just bubbles to surface and it won't be denied huh? 

    The only thing you got from that was the racist thing huh? Quit trying to show off by acting like you are so above it because you are not. Get woke go broke or get killed, I am sure the Shitcago street gangs would welcome a White guy with open arms because we all know Blacks can't be racist, And I was not even talking about Blacks I was talking about Camel Jocks 

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