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Everything posted by FairHooker11

  1. and still didnt understand her problem ...
  2. Bidone campaign so far 🤣😂
  3. do you ASSHATS who claim a fu#*ed up sense of intellectual superiority because of MSM outlets unruly grip on your collective pea brains know this? tossed out another* reporter - Catherine Herridge who was working on something too close to the truth it seems https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/cbs-seizes-confidential-files-of-fired-reporter-pursuing-hunter-biden-laptop-story-in-unprecedented-move-sources/ar-BB1iJqVA remember too, Sharyl Attkisson (resigned CBS 2014) after years of then Obama era surveillance and harassment started when she dared to investigate Benghazi and the treasonous obama / clinton group. Lara Logan (another investigative reporter) left CBS and chose to be independent (for reasons not researched here - but for no doubt stepping out of line with its overlords )
  4. "vote twice? you would get prosecuted" Nevada has 130k instances of voter fraud and No prosecutions... so voter fraud didnt happen right cccp? 🤡 cue up Arizona Georgia Pennsylvania ...
  5. YAWN -im pretty sure the $$ gets pulled out of GOP petty cash ... anything else?
  6. and a thread "pinned" for your convenience you two have a room for yourselves LOL
  7. they are mostly independent with principals and a choice. to your point, company-hired drivers can only hope to boycott NYC if they so choose?
  8. what mistake? I said you are an idiot propagandist and Israel's wall is fraught with Hamas tunnels dont you read?
  9. if you and jack Smith were the same person id say that Trump legal defense has nothing to worry about. but of course, you are not - still true my assertion is the same.
  10. thats Iron Dome you moron - and the wall in Israel (infested with Hamas tunnels) usually gets flooded to root out the murderous scum and expose idiot propagandists like you
  11. The left is hard up for headlines.. this time it's take out an FBI stooge and call it a crime. anyways here's this for fun
  12. if only Ray Farmer couldve *texted shanny and give him Romos advice about going out on defense for OT 1st?
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