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Everything posted by DieHardBrownsFan

  1. I still remember when he arrived at Hopkins same time as Mayfield. All the hype was on Mayfield and Chubb was quiet and minding his own business
  2. What's worse is that they are going to quit importing Russian Vodka. I'll have to start drinking Grey Goose.
  3. Your and Hoorta's obsession with Trump makes you blind to the facts as they are today. Biden/Harris are demented and incompetent. Weak. Putin sees this and decided to act now. Just as Rocket fat man Kim decided to resume missile testing. They see a weak incompetent dotard as leadership in t he USA. Putin would never have done this if Trump were President. Now, wait for China to invade Taiwan and you can blame that on Trump too.
  4. Jussie Smollett sentenced to 150 days in jail | Daily Mail Online
  5. They are not worse than Russia. The Russian government is not only corrupt but evil. I hope they all burn.
  6. Biden/Harris. The destruction of America. Thanks for voting for the worst Administration in the history of the USA.
  7. That cat Biden is a bad motha====shut your mouth! But I'm talking bout Biden, and we can dig it!!!
  8. Fuel goes up, transportation costs go up, food goes up, everything goes up. In November, Democrats go DOWN!
  9. You won't even know what happened. Radioactive fallout will kill you slow an painful.
  10. The nuclear fallout will kill more than the blast. The lucky ones are the ones in the blast.
  11. No one sends their kids off to war. They go of their own free choosing.
  12. NATO was started to counter the Warsaw Pact.
  13. LOOMERED: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Loomer
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