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Everything posted by VaporTrail

  1. I remember meeting him a few times at tailgates around 07, 08. Told me about some of the national parks he'd been to. Sad to hear this news.
  2. I won't fault anyone for not wanting to get the vaccine. There are documented cases of otherwise healthy people who have neurological sequelae following vaccination. The long term risks are not and will not be known for decades. All of us who have gotten it are the guinea pigs, like it or not. That said, if you are at risk because you are old, fat, pregnant, immunosuppressed, have an autoimmune disease or any combination of the above, you should probably get the vaccine.
  3. As someone who's been in academia for almost two decades, I can say unequivocally that it is mostly a racket. There's a handful of people that the college system will benefit, myself included, but we are a very tiny slice of the pie. I'm looking forward to watching the higher education bubble burst before I die. If you want to talk about actually fixing it, then step one is to eliminate federal student loans. As it stands now, the caps on what you're allowed to borrow from Uncle Sam may as well be infinite. Knowing that the American taxpayer is going to pay out these loans, these unscrupulous fuckers running American colleges have increased tuition far beyond the cost of inflation over the past half century. Take a look at this example, back in 2013, the University of Wisconsin system was getting bashed by politicians for pleading poverty and raising tuition while sitting on a $393 million endowment. The president of the UW system defended himself by pointing out that Illinois and Minnesota had more money in their reserves. The people running this shit got theirs and don't give a fuck what happens to the people they've fucked over.
  4. He needs to put his ego aside and drop out of contention if he wants a non-Democrat in office in 2024. He's too polarizing a figure to win over the soccer mom vote he needs.
  5. We'd have the vax regardless of who was president because our country is the greatest in the world when it comes to massive mobilizations. We are just slow to get started, and just like in World War II, once we got rolling, nothing could stop us. Now we have the largest surplus of vaccinations in the world and are using them for diplomatic capital. It hurt Trump to bicker with the guy appointed to manage the pandemic on a daily basis - it made the administration appear aimless. If it wasn't for Trump's infighting and the idiot Republicans in Congress deciding that a once in a hundred years pandemic is the time to prioritize fiscal responsibility, then Trump is still president today. Literally, all they had to do was print one more stimulus check prior to the election with Trump's name on it. The 2020 election was supposed to be a referendum on populism, yet the populists are still here and will continue to be here after Trump is long gone. Don't get me wrong, the Democrats would have mismanaged this whole thing, too. When Trump was closing the borders to China, the Democrats were hosting hug a chinaman day to prove how not racist they were. Trump's xenophobia probably got the ball rolling at least 1 week earlier than a Clinton administration would have. Let's not act like Trump was the perfect president during 2020. He picked the wrong battles to fight and now the Democrats hold both houses of Congress and the White House.
  6. Saving The Crew Is What Columbus Fans Do (msn.com) Haslams have walked back the rebranding. The Crew remains The Crew. I guess they learned something from their idiotic uniform changes they did here.
  7. yes. in 2016 and 2020. I will probably vote populist for the rest of my life.
  8. my biden? i didn't vote for him, bro.
  9. The United States should fuck off out of the area and spend that 3 billion dollars in aid a year for israel toward fixing the opioid or obesity epidemic here.
  10. Oh dang, I had no idea. That even further reinforces my point. As someone of white-asian ethnicity, I can speak for a lot of Asians when I say it's ridiculous that people are blaming the white supremacy bogeyman for black-on-asian violence. Also, we don't like that our kids get discriminated against when it comes to college and professional school admissions. This demographic gonna shift red, as well.
  11. The whole thing's gonna shift, Steve. The Democrats right now have control because they're riding the wave of Trump's mismanagement of the pandemic and the way he left office. It sucks, because my biggest fear was a reactionary blue POTUS, senate, and house that makes sure that someone like Trump never gets in again, but that's where we are. The GOPe has collapsed. This is Trump's crowning achievement while he was in office, and is a big reason I will never regret voting for him twice. Similar things are on the horizon for the Democrats. Right now, the Democrats are the party of rich, coastal elites and concerned soccer moms, a demographic they've poached from Republicans. Now, that party is also attracting the Never Trump, neocon Republicans. For the city liberals, Liz Cheney, Romney, and Kasich are great when they are undermining Trump from within his own party. These city liberals are going to feel quite differently when those politicians start influencing the Democrat party. To compound that, you've got Democrats bending over backwards to show their support for BLM and the woke agenda, which is going to continue to alienate the fastest growing population in the country, Hispanics. Hatred of Trump was the glue that was holding that coalition together. Without Trump, the Democrats are very soon going to have a similar identity crisis that the Republicans are going through right now. Just sit back, grab some popcorn, and look forward to Caitlyn Jenner being a frontrunner for a GOP office in the near future.
  12. I am a huuuge Crew fan. Got into it when I lived down in Dayton. Haslam saved the Crew. It will always be the Crew. This name change is fucking stupid. I guess if you want to emulate the soulless european leagues that's fine. The quality of play might be on par with them in the next two decades, but as of now you see all our best young talent leave the league to go play in europe.
