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Everything posted by VaporTrail

  1. Those things aren't mutually exclusive. Stefanski absolutely earned that COTY award. We beat Minnesota, in large part, because he called an offense that worked around Baker's inability to go deep. The locker room is apparently fractured over who does and doesn't trust Baker. Baker was lights out for the second half of last season, and the windows he hit on long balls in the KC game were surgical. I do not buy the take that Baker is simply a bad QB. However, his play has been piss poor since week 2 of this season, so I have to ask "What changed?" Well, he tore his labrum that week and injured it further a few weeks later. He needs to swallow his pride, get his surgery, and ride the pine so he can come back better next year. Cohesion of the locker room is ultimately the responsibility of Stefanski. Coach assured everyone that Baker's play was not affected by the injury and continued to play him, which has cost us games. And now we have OBJ's dad posting videos of how much he thinks Baker sucks and Lebron calling on the Browns to free OBJ. This is a leadership disaster. Is this ALL Stefanski's fault like OP said? No. Baker's gunshy. Our receivers can't catch. Our defense is swiss cheese. We create too many penalties. Stefanski, for all of his accolades, hasn't done a good job leading the team this year.
  2. As opposed to the "correct take" of none of this being Baker's fault? Right.
  3. Emily, put the phone down, you're embarrassing your husband and his team.
  4. I disagree. Lifestyle changes are what we've been pushing for since I was a medical student, and we're lucky if 1 in 10 patients listen to us. You're a really good and persuasive clinician if you can get that number to 1 in 5. Just like with weight loss, people would take a pill to make them healthy if they could, never mind that it doesn't exist. Now, these same people think that the vaccine is a panacea, despite the fact that the fully vaccinated can still experience the worst symptoms, and I don't see that changing in the near future. If the majority of Americans bothered to take care of their health, this virus wouldn't be nearly as scary as it is. There are legitimate reasons for anyone to be vaccine hesitant. I can't really make the same argument for the morbidly obese.
  5. What a failure of a leader Stefanski has been through this. He had the opportunity to prevent this by shutting down Baker when he got hurt instead of acquiescing to Baker's delusion that he could play.
  6. I don't really find it annoying. The way doctors are trained now, patient autonomy trumps all the rest. There is no way to ethically tell someone to put something in their body that they don't want to take. People are going to think what they are going to think regardless of what information you have to share with them. That's simply the reality of a country that prioritizes personal freedoms as much as ours does.
  7. Streisand Effect. It really is remarkable how much coverage the mainstream media is what should be an absolute non-story. Below, we have a former FBI agent, turned CNN analyst covering a Southwest pilot saying "Let's go Brandon" to his flight. Should he be fired or reprimanded for bringing politics into his job? Sure. Compared to pledging allegiance to ISIS?Ridiculous. But this kind of coverage of this idiotic saying is only going to make it spread more. The same people clutching their pearls over this were lauding Robert DeNiro's "Fuck Trump" tirade.
  8. Yep. It's an unfiltered and uncensored newsfeed full of shit with the occasional diamond. Worth it for the occasional diamond. Beyond that, news usually gets there before it hits mainstream social media.
  9. Every once in awhile, browsing 4chan, you come across an intelligent post. I can't stomach John Oliver, and couldn't put my finger on why. This post helped me understand why I thought he was such a slimeball. Anyways, regarding the video. People who consider themselves comedians because they specifically attack one side of the political spectrum tend to be not funny at all. The worst part about it is that people with no sense of humor are now characterizing actual funny people like Dave Chappelle and Norm MacDonald for making fun of targets that humorists and satirists shouldn't be allowed to pursue. The state of comedy is quite pathetic right now.
  10. For me, age 50. Somewhere around that time, my risks from a severe COVID infection will outweigh whatever misgivings I have about potential side effects. For people who are younger? People under 18? The risk of myocarditis to males is increased particularly in male populations with the Moderna vax. It's insane to me that the world seems to be okay with passing risks for the old and unhealthy to the young and hale. And this only factors in the effects that show themselves this early (i.e. - the ones that are getting headlines this year and last year). My big concern, and a question that won't have an answer for decades, is if it increases your lifetime risk of autoimmune disease. If that's the case, then my vote is to let nature run its course like it did with the Spanish flu.
