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Everything posted by VaporTrail

  1. This idiot cannot help herself. Here's the shot. https://twitter.com/ChristinaPushaw/status/1724524144954380794 And after a few days of everyone roasting her... Here's the chaser https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1724828429923811794 It's no wonder that the legacy media chose her as their darling candidate
  2. He ordered that the Florida universities deactivate the pro-Palestinian groups on campus because they're "associated with terrorism." The actual document from the school is in the first post in this thread.
  3. Good news. The Florida universities are refusing to enforce Gov Desantis' mandate because they're concerned about being personally liable for damages (i.e. - their lawyers know damn well it's a blatant 1A violation).
  4. DTR with a week of practice is something I'd much rather see than another round of the PJ Walker experience.
  5. Okay, let's look at Bibi Netanyahu's opinion on the matter, and that'll be three.
  6. Those are two men elected to Israel's highest legislature, from opposing political parties When have I defended Hamas' tactics? You people seem to think that criticism of IDF is equivalent to support of Hamas. It's not a zero-sum game.
  7. With our "greatest ally" making suggestions like that, who needs enemies?
  8. Members of Israel's Knesset pen an Op-Ed in the WSJ How about no.
  9. Steelers, Jags, Texans, Bengals Win 3 and we're in.
  10. There are ways to steal signs that are within the rules. Sneaking onto the sidelines of other schools and recording coordinators and assistants from 10 feet away isn't one of them. I highly doubt that Michigan is the only one illegally recording signs, but if you're stupid enough to get caught BOTH on the sidelines of other teams and then in the ear of both Michigan coordinators for every play, then you deserve whatever's coming. Whichever booster gave this project the green light was probably smart enough to compartmentalize it so that Harbaugh could truthfully plead ignorance. If Harbaugh knew about it, then the punishment ought to be much more severe. If he didn't know about it, it's still an NCAA violation for loss of institutional control. Big Ten's hands are tied, and they had to punish him. They're a national organization now and it would look very bad to schools interested in joining, not to mention the pressure from tOSU, PSU. If you're the NCAA, now you're in a real tough spot. There's clear evidence that the scouting rules were broken. A proper investigation of this magnitude would take the whole offseason. But with only a couple months til CFP, a decision needs to be made. If you allow Michigan to play in the CFP, you're sending the message that breaking the NCAA rules isn't a big deal. If you ban Michigan from playing in the CFP that's a gut punch to all the players who had nothing to do with it. As someone who doesn't really much care for college ball, the fallout from this is going to be fun to watch.
  11. lol, did you shit in this guy's cereal or something
  12. I have been quite critical of him, but I am very happy to see him proving me wrong. This team has got some fight in em.
  13. They need to make a Space Jam movie out of this game, except the part at halftime where Bugs Bunny uses MJ's secret sauce, Watson gets some peanut oil and a masseuse.
  14. watson with a bum shoulder and now a bum ankle. no velocity on the ball. he's still avoided a ton of pressure, but holy shit he is not effective whatsoever.
  15. Big game today. Let's fuckin go Brownies.
  16. As it turns out, there are consequences to seeing a generation of our veterans killing themselves after being sent to Iraq for Halliburton and Afghanistan for Pfizer.
  17. Macron states there is "no justification" for Israel's bombing of Gazan civilians. Big protests in Tel Aviv against Netanyahu for not getting back the hostages Another hospital under siege, reportedly with Hamas HQ below. WHO has lost contact with this hospital. Massive Summit among Islamic nations. Every Islamic country that matters to that region was represented. The rhetoric from Assad, Erdogan, and Raisi was about what you'd expect. The biggest takeaways are: 1 - Saudi Arabia will not abandon normalization. But they also say that forced relocation of Gazans is unacceptable. 2 - Netanyahu announces that Gaza will be occupied by Israel after pacification and that there will be no role for the UN. these both cannot be true.
  18. And therein lies the problem - anyone who has the wrong opinion can be labelled as a terrorist. The people who are in power are currently treating Jan 6 trespassers as terrorists. This week, there was one from New Jersey who skipped his court date. He ran when the feds came to his door, so they sent a fucking FBI SWAT team after him. In my opinion, Jan 6 defendants are being politically persecuted. I think it's a travesty that a bunch of nonviolent, average Joe offenders are being charged with the harshest available penalties to send a message to Trump. I think that you are rightly indignant about how they're being treated. But I do think it's completely hypocritical to then turn around and call for those same tools to be used against someone whose opinion you don't like.
  19. It's not my fault he prioritizes Israelis over Americans.
  20. It's all cyclical. The last time inflation was this high and tranny shit being pushed on the public was Weimar Germany in 1932...
  21. Personally, I think it was a blatantly illegal abuse of power. I'm looking forward to Missouri vs Biden getting elevated to the Supreme Court. I'm also looking forward to these Silicon Valley twats being charged with perjury for lying about it to Congress.
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