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Everything posted by DieHardBrownsFan

  1. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/former-marine-col-condemns-bidens-woke-focus-in-military-amid-ukraine-war-this-is-insane
  2. Russia duped Europe into energy dependence by funding 'rabid environmental groups': experts For years, world leaders have accused Russia of funding environmental groups in Europe to steer nations away from energy independence and strengthen Russia’s iron grip over the continent. As nations across the globe begin shunning Russian oil in response to the country’s invasion of Ukraine, U.S. leaders are also questioning how deep Russia’s ties go in the environmental community. "The Russians actually fund some of the most rabid environmental groups in Europe because they sic them on the energy projects that aren’t Russian," James Carafano, vice president of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at the Heritage Foundation, told Fox News Digital in a recent phone interview. Environmental groups have meanwhile feverishly denied any ties to Russia.
  3. Marina Ovsyannikova, the Russia’s First Channel employee ran onto a live state TV news Monday to protest the war posted a video to social media explaining her actions. “What’s happening in Ukraine is a crime and Russia is the aggressor. And there is only one person responsible for this, this man is Vladimir Putin," Ovsyannikova said in the video. "My father is Ukrainian and my mother is Russian, they have never been enemies, and this necklace is a symbol – that Russia must immediately stop this war and our brotherly nations can still come together. "Sadly, I’ve been working on the First Channel during last couple of years, have been doing Kremlin propaganda, for which now I am very ashamed," she continued. "I am ashamed that I let lies be spread on television, I’m ashamed that I participated in turning Russian people into zombies, we kept quiet when it all started in 2014, we did not rally when Kremlin poisoned Navalny, we have silently been watching this anti-human regime, and now, the whole world turned back to us, next 10 generations will not be able to get rid of the shame of this war.”
  4. Oh yea, asking people to prove their identity before voting is a real nazi move.
  5. If they don't approve, they go to Siberia.
  6. No, you just have a blocked mind along with your bud Demented Joe!
  7. Biden should not have closed the Air Base in Afghanistan until after the complete withdrawal of people and equipment. He should have started arming Ukraine months ago. The complete Afghanistan withdrawal disaster that was on Biden (not listening to his Generals and intelligence agencies) gave Putin the go ahead to invade Ukraine. It showed him what a weak, demented POS Biden/Harris team are.
  8. Oh please.......Trump said for NATO to start paying the 2percent of GDP, which they are. Putin would not have invaded if Trump had won the election. We invaded Iraq under much shorter notice and with more troops across thousands of miles and a logistical nightmare compared to what Putin is doing in Ukraine. He is right across the border.
  9. It's not unbelievable. It's obvious. I've known this since before the election. When he picked Kamaltoe to be his VP it showed he was mentally unfit.
  10. You obviously didn't read the news. Keep up. Posted by Hag2, Tuesday at 08:08 AM Ok All!! I wanted to keep you updated. A very generous person and very dear friend has reached out and upon discussions with them... The BrownsBoard Lives!
  11. It's not shutting down. As a matter of fact, it will be better than ever!
  12. As a supposed therapist or whatever, you should self diagnose yourself asap buddy.
  13. He is evil no doubt. But unless he uses Nukes, he won't succeed. Germany had a much more powerful military for the time period.
  14. No he wouldn't. He was wanting Germany, France and other rich NATO countries to pay their fair share, which he succeeded in doing. Their you go again.
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