  11. Who gets to decide what those are? I personally don't think we should mandate risking the young and healthy to the unknown long term side effects of the vaccine because the virus is killing the elderly, diabetics, and hypertensives. And not a single one of those is an mRNA virus that creates the massive immune response that the COVID vax does. The left seems to be cheering on these mandates. Political power is cyclical, and what do you think conservatives are going to do with the precedent that's been set when they're back in power again? If you thought that they were draconian about abortion before...
  12. And Baker overthrew OBJ to get a go ahead score. His long accuracy just isn't there anymore. The only completion he had where the ball went 20+ yards in the air was thrown behind Higgins. The Steelers defense was able to sell out on the handoff on 4th and 1 because they KNOW Baker isn't going to sneak it. The guy is holding the rest of the offense back. Get your fucking surgery, go on IR, and quit taking first team reps from Case. The receivers are overpaid. Landry's performance was awful. This team can't play a complete game. They cause way too many penalties. Ultimately, this is a failure of the head coach. He really needs to step the fuck up.
  13. Get your fucking surgery, Baker. Stefanski, grow a spine and bench him.
  14. But they were literally the worst baseball team in history.
  15. Yeah, what do I know about torn labrums. I didn't say he didn't have arm strength. His ability to get the ball downfield is among the best in the NFL. He doesn't have long ball accuracy. That wasn't an accurate ball, it was a hail mary to everyone who was waiting in the end zone. You want to see the accuracy that he is lacking? Go rewatch his KC game and look at the windows he was hitting 20+ yards downfield. He hasn't done that since his week 2 injury.
  16. Baker's too stubborn to call his own number. If he is the long term solution, then he needs to be shut down before he risks his career with further injury to his non throwing arm. He might be able to better deal with the pain now that it's a complete labral tear, but that comes at a cost of a significant amount of stability. He's going to get tackled, he's going to come down hard. It's not a question of if he gets injured again, but when. Without any structural stability from the labrum, his shoulder is at higher risk of dislocation and all the fun neurovascular complications that may come with that. My read is that the doctor has spoken with Baker about this, and that Baker stubbornly accepts the risks and chooses to play. I think Stefanski needs to pull rank and bench him, because Baker has not been the same QB since his week 2 injury, and his downfield accuracy is gone. This won't get better without surgery, so I wish he'd quit stealing reps from Keenum. It's not like we won't franchise him if he sits the rest of the season. He's still our QB of the future, but if he has another major injury to that shoulder, it's his whole career at risk. Sorry Baker, you can't prove human anatomy wrong.
  17. I think that there's some responsibility that the fans bear. We did nothing wrong during bottlegate and it's about time opposing teams and referees start fearing D batteries raining out of the dawg pound again.
  18. athletic training staff and strength and conditioning staff should be fired
  19. We agree. You got your post in before i hit the post button. I shoulda quoted delusional zombo.
  20. Over the last two games - 53% completion. 200 passing yard/game. averaging 4 sacks per game. Sorry bud, while that can beat the 1-win Vikings and 2-win Bears, that won't cut it against Herbert.
  21. No one cares if you do this the weekend after winning a national championship for the Buckeyes. Hell, skipping the plane ride home to stay with your family might even be forgiven. But when you are the owner of a failing NFL team, and you give someone a contract with $55 million guaranteed to fix that shit, and he cancels a Monday team meeting. And then you see that he wasn't at home with his family, or prepping the team to win next week, but instead getting a lapdance from a whooore. I can understand why you might give that coach notice. Same goes for the players. Remember when Terrance West was on the Browns and showed that he was about to have a 3way on social media? If Nick Chubb did that right now, no one would give a fuck. It's just a bad look when your team is losing.
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