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Everything posted by VaporTrail

  1. Meghan McCain was a host on that show to give you an idea of what kind of conservatives would go on it. And you were the one who suggested comparing ABC to The Blaze was ridiculous. The video demonstrates that, just like The Blaze, network television can get their viewership fired up on at best, incomplete and slanted information, and at worst, willfully ignoring evidence to counter the narrative they're suggesting. I disagree with your argument that "The View" isn't trying to be news. They talk to an audience about current events - I just searched for "The View" and this was the first thing that came up from within the last hour, just to give an example. How would you define "news?"
  2. I disagree. This is ABC. How is this cheerleading any different than the cheerleading that happens on The Blaze?
  3. https://taibbi.substack.com/p/nprs-brilliant-self-own Here's another fun article from Taibbi. From 2010-2014 I listened to NPR pretty religiously. Got a decent source of news, local musicians, and interesting stories about niche scientists that I otherwise wouldn't have heard of. From 2014 on, the station has increasingly become more reliant on grievances about race, gender, and Trump to the point where it became unlistenable for me. The last time I listened to it, they were going on and on about the threat of the boogaloo (which was and still is a fucking meme). Taibbi's article is a response to this article How Ben Shapiro Is Using Facebook To Build A Business Empire : NPR (archive.is) - archive linked so you don't have to give those dipshits at NPR an adclick. I personally think that Shapiro is your typical, blindly supporting of Israel, neocon dipshit. However, the way that the author of this article rationalizes why Shapiro's The Daily Wire is doing so much better than NPR and the rest of legacy media, while at the same time, willfully ignoring how NPR does all the same shit in the other direction is just poetic. The following quote is from that article In this quote, you could change Daily Wire to any mainstream media outlet, Republican to Democrat, and cancel culture to Trumpism and the sentence would be just as accurate. It would be nice to see people/politicians/news outlets who showed some introspection instead of just blaming the other side, but I guess that's asking too much in this day and age.
  4. I will fight every boomer here. Avocados are delicious.
  5. I'm going to respond to this with another quote from Taibbi - this one is paywalled. This is the full article. He's been my go to guy since the media went full Retard in 2016. Definitely recommend subscribing to him. Spying and Smearing is "Un-American," not Tucker Carlson - by Matt Taibbi - TK News by Matt Taibbi (substack.com)
  6. Read this today and thought it was interesting. Source: https://taibbi.substack.com/p/on-the-difference-between-smearing This was a response to one of his paid articles where he commented on the manufactured outrage and venom that Tucker Carlson received after he reported that a whistleblower said he was being spied on by the NSA. Here are some of the highlights. That part I italicized at the end is what I find most troubling about the current state of affairs.
  7. Oh come on, my trolling is at least 5th grade level.
  8. Tax dodging Vambo that what they used to call him
  9. I can afford it. But the taxpayer (you) is still going to foot a significant portion of my bill. Ha!
  10. lmao. they're blue collar workers and can't afford the shit i signed up for. Yeah the China problem would be the issue that concerns me most. If SHTF, I could always run to Australia/NZ. Kidnapping less of a concern. I have family that I entrust with my protection and safety. Because moneyprinter go BRRRRRRR. While I don't care to ask my parents to foot my bill, idgaf about the rest of the American taxpayer. Uncle Sam is gonna be taking 40% from me real soon and god knows what it's gonna be spent on.
  11. The purchasing power of the US dollar was at an all time high for our parents and grandparents. When you have two whole generations telling you to make a better life for yourself by going to college - and not really having any concept of the realities of wealth - it turns out that has consequences. Anyways, my fed loans are going to be forgiven when I finish up with PSLF (thank you, taxpayer) and if they decide to pull the rug out from under me, I'll just move to my family in the Philippines and live like a king there. The banks can suck my dick.
  12. I think this quote from Matt Taibbi also sums up what's going on, both in this thread and beyond, quite accurately.
  13. If McWharton was teaching the country on the topic of American history and race relations, I think that we'd be in a better place. Unfortunately, people who are able to see that folks on both sides of this issue have valid points are few and far between. And I certainly don't trust the education majors I graduated with to lead an open, nuanced, and rational discussion on this complex issue. You're right in that the system needs an un-fucking. What would also be helpful to an open discourse and discussion would be acknowledging that the other side has valid points instead of summarily dismissing their complaints as imaginary. I've seen you call people out for gaslighting, and that's exactly what you're doing in this thread.
  14. You're still focused on the academic definition of CRT and ignoring the the deluge of woke mobshit that's become intertwined with it. Here are some posts from John McWharton on the topic. He's a black, ivy league professor of linguistics. Probably about as opposite of a person as you can think of from some of the posters here that you are bashing. What Is Third-Wave Anti-racism? - The Atlantic YOU ARE NOT A RACIST TO CRITICIZE CRITICAL RACE THEORY. - by John McWhorter - It Bears Mentioning (substack.com) "Dismiss those pretending that if you don't like what's happening in our schools, you're a jingoistic moron who doesn't want kids to learn about racism." I ask you to read them, especially the second one, because the subheader of the article is describing what you are doing in this thread. He is making the counter argument to basically everything you're saying much more eloquently than I could.
  15. Are they rallying their base around it? Absolutely. Are they inventing the problem out of thin air? I don't think so. You have polls such as the above suggesting that millenials are approaching a 50/50 split of whether or not the government should censor things because minorities find them offensive. Higher education is getting rid of standardized exams because black and hispanic students not performing as well as the white and asian students. These same people also discriminate against asians and basically require higher test scores to get into medical school than their black and hispanic counterparts. The AAMC stopped publishing the above data in 2016 with no explanation as to why. This has me, a classical liberal, wondering how the fuck almost half of liberals have wholeheartedly gotten onboard with wanting the government to curb free speech and using systemic racism in the fight to end systemic racism. 6-7 years ago, I never would have believed I'd be closer to Steve and Cal on this issue than you. There's plenty of insidious racism, such as the example I've pointed out above that is an issue worth discussing (though hardly anyone is). Your argument against the conservatives here is a semantic one, and you're right in that the academic definition of CRT is not what they're rallying against. What they're rallying against is the more cartoonish racism and idiocy that has been pumped out by multiple mainstream media outlets and social media since the death of George Floyd and the ensuing riots (e.g. - "in defense of looting," "white fragility"). To say it's something they're completely making up is pretty disingenuous.
  16. That pretty much demonstrates the point I made. Cedar Fair is worth $2.5B. Every mom and pop shop within 10 miles of Cedar Point and Kings Island isn't going to be able to compete with that. The future of small business looks bleak.
  17. Increasing the minimum wage when small businesses are already feeling the squeeze from the pandemic is a terrible idea. The best move would have been to increase min wage with inflation on a yearly basis. Now, we obviously haven't done that. If we made the minimum wage $20 right now, then you're looking at a future where everyone is working for Walmart, Amazon, or McDonalds because megacorps would be the only ones who can afford it (and of course this is what they're advocating for). Should the minimum wage be increased? Yes. Should it be increased right now? Absolutely not.
  18. Maybe the Democrats are intelligent enough to realize that inviting more Hispanics across the border makes the country much more socially conservative.
  19. When the alternative is hanging on to the dollar and hoping the purchasing power will come back...
  20. Seems like a good hedge against inflation thanks to all the money printing we've been doing. Purchasing power of the dollar is the lowest it has ever been. These short-sighted politicians are probably going to kneecap Americans investors and Americans who are thinking about diversifying with crypto. If our wise government decides to go that route, the rest of the world will move on without the dollar.
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