  13. It would kill me to see the Packers have 30 years of QB play with Favre, Rodgers, Baker. I'd do it if we got picks from them.
  14. I think the takeaway here is that I went into the wrong profession and should have instead studied to be a diversity consultant.
  15. Man. I feared Ben was going to retire and he would go to the Steelers. Now I'm scared they'll just straight up trade for him.
  16. It's bad all across the board. I've thought that the Cuban-Americans were going to carry Florida for Trump since 2016. That's not really a surprise. The people in these counties are not Cubans. They're Mexican-Americans. We are watching both political parties undergoing a seismic demographic shift. You've got neocons like Kasich outright endorsing Biden and being considered for Biden cabinet positions.
  17. Trump lacked what could be called anything remotely close to leadership during the pandemic. Instead, he attacked democrat governors and turned masks into a political statement. In return, the people have voted his ass out, particularly those from Michigan and John McCain's Arizona. The Democrats were handed what should have been a layup for the 2020 election because of the above. They played politics with the second stimulus check while Americans are out there struggling. Instead of a message for unity, they doubled and tripled down on calling anyone who supports Trump racist, sexist and backwards. They kept their mouths shut on criticisms of rioting and looting until it became politically inconvenient for them. Now they've pushed the Hispanic vote right into the arms of the GOP, they won't win back the Senate, they'll lose seats in the House. I voted for Trump. I have NO RAGRETS over my vote. My worst fear was a democrat WH, Senate, and House passing batshit crazy legislation like court packing, gun grabbing, and making PR a state for electoral college purposes. I'll take president Biden without a matching Congress. No harm done. Today's a good day.
  18. I wanted to throw a wrench in the gears of our political system. His crowning achievement is making neocons in federal government irrelevant. I'd consider my vote a success.
  19. An Indiana medical school professor got reprimanded and had to issue an apology for having a question with the phrase "I can't breathe" on an examination. This is a common complaint that patients will have, but apparently this combination of words is now forbidden. Source: https://reason.com/2020/06/17/indiana-university-i-cant-breathe-medical-exam/ Petition signed by 500 students and academics calling for the firing of Harvard professor, Steven Pinker, a guy who's made an academic career out of using data to tell you why things aren't as bad as the headlines are telling you. He stands accused of saying "Police kill too many people, black and white," and of describing Bernard Goetz as "mild-mannered." Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/15/us/steven-pinker-harvard.html This is a petition signed by hundreds of students and professors at Princeton calling for significant changes to be had in the name of anti-racism. Some of their recommendations include extra sabbatical, summer salaries for faculty who are "persons of color" as well as preferential status and monetary benefits to those who demonstrate work with black students. Source: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPmfeDKBi25_7rUTKkhZ3cyMICQicp05ReVaeBpEdYUCkyIA/viewform A Princeton Classics professor wrote a response to the above petition, saying, whoa pump the brakes, maybe it's not a good idea to favor people based on race. He was denounced by his department in a public statement that has since been taken down from their website. Their response said that he was putting black people at risk. Source: https://quillette.com/2020/07/08/a-declaration-of-independence-by-a-princeton-professor/ Freedom of inquiry seems to have taken a back seat to finding racism where it doesn't exist. Also, I cannot believe that there are people who are unironically advocating for fixing the problem of systemic racism by adding more systemic racism.
  20. So long as those people are out there, the risk of spread is greatly increased. Those people won't matter once we get to the herd immunity threshold, but we are a long ways off from there.
  21. Contact tracing studies showed little to no spread within hospital systems where everyone is mandated to wear a mask. The vast majority of cases are community spread. If one person at the grocery store has their nose sticking out the top of their mask, then everyone who comes within 6 feet of them is exposed to whatever's in their lungs. The loud people on social media ought to be ignored. The masks don't really provide any community level protection unless everyone is doing it. Your mask doesn't protect you from the virus (unless it's an n95). It protects everyone around you from whatever is floating around in your lungs. The solution requires EVERYONE to participate. That hasn't been the case anywhere in the US. It's inconvenient. It's uncomfortable. But the latest studies this week are projecting a quarter of a million dead by the election. I understand that we have a minimal chance of trying to get the spread under control at this point, but I'm sure as hell going to advocate for a pretty easy lifestyle change (everyone wearing a mask in public) if it means saving a significant amount of human life. Most importantly, selfishly, I don't want to be called up to take care of a covid surge.
  22. Please wear a mask. If you look at spread of cases in countries where they wear masks when they're sick as part of the culture (Japan, Taiwan, Korea) versus places they don't, the value of the mask speaks for itself. Cases are spiking pretty much everywhere, and everywhere I go, I see people who aren't wearing their masks properly (it does nothing if you don't cover your nose). If everybody wore them properly for 6 weeks, this thing would be under control. Countries that got it under control early are basically back to normal. Yes, you're only likely to die from the virus if you are over 60 or obese. However, the primary goal of all of this is to keep hospitals from being overrun. Once ICUs reach capacity, people with all sorts of diseases will be dying due to a lack of access to care. That is when shit hits the fan.
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