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Everything posted by FairHooker11

  1. my sister lives in Puyallup- and yes SeaTac is whacked like Minneapolis/StPaul
  2. sheeples in seattle 🤡 for its pronoun
  3. LOL jobs in bidenomics
  4. weak sauce pecker ... but if you were being prophetic about your own condition? then yes
  5. what if 45 went to Philly this weekend for WrestleMania? i think we know ...
  6. Love the hometown beat down for the twinks opener. Cool day- 50ish, Clase looked sharp, base running stumbles, two runners thrown out at home.. but all in all a great win!
  7. https://rumble.com/v4lju75-detransitioner-to-minnesota-legislators-we-are-being-silenced.html story of a once trans now detransitioned and full of regret, tries to sway braindead minnesota legislators against the full treatment to children in turmoil mentally into the prevailing real treatment of trans sexual gender mutilation (surgeries). 😡
  8. vapors people ...
  9. Steve Gadds drumming on Steely Dans Aja 💯 prior to that was with chick correa and herbie hancock? Chester Thompson or Terry Bozzio with Frank Zappa / Mothers Vinnie Calaiuta also drummed with Zappa later all play jazz fusion style Gadd and Dave Weckl have ties as well
  10. way to go Governor! pedos in Fla shriek that harvesting will be down this year but isnt it good to know that cccp has the childrens best interests at heart? after all they cant vote on this
  11. excluding the cartels who are indeed loving this free entry - i like how the democrats think they are creating allies with a hispanic people group by allowing the open border in total disregard of those who came to the US legally. These hard working people do not exactly like these undocuments coming over illegally either. And may have some influence over how thier families settle to become prosperous as well. and that simply is to vote for DJT.
  12. but in fairness the statement of the tweet guy was only in part to deflect from the awful news of the day that gave trump some reprieve from the BS NY court sentence ... and for cccp who is in active backpeddaling mode due to his error filled rants from these posts
  13. i think youre confusing the distinction of truthful statements (maga) and his golfing prowess if thats what it is ... because no one cares
  14. enlighten us on the star witness ? the guy who knows where the bodies are buried? document? what document Sherlock? doubles down on what and who's court demands and deserves "respect"? is this gem -"hard to prove the fraud case" an admission to reality? that there was no fraud to begin with? this looks to be another one of your shittier backpeddaling posts
  15. heard this on Clay and Buck yesterday and I paraphrase " if the board of directors - of which a majority of 6 members out of 9 were appointed by DJT, who is to say that this board can suspend the 6 month rule for a payment DJT can take and pay NY court?" i say that would be interesting no?
  16. NY appellate court = 🎵 meet the new boss .. same as the old boss they tore down the eighth ammendment, or covered it up with an obama picture
  17. geez pecker hes a climate activist to boot - look it up should give you a woody ... his lawyering in the past includes going after big bad polluting industries
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